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Faculty & Academic Credentials

The academic calendar is the official Ryerson public document on matters of faculty credentials.

The lists of faculty members and their credentials are updated once annually in March according to  (word file) Ryerson Senate Policy 86 (opens in new window)  (Policy and Procedures for Verification of Faculty Credentials Published in the Ryerson Calendar).

The names of awarding institutions have been abbreviated in accordance with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Yearbook. Awards have been abbreviated based on the practice of the awarding institution where such practice could be confirmed. Otherwise, awards have been printed in full or abbreviated based on the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Yearbook. 


Atak, Idil., Assistant Professor, Criminology
BA, Bogazici University, MA, Marmara University, LLD, Montr.

Horner, Dan, Assistant Professor, Criminology
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, PhD, York(Can.)

Hudson, Graham, Associate Professor, Criminology
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), LLM, Qu. JD, Tor., PhD, York (Can.)

Jung, Seyun Maria, Assistant Professor, Criminology
BA (Hons.), MA, Tor.

Landau, Tammy, Associate Professor, Criminology
BSc, MA, PhD, Tor.

Orlova, Alexandra, Associate Professor, Criminology
LLB, PhD, York (Can.)

Singh, Anne-Marie, Associate Professor, Criminology
BA, MA, Tor., PhD, Lond.

Sprott, Jane B., Professor, Criminology
BA, Wat., MA, PhD, Tor.

Thompson, Sara, Associate Professor, Criminology
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, Tor.

van der Meulen, Emily, Associate Professor, Criminology
BA (Hons.), Trent, MEd, Qu., PhD, York (Can.)

Varma, Kimberly, Associate Professor, Criminology
BA, W. Laur., MA, PhD, Tor.


Angyridis, Constantine, Associate Professor, Economics
BSc, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, MA, York (Can.), PhD, Tor.

Bajona, Claustre (Maria), Associate Professor, Economics
BS, Universitat de Barcelona, MA, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, PhD, Minn.

Barbiero, Thomas P., Professor, Economics
BA, MA, PhD, Tor.

Benarroch, Michael, Professor, Economics
Provost and Vice-President, Academic (July 1, 2017)
BA(Hons), Winn, MA, W.Ont., PhD, Car.

Chisik, Richard, Associate Professor, Economics
BA, Mich. State, MA, PhD, Northwestern

Galaabaatar, Tsogbadral, Assistant Professor, Economics
BA, MA, Hitotsubashi University, MA, PhD, Johns H.

Isbister, John, Professor, Economics
BA (Hons.), Qu., PhD, Prin.

Kam, A. Eric, Associate Professor, Economics
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Kim, Min Seong, Associate Professor, Economics
BA, Seoul National University, MSc, PhD, Calif.

Michelis, Leo, Professor, Economics
BA, MA, York (Can.), PhD, Qu.

Missios, Paul, Associate Professor, Economics
BComm, Tor., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Ning, Qiao (Cathy), Associate Professor, Economics
BS, University of Science and Technology of China, MA, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, MA, York (Can.), PhD, W. Ont.

Peng, Amy (Chen), Associate Professor, Economics
BA, Hebei Economy and Trade University, China, MA, PhD, Guelph

Pique, Ricardo, Assistant Professor, Economics
BA, MA, Universidad del Pacifico, Peru, MA, PhD, Northwestern University

Pupato, Germán, Assistant Professor, Economics
BA (Hons.), MA, Universidad de San Andres, PhD, Br. Col.

Roche, Maurice, Professor, Economics
BA, MA, University College Dublin, PhD, Qu.

Sen, Debapriya, Associate Professor, Economics
BSc (Hons.), Calc., MStats, I. Stat. I., MA, PhD, N.Y. State

Stacey, Derek, Assistant Professor, Economics
BBA, Nipissing University, MA, PhD, Qu.

Thompson, Brennan, Associate Professor, Economics
BComm (Hons.), Ryerson, MA, York (Can.), PhD Guelph

Tschopp, Jeanne, Assistant Professor, Economics
Licence de Sciences Economiques, PhD, Lausanne

Wang, Yu, Assistant Professor, Economics
PhD, Penn.

