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Urban and Regional Planning Professional Table I

Professional Table I

Professional courses are offered on a rotational basis.

PLE 515 Environmental Planning
PLE 525 Urban Transportation Planning
PLE 535 Housing
PLE 545 History of City Development
PLE 555 Site Planning I
PLE 565 Community Sustainable Development
PLE 625 Advanced Transportation Planning
PLE 635 Feasibility Analysis of Development
PLE 655 Site Planning II
PLE 665 Regional Planning Seminar
PLE 715 Environmental Assessment
PLE 725 Multicultural Cities and Public Policies
PLE 735 Private Development Seminar
PLE 745 Selected Topics in Planning
PLE 755 Contemporary Urban Design
PLE 765 International Development
PLE 775 Independent Study
PLE 785 Field Placement
PLE 806 Senior Research Paper
PLE 815 Facility Siting and Env. Risk Assessment
PLE 825 Planning Design and Technology
PLE 835 Ecological Design
PLE 845 Selected Topics in Planning
PLE 855 Strategic Planning
PLE 875 Independent Study
PLE 885 International Field Camp
PLE 895 Conflict Resolution and Dispute Negotiation