Optional Specialization in Management Sciences
Students who opt for this specialization will gain a solid foundation in management science courses, specifically tailored to better prepare them for a career in engineering or applied science management or for graduate studies in management related specializations (e.g. MBA). Students must complete all first year courses and obtain a CLEAR Standing to be eligible to enrol in this specialization.
Furthermore, in order to continue taking courses within the specialization, students must maintain their CLEAR Standing. Students' CGPAs will continue to be calculated based only on their required program courses and separate CGPAs will be computed for courses in the specialization. In order to have the specialization designation reflected on their degrees, students must successfully complete all six courses in the specialization with a CGPA of 1.67 or more before graduation.
Courses within the optional specialization cover four major areas in management sciences: Strategic Engineering Management, Operations Management/Operations Research, Finance and Organizational Behaviour. Required courses include: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management, Operations Management, Managerial Accounting, and Organization Design & Dynamics. Elective courses span the following: Investment Analysis, Management Information Systems, Operations Research and Project Management.
To receive this Optional Specialization, you must complete the following curriculum:
ELECTIVE COURSES: Two of the following:
Courses are only offered in the Spring (May-July) term. All required courses are prerequisite to the corresponding elective courses. For example, EMS 201 is a prerequisite to EMS 301 . Additional prerequisites may be required. See the course description pages for details.
Contact the First-Year and Common Engineering Office (FYCEO) for more information.