Yildiz, Halis, Associate Professor, Economics
BS, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey, MA, PhD, Southern Methodist University

Yu, Haomiao, Associate Professor, Economics
BS, University of Science and Technology of China, MSc, National University of Singapore, MA, PhD, Johns. H.


Boyd, Jason, Associate Professor, English
Co-director, Centre for Digital Humanities
BA (Hons.) C'dia, MA, Montr. PhD, Tor.

Burwell, Jennifer, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.), Qu., MA, PhD, Northwestern University

Derkatch, Colleen, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.) Br. Col., MA, Qu., PhD, Br. Col.

Fisher, Laura, Assistant Professor, English
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, PhD, New York University 

Gammel, Irene, Professor, English
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Modern Literature and Culture
MA, PhD, McM.

Henstra, Sarah, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.), McM., MA, W. Ont., PhD, Tor.

Janzen Kooistra, Lorraine, Professor, English
BA (Hons.), Brock, MA, PhD, McM.

Lee-Loy, Anne-Marie, Associate Professor, English
Undergraduate Program Director
BA (Hons.), MA, Car., PhD, Warw

Naghibi, Nima, Associate Professor, English
BA, Tor., MA, Guelph, PhD, Alta.

O'Malley, Andrew, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, Tor., PhD, Alta.

Panofsky, Ruth, Professor, English
BA (Hons.), Car., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Podnieks, Elizabeth, Professor, English
BA, McG., MA, PhD, Tor.

Rollins, Jonathan, Assistant Professor, English
BA (Hons.), Ott., MA, PhD, Tor.

Sapra, Rahul, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.), MA, MPhil, Delhi University, PhD, Qu.

Simpson, Hyacinth, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.), MPhil, WI(Mona), PhD, York(Can.)

Smith, Dale, Associate Professor, English
BA, University of Texas, MA, New College of California, PhD, University of Texas

Thomas, Sophie, Associate Professor, English
BA (Hons.), S. Fraser, MA, Tor., DPhil, Oxf.

Tschofen, Monique, Associate Professor, English
BA, PhD, Alta.

Adjunct Professors

Howsam, Leslie, Adjunct Professor, English

Geography and Environmental Studies

Atkinson, David, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BES (Hons.), MES, Wat., PhD, Qu.

Bardecki, Michal, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA, MSc, Guelph, PhD, York (Can.)

Bauder, Harald, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA, MA, Wayne State University, PhD, W. Laur.

Ceh, Brian, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BES, Wat., MA, W. Laur., PhD, W. Ont.

Coppack, Philip, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BES (Hons.), MA, PhD, Wat.

de Noronha Vaz, Eric, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
EMA, Euromaster GI, MSc (Hons.), PhD, New University of Lisbon

Edge, Sara, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA (Hons.), McM, MEnvSt, Wat., PhD, McM.

Forsythe, K. Wayne, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BSc (Hons.), Sask., MSc, Calg., DPhil, Salzburg

Fullerton, Larry, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA, MA, York (Can.)

Ghosh, Sutama, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA (Hons.), Calc., MA, J. Nehru U., PhD, York (Can.)

Hernandez, Juan Antonio (Tony), Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
Eaton Chair in Retailing
BA (Hons.), Staffordshire, MSc, Leic., PhD, Manchester Metropolitan

Jacobs, A. Hersch, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA, Brock, MA, Car., PhD, Tor.

Millward, Andrew, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BSc, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Wat.

Oiamo, Tor, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA (Hons.), BSc (Hons.), PhD, W. Ont.

Oswald, Claire, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BSc (Hons.), MSc, McM., PhD, Tor.

Rinner, Claus, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
Vordiplom, Diplom, University of Osnabrück, Dr. rer. nat., Bonn

Shaker, Richard, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BSc,  Wisconsin-La Crosse, MSc, PhD,  Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Swales, Stephen, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA (Hons.) Liv., MA, Calg.

Wang, Lu, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BSc, East China Normal University, BSc, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD, York (Can.)

Wang, Shuguang, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BSc, Shangdong Teachers’ University, MA, PhD, Alta.

Adjunct Professors

Lea, Anthony, Adjunct Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies
BA, MA, PhD, Tor.


