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Film (Cinema) Studies Minor

Minor in Film (Cinema) Studies

The Film (Cinema) Studies Minor will provide students with lectures and screenings aimed at developing an overview of the cinema. Courses include a survey of the history of film, as well as those in national, independent and world cinemas, and animation. The Minor is intended for students who wish to understand the various aesthetic and historical components of the cinema.

Required courses focus on the history and critical reception of the cinema, including technological innovations and alternative production arrangements that have engendered independent, artistic and commercial aspects of the medium. Before commencing courses in the minor, students are advised to consult the School of Image Arts web site for further information.

Administered by: School of Image Arts

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required courses (2):

MPF 290 Introduction to Film Studies
NPF 565 Contemporary Canadian Cinema

Plus four (4) of the following:

HST 119 Rise of Empires: History Through Film
HST 219 Decolonization: History Through Film
MPF 327 Film History and Criticism to 1945
MPF 427 Film History and Criticism since 1945
NPF 188 From Page to Screen
NPF 505 Independent Cinema I
NPF 557 Topics in Film
NPF 560 Adv Topics in Film History and Theory
NPF 563 Directors and Composers - 1940 to Present
NPF 564 Contemporary World Cinema
NPF 566 History of Animation
NPF 605 Independent Cinema II
PHL 710 Philosophy and Film
POL 128 Politics and Film

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.