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Tourism Minor

Minor in Tourism

Revised 2017-2018. Students admitted before Fall 2017 may follow this curriculum or the one published in the 2016-2017 calendar (opens in new window) .

The Tourism Minor is intended to provide a complementary area of study for students who wish to understand the nature, content, and structure of tourism experiences and operations. Whether it is from a personal perspective fostering critical reflection of our own motivations and behaviours, or disciplinary lenses that consider a range of outcomes of tourism activity (e.g., economic, social, environmental), tourism is a context ripe for examination.

The operating sectors of tourism are typically listed as attractions, events, travel trade (e.g., tour operators), accommodation, transportation, adventure recreation, entertainment, food services, and tourism services (e.g., planning).

Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required course (1):

HTT 150 Tourism Demand, Supply and Distribution

Plus five (5) from the following:

CRB 100 Introduction to the Caribbean
GEO 631 Exploration in Travel and Tourism
HTH 700 Professional Ethics in Hosp/Tourism
HTI 746 Destination Management Systems
HTL 503 Meeting and Convention Management
HTT 501 Introduction to the Gaming Industry
HTT 509 Who makes the rules? Issues in Tourism
HTT 510 Sustainable Tourism: the Golden Goose?
HTT 605 Business Aspects of Incentive Travel
HTT 607 Event Management
HTT 622 Destination Management and Marketing

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.