Benn, Carl, Professor, History
BA, MDiv, Tor., PhD, York (Can.)

Blake, Art, Associate Professor, History
BA (Hons.), Sus, PhD, American University

Carson, Jennifer, Associate Professor, History
BA, MA, W. Ont., PhD, Tor.

Ellis, Catherine, Associate Professor, History
BA (Hons.), Dal., DPhil, Oxf.

Gao, Yunxiang, Associate Professor, History
BA, Inner Mongolian Normal University, MA, Beijing University, MA, PhD, Iowa

Greig, Martin, Associate Professor, History
BA, Tor., MA, Qu., PhD, Camb.

Hehmeyer, Ingrid, Associate Professor, History
Pharmacist's License, Diploma in Agriculture, DAgrSc, University of Bonn

Hubbard, Jennifer, Associate Professor, History
BSc (Hons.), New Br., MA, PhD, Tor.

Jardim, Tomaz, Assistant Professor, History
BA (Hons.), Trent, MA. PhD, Tor.

Kislenko, Arne, Associate Professor, History
BA (Hons.), MA, W. Ont., PhD, Tor.

Li, Jean, Assistant Professor, History
BSc (Hons.), Tor., MA, PhD, Calif. (Berkeley)

MacKenzie, David, Professor, History
BA, McG., MA, PhD, Tor.

Morgan, John, Professor, History
BA, York (Can.), MA, DipEd, W. Ont., PhD, Camb.

Mukherjee, Janam, Assistant Professor, History
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, Mich. (AnnArbor)

Power, Joan, Professor, History
BA, Tor., MA, PhD, Dal.

Stagg, Ronald, Professor, History
BA, MA, PhD, Tor

Teigrob, Robert, Associate Professor, History
BA (Hons.), Winn., MA, S.U.N.Y. (Albany), PhD, New Mexico

Vejdani, Farzin, Assistant Professor, History
BA, McG., MA, PhD, Yale

Adjunct Professors

Carter, William Michael, Adjunct Professor, History
MEd, Toronto

Fair, Ross, Adjunct Professor, History
BA, MA, Waterloo, PhD, Qu.

Radovac, Lilian, Adjunct Professor, History

Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Collette, Marianella, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
MA, PhD, Tor.

Fiola, Marco, Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
BA, MA, Montr., PhD, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III, France

Hauck, Gerhard, Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Director, Ryerson ESL Foundation Program
MA, Sus., Master of Letters, Camb., PhD, Tor.

Kellett, Kathleen, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Interim Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Student Affairs
BA, S. Fraser, MA, PhD, Tor.

Osborne, Dana, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
MA, PhD, University of Arizona

Pelkey, Jamin R., Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
BA, Montana State, MA, Payap University, PhD, LaTrobe University

Walsh Matthews, Stéphanie, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
BA, Ott., MA, PhD. Tor.

Zafra, Enriqueta, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
MA, PhD, Tor.

Zawada, Kinga Anna, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MA, PhD, Tor.

Adjunct Professors

Finn, Michael, Adjunct Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
BA, MA, Tor., PhD, Harv.

Philosophy & Music

Caruana, Giovanni (John), Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA, (Hons.), McG., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Checkland, David, Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA, MA, Alta., PhD, Tor.

Ciavatta, David, Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), Tor., PhD, Penn.State

Hennig, Boris, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Dr. Phil., Dr. Phil. Habil, Universitat Leipzig

Hunter, Andrew, Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA, Car., MA, PhD, Tor.

Hunter, David, Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), McG., PhD, M.I.T.

Kornegay, Roberta, Associate Professor, Philosophy
MA, PhD, Tor.

Kraay, Klaas, Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), PhD, Tor.

Land, Thomas, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
MA, PhD, Chicago

Maclaren, Kym, Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), Tor., PhD, Penn.State

Murray, Robert, Associate Professor, Philosophy
PhD, Tor.

Parsons, Glenn, Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), BSc (Hons.), Acad., MSc, PhD, Alta.

Schwartz, Meredith, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), Tor., MA, PhD, Dal.

Schwebel, Paula, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
BA(Hons.), MA, Qu., PhD, Tor.

Trott, Elizabeth, Professor, Philosophy
BA, MA, Tor., PhD, Wat.

