Enrolment and Examinations
Course and Program Enrolment, Examinations
Students are academically and financially responsible for all course enrolments and fees incurred.
Students who wish to withdraw from a program of study must formally withdraw in writing at the Office of the Registrar Client Services located in the ServiceHub (POD 150) or wish to withdraw from course(s) must do so online via RAMSS (my.ryerson.ca (opens in new window) ) by the appropriate University deadline dates.
Students will not be dropped from a course(s) or program of study for non-attendance and/or non-payment. In addition, non-attendance does not warrant the removal of a course enrolment(s) and/or fee charge.
Please see Program Withdrawal or Discontinuation (below) for complete information on the Undergraduate withdrawal process (Permanent, Short Term and Course Withdrawal) and appropriate deadline dates. Please refer to the current Chang School calendar for appropriate drop deadline dates for courses offered through The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education (opens in new window) .
Please note that late fee service charges will be assessed and applied to any unpaid balance in a students’ account. A $50.00 charge will apply for all cheques, and credit card payments not honoured by a banking institution.
Students are encouraged to review the curriculum requirements for each semester of their program. Course loads will vary by individual program, and may also vary by semester within a program. In general, however:
- Full-time undergraduate students take between 4 and 7 courses per semester.
- Part-time undergraduate students take between 1 and 3 courses per semester.
See also Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) course load definitions.
Students admitted to the first semester of a full-time program and with a confirmed Offer of Admission before the end of July, will automatically be enrolled into their first year required courses and are only required to enrol in their Elective courses. Enrolment into their Elective courses must be completed online via RAMSS (my.ryerson.ca (opens in new window) ) during the open enrolment period in August.
When making schedule changes (adds, drops and swaps) students are advised to make careful choices that take into account possible liberal studies restrictions and course prerequisites.
To assist in determining which courses to choose and to ensure that the courses selected will be used toward degree requirements, students should run an Advisement Report in addition to consulting the current Undergraduate Academic Calendar. Advisement Reports are available for all Undergraduate full-time students and are available via RAMSS (my.ryerson.ca). See How to View My Advisement Report (opens in new window) .
It is recommended that students enrol using the "My Classes Offered" class search option from the Student Centre to display and select from the Fall and Winter offered course selections. This function will display, by term, only the courses that are offered to their program and plan. See How to Enroll from My Classes Offered (opens in new window) for step-by-step instructions.
Course Intention is the process where returning students indicate the courses they wish to take in the next academic year.
The Course Intention process occurs in early March via RAMSS (my.ryerson.ca (opens in new window) ).
Course Intentions are essential in assisting faculties and staff with their course planning for the next academic year. The number of classes of a particular subject are established based on the courses students choose during the course intention period.
When participating in the Course Intention process, students must ensure that they complete the transaction in their Shopping Cart (by selecting "Finish Enrolling"). Course Intention selections added to a student’s Shopping Cart but not completed will not be recorded and therefore will not be taken into consideration when preparing a student’s schedule. See How to Enroll from My Classes Offered (opens in new window) for step-by-step instructions.
Students will not be allowed to enrol in courses unless they have passed the prerequisite courses. Other program-specific restrictions may also apply. Students with outstanding fees from previous terms will be prohibited from further enrolment, until satisfactory payment arrangements have been made.
For more details and instructions, see What is Course Intention? (opens in new window)
- Students must make sure they meet the enrolment criteria for each course in which they are enrolled, including prerequisites, antirequisites, co-requisites and restrictions. Also, students must make sure that course enrolments are correct and applicable for the graduation requirements of their degree program and plan of study.
- Students must remember that they are financially and academically responsible for each course in which they enrol.
- Students are advised to run an Advisement Report (opens in new window) before enrolling in courses, to determine program requirements, and again after enrolling in courses, to make sure that enrolled courses fulfil requirements.
- It is recommended that students enrol using the My Classes Offered (opens in new window) from the Student Centre to display and select the Fall and Winter courses. This function will display, by term, only the courses that are offered to their program and plan.
- Before enrolling in a course, a student must verify the relevance of the course to their curriculum requirements. For instance, some Sociology courses are classified in the Calendar as liberal studies (LL) and (UL). Students must make sure they are enrolling in the correct classification of a course. This can be verified on the Advisement Report.
- Course offerings may vary from term to term. All courses listed within a table under a particular program may not necessarily be offered in all terms.
- Students are encouraged to enrol in courses applicable to their program curriculum. Program departments reserve the right to remove and de-enrol any student enrolled in required courses designated to their respective program department.
- Some course enrolment adjustments must be authorized by the student's program department, and all must be initiated by the dates listed in this Calendar. Students are permitted to make changes to their course enrolment during the specified period each term - see Significant Dates for enrolment and drop deadlines.
