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Business Essentials Minor

Minor in Business Essentials

This Minor is designed to enhance employment opportunities for students who are not enrolled in programs in the Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM) through the development of broad-based business knowledge and skills.

Specifically, it provides a fundamental understanding of the structure of business and the operation of the market-place both nationally and globally, an introduction to the terms, concepts, and nomenclature of business, basic knowledge about the functional areas of business (e.g. accounting, marketing) and how they are integrated for strategic decision-making, and an appreciation of the importance of finance and accounting in business success.

The Minor consists of three required courses that are integrated and team taught. Two of these required courses are foundational, and the third one is a final capstone course. In addition, students may choose up to three electives from eight offerings to deepen their understanding of business.

Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Strategy Department

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required courses (3):

BSM 100 The New Business: From Idea to Reality
BSM 200 The Growing Business: Breaking Even
BSM 600 The Mature Business

Plus three (3) of the following courses:

ACC 340 Financial Management
ENT 500 New Venture Startup
ENT 505 Small-Business Management
GMS 410 Management-Large Corporation
GMS 455 Project Planning and Delivery
GMS 520 International Business
ITM 350 Concepts of e-Business
MKT 310 Marketing Plans

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.