Wellington, Alex, Associate Professor, Philosophy
BA (Hons.), LLB, MES, LLM, PhD, York (Can.)

Politics and Public Administration

Amin-Khan, Tariq, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
MA, Tor., PhD, York (Can.), LLB, Karachi

Anderson, Miriam, Assistant Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, MA, UBC, PhD, Camb.

Arat-Koc, Sedef, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, Bogazici Universitesi, Turkey, MA, Wat., PhD, Tor.

Baskoy, Tuna, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BSc, Middle East Technical University, MA, Bilkent, PhD, York (Can.)

Dutil, Patrice, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MA, Montr., PhD, York (Can.)

Evans, Bryan, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), Laur., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Galabuzi, Grace-Edward, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, Winn., BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Gore, Christopher, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BSc, Guelph, MA, PhD, Tor.

Inwood, Greg, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, MA, W. Ont., PhD, Tor.

Johns, Carolyn, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), W. Laur., BEd, Tor., MA, PhD, McM.

Lum, Janet, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies
BA, MA, Tor., PhD, York (Can.)

MacLellan, Duncan, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), Diploma in Public Administration, Dal., MA, Guelph, PhD, Tor.

McGregor, R. Michael, Assistant Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BSc (Hons.), Guelph, MA, Wat., PhD, W.Ont.

Mooers, Colin, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), Ott., MA, Tor., PhD, York (Can.)

O'Reilly, Patricia, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, MA, Qu., PhD, Tor.

Palmater, Pamela, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
Chair in Indigenous Governance
BA, St. Thomas (NB), LLB, New Br., LLM, JSD, Dal.

Peou, Sorpong, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.),  Wat, MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Petrozzi, Wayne, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), Windsor, MA, McM., Doctor Rerum Politicarum, Ukrainian Free University

Raney, Tracey, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), Qu., MA, Car., PhD, Calg.

Ross, Arthur, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), Winn., MSc, London School of Economics, PhD, Tor.

Rubenson, Daniel, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BSocSc, Lund University, PhD, Lond (LSE)

Saloojee, Anver, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, MA, PhD, Tor.

Sengupta, Madhura Mitu, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), MA, McG., PhD, Tor.

Shields, John, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, MA, Windsor, PhD, Br. Col.

Siemiatycki, Myer, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, Sus, PhD, York (Can.)

Thomlinson, Neil, Associate Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, Calg., MA, Sask., PhD, Tor.

Vogel, Ronald, Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, MA, PhD, Florida

Adjunct Professors

Kaegi, Gerda, Adjunct Professor, Politics and Public Administration
MA, Tor.

Speel, Robert, Adjunct Professor, Politics and Public Administration
BA, Penn., MA, PhD, Cornell


Antony, Martin, Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), Tor., PhD, S.U.N.Y. (Albany), C Psych, ABPP

Atkinson, Leslie, Professor, Psychology
BA, Tor., MA, PhD, York (Can.), C. Psych

Boudreau, Jean-Paul, Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), New Br., MA, Laur., PhD, Tufts

Burke, Tara, Associate Professor, Psychology
Undergraduate Program Director
BA, W. Ont, MA, PhD, Tor.

Carney, Colleen, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc, Tor., MA, PhD, Louisiana State University, C. Psych

Cassin, Stephanie, Associate Professor, Psychology
Director of Clinical Training
BSc (Hons.), Tor., MSc, PhD, Calg., C. Psych

Choma, Becky, Assistant Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), Brock, MA, W. Laur., PhD, Brock

Day, David, Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MA, PhD, Windsor, CPsych

Dionne, Michelle, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), Mt. All., MA, PhD, York(Can.)

Fiocco, Alexandra, Associate Professor, Psychology
MSc, Car., BA, PhD, McG.

Girard, Todd, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), MA, PhD, Wat.

Goodwill, Alasdair, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), McM., MSc, Liv., PhD, Birm.