- Course Intention and Section Confirmation: Students have full access to RAMSS to verify the courses and sections in which they are enrolled. Students must verify this information by the deadline to add courses for the appropriate term. Students must make any necessary corrections on RAMSS or with their program department within two weeks. A $100 (subject to change) Addition to Enrolment Record fee may be levied for each course or grade added to a student’s enrolment after the deadline dates. Students are academically and financially responsible for all courses selected, unless they make corrections by the designated deadline.
- Students wishing to drop courses without academic penalty should consult the Significant Dates section of this Calendar for deadline dates.
- Courses Not Counted and Course Replacement: Students must submit a (PDF file) GPA Adjustment Form to Student Records c/o the ServiceHub (POD 150) by the final date to add a course for the term, to advise which courses are being substituted for previously failed courses, or of courses which are not in their curriculum. For more information see GPA Adjustment Requests (opens in new window) . For the policy concerning grade point averages, see Senate Policy #46.
- Students will obtain final grades at the end of term only for those courses in which they are officially enrolled. The student is responsible for ensuring that they are officially enrolled in courses being taken. A $15 (subject to change) search fee for each course may be charged if students have not enrolled properly but have attended classes. There is no guarantee that grades may be found by this search.
- Program Change, Course Directive and Course Substitution: Students must complete the curriculum for their program as outlined in this Calendar, as specified below.
It is the responsibility of each Full-time undergraduate student to access the new online Undergraduate Calendar at https://www.torontomu.ca/calendar each year, and follow the curriculum as stated.
It is the responsibility of each Part-time undergraduate student to complete the curriculum for their program as set out in the edition of the Undergraduate Calendar of the year they were admitted to their program, unless stated otherwise.
Any requests for course directives and course substitutions or other changes to program requirements must be approved by the Chair or Director of both the appropriate program and teaching departments. Course Directive and Course Substitution forms are available online at the Office of the Registrar's Forms for Students page. Failure to obtain written permission on the appropriate form and within the established deadline will result in ineligibility to graduate. - No course can be repeated more than twice (three completions in total when the original attempt is included). If at least one of the course attempts results in a passing grade, the course will count towards graduation requirements irrespective of the sequence of grades earned. A student will receive a PERMANENT PROGRAM WITHDRAWAL Standing after three failures in the same course. Equivalent courses taken and failed elsewhere under a Letter of Permission will also be included in the three failure count.
Ted Rogers School of Business Management
Full-time students are limited to enrol in a maximum of seven credit courses each semester, including Chang School courses. Exceptions may be made only with the prior approval of the Ted Rogers School of Business Management.
The Ted Rogers School of Business Management students who enrol in one or more courses in excess of the above mentioned regulations will have their courses reduced accordingly at the discretion of the School.
Withdrawal in Good Academic Standing
Students who wish to withdraw from their program for any reason should initiate their withdrawal by completing the Application to Withdraw form found online at the Office of the Registrar's Forms for Students page (opens in new window) . Options are:
- Application to Withdraw - Short Term
- Application to Withdraw - Permanent
Students are considered officially Withdrawn, in Good Academic Standing, when they obtain the appropriate signatures and return the completed application to The Office of the Registrar Client Services the ServiceHub (POD 150) by the appropriate deadline date. Please refer to the Significant Dates section of this calendar for deadlines. If a student wishes to re-enter the program later, an application for re-admission must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Re-admission is not guaranteed.
See also the program withdrawal section in the Student Guide (opens in new window) .
Program Discontinuation/Stop Out/Non Return
Students who decide not to return to Ryerson after completion of the academic year and have completed the course intention process for the next academic year must inform the Office of the Registrar Client Services located in the ServiceHub (POD 150) in writing by the published deadlines as outlined in the Significant Dates section in this calendar.
Students are academically and financially responsible for all courses and charges, unless the University has been notified in writing by the appropriate deadline dates.
Inactive status: Undergraduate program students who do not have any course enrolments for more than three semesters will be deemed inactive and ineligible to enrol in courses. Inactive students may contact their program department requesting to be re-activated for the specific term and become eligible to enrol.
Discontinued status: Students who do not enrol and complete a course for more than six semesters will be discontinued from their program. Students who have been discontinued from their program, must apply for re-admission through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment. Re-admission is not guaranteed.
Academic Standing - Program Withdrawal
Based on their overall academic performance, students may be assigned one of the following Academic Standings at the end of an academic term:
- Required To Withdraw (RTW)
- Standing Variation Withdrawal (SVW)
- Permanent Program Withdrawal (PPW)
See Academic Standings for further information about the criteria for and outcomes of these Academic Standings.
