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Real Estate Management Minor

Minor in Real Estate Management

The Minor in Real Estate Management will offer students the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills in real estate. Real estate propels the economy, and this minor allows students to gain the expertise to excel in this bustling arena in both housing and commercial property.

Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Real Estate Management Department

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

For Urban and Regional Planning students, a maximum of two Planning courses can be applied to the Minor.

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required course (1):

REM 300 Introduction to Real Estate Management

Plus one (1) of the following:

PLX 333 City Building: Planning for Non-Planners
PLG 100 Intro to Urban and Regional Planning

PLX 333 is not available to students in Urban and Regional Planning.
PLG 100 is only open to students in Urban and Regional Planning

Plus one (1) of the following:

REM 400 Real Estate Finance I
PLE 635 Feasibility Analysis of Development

Plus three (3) courses from the tables below, as indicated:

Group 1: Minimum two (2), maximum three (3) of the following:

LAW 703 Real Estate Law
REM 420 Sustainability in Real Estate
REM 500 Real Estate Development and Project Mgmt
REM 520 Real Estate Economics I
REM 600 Housing and Construction Management
REM 620 Real Estate Finance II
REM 660 Real Estate Strategic Management
REM 700 Real Estate Valuation
REM 750 Real Estate Economics II

Group 2: Minimum zero (0), maximum one (1) of the following:

GEO 151 Location, Location, Location
GEO 231 Principles of Demography
GEO 719 GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions
PLE 565 Community Sustainable Development
PLE 755 Contemporary Urban Design
PLE 815 Facility Siting and Env. Risk Assessment

Students must complete six (6) courses: if one course is chosen from Group 2, then two courses must be chosen from Group 1. If zero courses are chosen from Group 2, then three courses must be chosen from Group 1.

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.