Gurevich, Maria, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), Tor., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Hart, Tae, Professor, Psychology
BA, Mich., MA, PhD, USC, C. Psych

Hart, Trevor, Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), Mich., PhD, Temple University, C. Psych

Hehman, Eric, Assistant Professor, Psychology
BA, Massachusetts, PhD, Delaware

Koerner, Naomi, Associate Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, PhD, C'dia., C. Psych

Kuo, Janice, Associate Professor, Psychology
BA, Calif., MSc, PhD, Wash., C. Psych

Ma, Lili, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc, MEd, East China Normal University, MA, PhD, Virginia

McShane, Kelly, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), Tor., MA, PhD, C'dia., C. Psych

Milligan, Karen, Assistant Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), McG, MA, PhD, Tor., C. Psych

Monson, Candice, Professor, Psychology
BSc, West Texas A & M University, PhD, Nebraska, C. Psych

Moshé, Marcia, Professor, Psychology
Interim Vice Provost, Academic
BA, Wis., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Moulson, Margaret, Associate Professor, Psychology
Director of Psychological Science Training
BSc (Hons.), McM., MA, Qu., PhD, Minn.

Ornstein, Tisha Joy, Associate Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), York, PhD, Camb., CPsych

Reed, Maureen, Associate Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), Qu, MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Russo, Frank, Associate Professor, Psychology
BA (Hons.), York(Can.) MA, PhD, Qu.

Spaniol, Julia, Associate Professor, Psychology
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Cognitive Aging
Graduate Program Director
BA, Trier University, Germany, MA, PhD, North Carolina

Turtle, John, Associate Professor, Psychology
Secretary of Ryerson University Senate
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, Alta.

Vickers, Kristin, Associate Professor, Psychology
BA, MA, PhD, Harv.

Want, Stephen, Associate Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), Birm., PhD, Oxf.

Yang, Lixia, Associate Professor, Psychology
BEd, MA, Hebei Normal University, PhD, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Adjunct Professors

Abracen, Jeffrey, Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Beiser, Morton, Adjunct Professor, Psychology
MD, Br. Col. FRCP (C)

Brecher, Diana, Adjunct Professor, Psychology
EdD, Tor.

Dyson, Benjamin, Adjunct Professor, Psychology
BSc (Hons.), Leeds, MSc, Lanc., PhD York(UK)

Farvolden, Peter, Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Horner, Kelly, Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Keshavarz, Behrang, Adjunct Professor, Psychology
PhD, Johanns Gutenberg Universitat

McFarlane, Traci, Adjunct Professor, Psychology

Singh, Gurjit, Adjunct Professor, Psychology


Albanese, Patrizia, Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), W. Ont., MA, PhD, Tor.

Brayton, Jennifer, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), MA, Qu., PhD, New Br.

Fumia, Doreen, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, Tor.

Gingras, Jacqui, Associate Professor, Sociology
BSc, Br. Col., MSc, Alta., PhD, Br. Col.

Golden, Jean, Professor, Sociology
BA, MA, CSFT, Tor.

Hernandez-Ramdwar, Camille, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MA, PhD, Tor.

Jamal, Amina, Associate Professor, Sociology
MA, Karachi, Pakistan, MEd, PhD, Tor.

Knight, Mélanie, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA, New Br., MA, PhD, Tor.

Koç, Mustafa, Professor, Sociology
BA, Boğaziçi University, MA, Wat., PhD, Tor.

Moore, Paul, Associate Professor, Sociology
BSc (Hons.), Mt. All., MSc, Qu., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Muzzatti, Stephen, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Neverson, Nicole, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), Car., MA, PhD, McM.

Noack, Andrea, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), W. Laur. MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Pomerance, Murray, Professor, Sociology
AB, Mich., MA, S.U.N.Y. (Buffalo)

Powell, Christopher, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA, Tor., MA, PhD, Car.

Rollwagen, Heather, Assistant Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.) Qu., MA, Wat., PhD, Calg.

Schifellite, Carmen, Assistant Professor, Sociology
BSc, Georgetown University, MA, PhD, Tor.

Sears, Alan, Professor, Sociology
Interim Chair
BA (Hons.), MA, Car., PhD, Warw.

Sugiman, Pamela, Professor, Sociology
Dean, Faculty of Arts
BA, MA, PhD, Tor.

Teelucksingh, Cheryl, Associate Professor, Sociology
BA (Hons.), Qu., MCS, Calg., PhD, York (Can.)

