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Global Narratives Minor

Minor in Global Narratives

The Minor in Global Narratives is designed to give students the opportunity to study transnational narratives, world literature, and international media studies from interdisciplinary and global perspectives. Students develop an enhanced understanding of regional and global issues, gain expertise in media studies, and investigate the convergence of communication and cultural productions at global crossroads.

Administered by: RTA School of Media and Department of English

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required courses (2):

ENG 110 Literatures Across Borders
RTA 988 International Media Storytelling

Plus two (2) of the following:

ENG 203 The Literature of Native Peoples
ENG 223 Literatures of Exile and Migration
ENG 408 World Literatures
ENG 413 Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures
ENG 416 American Literatures
ENG 417 Special Topics in American Literatures
ENG 620 English Caribbean Literatures and Cultures
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
ENG 640 Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas
ENG 921 Narrative in a Digital Age
ENG 942 Postcolonial Interventions

Plus two (2) of the following:

RTA 903 News and Current Affairs Theory
RTA 918 Ethics in Media
RTA 920 Visual Storytelling: Video Production
RTA 928 Gaming Theory and Practice
RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
RTA 939 Indigenous Media
RTA 940 Canadian Televisual Studies

Students in the English, English and History Double Major, and English and Philosophy Double Major programs may count a maximum of 3 ENG coded courses toward completion of the minor, one of which will be the required English course ENG 110.

Students in the Media Production program may count a maximum of 3 RTA coded courses toward completion of the minor, one of which will be the required RTA course RTA 988.

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 2 (opens in new window) , Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.