Chemistry Minor
Minor in Chemistry
The objective of the Minor in Chemistry is to provide students with the opportunity to gain additional knowledge and skills in chemistry, and at the same time, provide additional options for students still wishing to have an emphasis in another field of science (e.g. Biology). This Minor is also intended to provide students with additional qualifications, thereby enhancing their options in science-related careers and graduate studies, particularly in fields such as biotechnology and the environmental sciences.
Administered by: Department of Chemistry and Biology
Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:
- Chemistry - all options
To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
Required courses (2):
CHY 142 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHY 213 | Analytical Chemistry I |
CHY 223 | Analytical Chemistry II |
CHY 242 | Organic Chemistry II |
CHY 330 | Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy |
CHY 339 | Characterization of Organic Compounds |
CHY 344 | Inorganic Chemistry |
CHY 381 | Physical Chemistry I |
CHY 382 | Physical Chemistry II |
CHY 399 | Property-Directed Integrated Laboratory |
CHY 431 | Applied Analytical Chemistry |
CHY 434 | Analytical Chemistry of Complex Samples |
CHY 435 | Advanced Chemical Instrumentation |
CHY 436 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
CHY 437 | Organic Chemistry |
CHY 445 | Materials Chemistry |
CHY 449 | Inorganic Chemistry II |
CHY 501 | Polymer Chemistry |
CHY 600 | Organic Reaction Mechanisms |
CHY 706 | Computational and Quantum Chemistry |
Please see (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.