Tomiak, Julie, Assistant Professor, Sociology
MA, Freie Universität Berlin, PhD, Car.

Tyyskä, Vappu, Professor, Sociology
BA, MA, PhD, Tor.

Creative Industries

Campbell, Miranda, Assistant Professor, Creative Industries
BA, UBC, MA, C'dia., PhD, McG.

Dubois, Louis-Étienne, Assistant Professor, Creative Industries
BAdmin, C'dia., MSc, PhD, HEC Montréal

Nadler, James, Professor, RTA School of Media
AB, Dartmouth College, LLB, W. Ont, MBA, INSEAD

Shtern, Jeremy, Associate Professor, Creative Industries
BA, Qu., Msc, Lond. (LSEP), PhD, Montr.


Barnwell, Susan, Professor, Fashion
MA, York (Can.), NDD, ATC

Barry, Ben, Associate Professor, Fashion
BA, Tor., MPhil, PhD, Camb.

Kelly, Paulette, Professor, Fashion
AAS, BS, Central Connecticut State College, MA, Conn.

Lafrenz, Lu Ann, Associate Professor, Fashion
BS, Iowa State Univ., MS, PhD, Ohio State Univ.

Lynch, Grahame, Associate Professor, Fashion
BFA, Windsor, MFA, Guelph

Matthews David, Alison, Associate Professor, Fashion
BA, McG., MA, PhD. Stanford

Medaglia, Joseph, Assistant Professor, Fashion
BFA, York (Can.), MA, Ryerson

Murray, Bernadine, Associate Professor, Fashion
BEd, MEd, Brock

Navarro Delgado, Henry, Assistant Professor, Fashion
BFA, Wifredo Lam Professional School of Fine Arts, MFA, Superior Institute of Art

Ott, Robert, Associate Professor, Fashion
BAA, MMSc, Ryerson

Rahman, Osmud, Associate Professor, Fashion
Higher Diploma in Fashion and Clothing Technology, HK Poly., MDes (RCA), RCA

Schindler-Lynch, Colleen, Assistant Professor, Fashion
BFA, Windsor, MFA, Louisiana State

Tullio-Pow, Sandra, Associate Professor, Fashion
Interim Chair
Dip, BAA, Ryerson, MEd, Brock, PhD, Alta.

Wahl, Kimberly, Associate Professor, Fashion
BA, BFA, York (Can.), MA, W. Ont., PhD, Qu.

Adjunct Professors

Eggebeen, Janna, Adjunct Professor, Fashion
MPhil, PhD, C.U.N.Y.

Semmelhack, Elizabeth, Adjunct Professor, Fashion
MA, Tufts

Graphic Communications Management

Adams II, Richard, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BS, Union, MS, RIT, PhD, C'nell

Baitz, Ian, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BTech, Ryerson, BEd, Tor., MEd, S. Qld.

El Asaleh, Reem, Assistant Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BSc, United Arab Emirates University, MSc, PhD, W. Mich.

Habekost, Martin, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
Dr.rer.nat, Germany

Kular, Chris, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BTech, Ryerson, MS (Hons.), R.I.T

Lisi, Jason, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BTech (Hons.), Ryerson, MEd, S. Qld.

Lumby, Natalia, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BTech, MMSc, Ryerson

Mothersill, Gillian, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BTech, Ryerson, MBA, Qu.

Seto, Art, Associate Professor, Graphic Communications Management
MBA, Athab.

Sharma, Abhay, Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BSc (Hons.), University of Westminster, PhD, Lond.

Smyth, Christopher, Assistant Professor, Graphic Communications Management
BTech, MBA, Ryerson

Image Arts

Alter, Alex, Associate Professor, Image Arts
MFA, Cranbrook

Anderson, Alexandra, Associate Professor, Image Arts
BA (Hons.), Tor., MA, York (Can.)

Aylward, Christopher, Associate Professor, Image Arts
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, Tor., MFA, York (Can.), PhD, Nfld,

Braun, Marta, Professor, Image Arts
BA (Hons.), Tor., MA, (magna cum laude) N.Y. State, ARCT

Bruce, Jean, Associate Professor, Image Arts
PhD, C'dia.

