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Politics Minor

Minor in Politics

The Minor in Politics provides students with understanding of the political world. The Minor in Politics is comprised of several courses drawn from each of the sub-fields represented in the Politics and Governance program: Canadian, Comparative, Global, Policy and Theory. Students may select a configuration of courses that provides depth in one sub-field or a cross-section of several. Most courses have prerequisites that are also part of the Minor. Consult the course descriptions to determine the sub-field and prerequisite(s) of each course.

Administered by: Department of Politics and Public Administration

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

A maximum of two (2) courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be selected to satisfy the requirements of this minor.

A minimum of two (2) to a maximum of four (4) of the following:

POG 100 People, Power and Politics
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
  (or POL 102 Political Processes in Canada)
  (or PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government)
POG 210 Power and Authority in Canada
  (or PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government)
  (or POL 101 Canadian Political Institutions)
POG 214 Controversial Policy Topics
  (PPA 211 Public Policy)
POG 225 Global Governance
POG 235 Western Political Thought
POG 240 Intro to Comparative Politics
POG 320 Social Identity and Citizenship
POL 106* The Politics of Human Needs
POL 128* Politics and Film
POL 129* Immigration and Settlement in Canada
POL 203* Politics of the Environment
POL 208* Globalization and World Politics

A minimum of two (2) to a maximum of four (4) from the following:

INP 900 Understanding the Nonprofit Sector
POG 310 Provincial Politics
  (or PPA 121 Ontario Politics and Government)
POG 313 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
POG 315 Equity and Human Rights in Canada
  (or PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State)
POG 316 Social Policy
POG 317 Education Politics and Policy
POG 323 The Politics of International Development
POG 324 Global Political Economy
POG 410 Canadian Urban Politics
  (or PPA 122 Local Politics and Government)
  (or POL 123 Urban Government in Canada)
POG 411 Canadian Foreign Policy
POG 412 Government and the Economy
POG 415 Environmental Politics and Policy
POG 416 The Politics of Canadian Federalism
  (or PPA 425 Intergovernmental Relations)
POG 417 Canadian-American Relations
POG 423 Nationalism and Identity
POG 424 Human Rights and Global Politics
POG 425 Regional Economic and Political Integration
POG 426 Global Conflict and Peace
POG 430 Contemporary Political Thought
POG 431 Power, Domination and Resistance
POG 440 Indigenous Governance/Justice
  (or CRM 400 Indigenous Governance/Justice)
  (or PPA 124 Indigenous Politics and Governance)
POG 442 Women and Comparative Politics
POG 443 Global Cities
POG 444 Politics, Media and Technology
POG 446 Voters, Elections and Parties
POL 377 Urban Sustainability Policy
POL 501* Women, Power and Politics
POL 507* Power, Change and Technology
POL 510* The Politics of Sexual Diversity
POL 511* Well-being and Opportunity in Canada
POL 540* Issues in Third World Politics
POL 588* Neoliberalism and its Alternatives
POL 601* Social Movements and Politics
POL 607* Politics of Technology and Globalization
POL 688* Colonialism and Imperialism
POL 720* Canada in the Continent

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.