Students should be aware that even though they are not attending Ryerson for one or more semesters, they continue to use up the timespan calculated to complete their program of study.
For more information on timespan, please refer to the Graduation Requirements section of this calendar.
All current undergraduate courses are designated by an alpha-numeric course code, for example “ABC 123” and “ABC 12A/B”.
- The first three letters identify the subject area.
- Course codes with three numerals indicate single-term courses.
- Course codes with two numerals and an “A/B” indicate multi-term courses.
- The first half of a multi-term course is “A” and the second half is “B”.
- The final grade is assigned only to the “B” portion of the course.
- The “A” portion of a multi-term course is ungraded and does not appear on a student's transcript.
- The first half of a multi-term course is “A” and the second half is “B”.
Examination Schedules are posted approximately one month before examinations at ryerson.ca/registrar/students/exams (opens in new window) and on RAMSS.
Students should familiarize themselves with the full Examination Policy which is found on the Senate website: (PDF file) Senate Policy 135 - Examination
Also, refer to the Office of the Registrar website to learn about exam locations, schedules and conflicts.
Below, we highlight Article IV of the Examination Policy - Student Responsibilities:
General Policy
Students must consider and respect other students’ sensibilities such as stress caused by noise, intense scents, etc. Students are also expected to familiarize themselves with all pertinent information regarding examinations and to adhere to the following rules of examination conduct. Students are expected to:
- Arrive at the examination site on time;
- Refrain from any form of communication with other students upon commencement of the examination, unless communication skills are being evaluated;
- Bring into the examination location only those aids/resources that have been specified by the course instructor;
- Refrain from bringing cellular phones, personal audio equipment, and other electronic devices into the examination room unless specifically permitted by the course instructor;
- Refrain from bringing food into the examination room, unless it is medically necessary in which case consumption of food and beverage must be done in a non-disruptive manner;
- Abide by (PDF file) Policy 60: Academic Integrity and not cheat.
Final Exam Specific Responsibilities
In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, students are to respect the following guidelines:
- No student will be admitted more than 30 minutes after the exam has commenced. No student may leave within the first 30 minutes after the exam has commenced.
- Those arriving later will be directed to the teaching department to petition for alternative arrangements. Petitions are to be filed with the department no later than the following business day except when medical/emergency circumstances do not permit this deadline to be met. In such cases, the student is responsible to provide appropriate documentation. Such petitions will arise in cases where through emergency, illness, error, or oversight, students have arrived more than 30 minutes late for an examination or have missed the examination entirely.
- No student is to leave the exam room during the last 15 minutes of an examination.
- Each student must submit all required exam materials before leaving the exam room.
- Students may bring into the exam room only those aids/resources that have been specified by the course instructor(s). (To be specified on course outline or by announcement in class at least two weeks before the end of classes.)
- All coats and bags must be placed in such a manner as to be inaccessible to the student while the examination is in progress. Students should be cautioned in advance against bringing anything of value to the examination room, noting that the University accepts no liability for lost and stolen items. Students should also be reminded that in an emergency (e.g., fire alarm) they might not be able to pick up coats, bags, and other personal belongings.
- All students must display a valid and relevant student photo-identification card (OneCard (opens in new window) ) during the course of an examination. In the case of Continuing Education students, a driver’s license or other verifiable form of photo-identification must be provided.
- In case of a personal emergency of any sort (e.g., illness) students are to inform an invigilator of their circumstance and request assistance or permission to leave the exam room, as circumstances warrant. Only one student will be allowed to use the washroom at a time.
- Students have a right to ask an invigilator for clarification if aspects of the examination are unclear, but should be aware that invigilators will not answer any question that is deemed to infringe on exam integrity.
- In the case of externally generated emergencies such as fire alarms, students will, in an orderly manner, follow the directions of the invigilator and evacuate the exam room, and return to the exam room when the emergency has been cleared. All exam materials must be left in the exam room during such emergency. In Continuing Education, examination papers will be collected by the instructor/invigilator. If the exam is to be continued in an alternate exam location, students will go immediately to the assigned alternate exam location.
Electronic Examination Student Responsibilities
- Upon notification from instructor, at least two-weeks before examination date, students must immediately ensure that any required resources (e.g., individual accounts on system, specific applications, file space, etc.) are valid and that they can be accessed.
- Students will abide by any restrictions established by their School, Department or Graduate Program regarding the use of applications or resources normally available on networked computers such as e-mail, Internet access or data files.
- Unless explicitly required by the examination instructions, electronic communication is not permitted during the examination or while in the examination room.
- If a student is required to leave the examination room, the student must ensure that any work completed or in progress is saved before leaving the room in all but emergencies.