Burley, Robert, Associate Professor, Image Arts
BAA, Ryerson, MFA, Art Institute of Chicago

Cammaer, Gerda, Associate Professor, Image Arts
BA, MA, K. U. Leuven, BFA, MFA, PhD, C'dia

Conford, Michal, Associate Professor, Image Arts
A.B., Brandeis University, Master of Journalism, Calif. (Berkeley)

Damude, Brian (Donall), Professor, Image Arts
Interim Associate Dean, Faculty & Student Affairs
BA, McG., MFA, N.Y.

Elder, Bruce, Professor, Image Arts
BA (Hons., summa cum laude), McM., BAA Ryerson, MA (magna cum laude), Tor.

Fitzpatrick, Blake, Professor, Image Arts
BAA, Ryerson, MA, Ohio State, PhD, Tor.

Gervais, Thierry, Assistant Professor, Image Arts
PhD, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

Ingelevics, Vid, Associate Professor, Image Arts
MFA, Visual Arts, York (Can.)

Kemp, David, Assistant Professor, Image Arts
BScE, Qu., BFA, Ryerson, MVS, Tor., PhD, W.Ont.

Lessard, Bruno, Assistant Professor, Image Arts
BA, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, MA, Laval, PhD, Montr.

McCormick, Mary K., Associate Professor, Image Arts
BA, Calif., MFA, School of the Art Inst. of Chicago

Pruska-Oldenhof, Izabella, Assistant Professor, Image Arts
BAA, Ryerson, MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Slopek, Edward, Associate Professor, Image Arts
Dip, MMFA, Montr., MA, Leicester, PhD, McG.

Snyder, John M., Professor, Image Arts
BA, Yale, MA, Goddard

Tarver, John, Assistant Professor, Image Arts
BA, Alta., MFA, S.Calif.

Tremblay, Pierre, Associate Professor, Image Arts
BAA, Ryerson, BFA, Laval, LIC A.T.I., Université de Paris VIII

Adjunct Professors

Angelucci, Sara, Adjunct Professor, Image Arts

Glassman, Marc, Adjunct Professor, Image Arts

Schogt, Elida, Adjunct Professor, Image Arts
PhD, York(Can.)

Interior Design

Anderson, Jonathon, Assistant Professor, Interior Design
BSc, Southern Illinois, MFA, MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, IDEC

Balbaa, Taymoore, Assistant Professor, Interior Design

Di Cintio, Lorella, Associate Professor, Interior Design
BEnvDes, Tor., MArch, Cranbrook, PhD, European Graduate School, ARIDO, IDEC, IFI

Dowling, Catherine, Associate Professor, Interior Design
BID, Manit., BES, BArch, Wat., MEd, Tor., ARIDO, IDEC, NCIDQ 12375, IFI, LEED AP ID+C

Furman, Andrew D., Associate Professor, Interior Design
BAA, Ryerson, MArch, Br. Col., ARIDO, IDC, IDEC, NCIDQ #017502, IFI

Griffith Winton, Alexa, Assistant Professor, Interior Design
MA, Bard College

Klassen, Filiz, Professor, Interior Design
BArch, Middle East Technical Univ., MArch, McG., UIA, IDEC, ARIDO, NCIDQ #017308, IFI

Kolodziej, Adam, Associate Professor, Interior Design
MArch, Technical University of Krakow, MFA, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland, Doctor of Fine Arts, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (elected member), Directors Guild of Canada , ARIDO, ZPAP

Mitchell, Annick N. G., Professor, Interior Design
DipAA, Sheridan College, BA, MA, Tor., ARIDO, IDC, IDEC, IFI

Plasse-Taylor, Michael, Associate Professor, Interior Design
BID, Manit., MSc (Interior Design) Pratt Institute, ARIDO, IDC, IDEC, NCIDQ #016409, IFI

Vogel, Barbara, Associate Professor, Interior Design
MA (Arch.), Cracow University of Technology, RCA, OAA, ARIDO (affiliate)

Weinthal, Lois, Professor, Interior Design
BFA, BArch, Rhode Island School of Design, MArch, Cranbrook Academy of Art, NCIDQ #10296, IDEC, ARIDO


Adamson, Gavin, Assistant Professor, Journalism
BA, Manit., MJ, Car.

Allen, Gene, Professor, Journalism
BA, Tor., MA, York, (Can.), PhD, Tor.

Al-Solaylee, Kamal, Associate Professor, Journalism
MA, Keele Univ., PhD, Nott.

Barber, Marsha, Professor, Journalism
BA (Hons.), McG., MA, Tor.

Carr-Locke, Jagg, Associate Professor, Journalism
BA, C'dia, BEd, MA, Tor.

Lindgren, April, Associate Professor, Journalism
Director, Journalism Research Centre, BJ, Car., Dip. Graduate Inst. of Int'l Studies, Geneva

Malik, Asmaa, Assistant Professor, Journalism
BA, Maryland (Baltimore), MA, Maryland (College Park)

McNeilly, Anne, Assistant Professor, Journalism
BA, Qu. MA, W. Ont.

Neil, Janice, Associate Professor, Journalism
BJ, MA, Car.

Rauhala, Ann, Associate Professor, Journalism
BA, Tor., BAA, Ryerson, MA, Tor.

Reynolds, William, Associate Professor, Journalism
BA, Calg., MA, Wat.

Shapiro, Ivor, Professor, Journalism
B.Th (Hons.), S.A., MA, Capetown

Smith, Joyce E., Associate Professor, Journalism
BA, Tor., MA, W. Ont., PhD, Natal

Taylor, Lisa, Assistant Professor, Journalism
LLB, Dal.

Adjunct Professors

Bruser, Bert, Adjunct Professor, Journalism

Gilliland, Ryder, Adjunct Professor, Journalism

Rogers, Brian, Adjunct Professor, Journalism
BA (Hons.), Qu., LLB, Tor.

Professional Communication

Cody, Susan, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BA (Hons.), summa cum laude, York (Can.), MA, PhD, Tor.

Cross, Ava, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
AB, Herbert H. Lehman College of The City University of New York,  AM, Mich. (Ann Arbor), PhD, Tor.

DiNova, Joanne, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MA, PhD, Wat.

Elmer, Greg, Professor, Professional Communication
MA, PhD, Mass. (Amherst)

Fink, Melissa (Marty), Assistant Professor, Professional Communication
PhD, C.U.N.Y.

Freeman, Wendy, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MSc, Syr., PhD, Tor

Kane, Carolyn, Assistant Professor, Professional Communication
MA, The New School, PhD, NYU

Levey, Gregory, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BA (Hons.), Tor., MA, NYU, JD, Fordham

Mason, Jean, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BA (Hons.), C'dia, MA, PhD, McG.

Meyer, Carolyn, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BA, MA, Tor., PhD, McM.

Mudry, Jessica, Associate Professor, Professional Communication
BSc, McG., MSc, DIC Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, PhD, Pittsburgh

O'Neill, Sheila, Professor, Professional Communication
BA, MEd, Tor.

Schryer, Catherine, Professor, Professional Communication
BA, Tor., MA, Guelph, PhD, Louisville

Shiga, John, Assistant Professor, Professional Communication
BA, York (Can.), MA, McG, PhD, Car.

Tiessen, Matthew, Assistant Professor, Professional Communication
Joint Honours BA, Wat., MA, PhD, Alta.

Zeller, Frauke, Assistant Professor, Professional Communication
Dr. phil. habil., Ilmenau University of Technology

RTA School of Media

Bal, Alexandra, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BAA, Ryerson, DEA, Paris XIII

Beckstead, Lori, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BSc, Wat., BAA, Ryerson, BEd, OISE/Tor., MA, Technol. Syd.

Bociurkiw, Marusya, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
PhD, Br. Col.

Bouchard, David, Assistant Professor, RTA School of Media
BCompSc, C'dia, MS, M.I.T.

Chow-Morris, Kim, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BMus (Hons.), Tor., MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Coomey, E. Marion, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
MA, W. Ont.

Coutanche, Michael, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BA, Laur., BAA, Ryerson, MFA, York (Can.)

Daniels, Steve, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BSc, MSc, Manit., AOCAD, OCAD University

Davis, Charles, Professor, RTA School of Media
Associate Dean, Scholarly Research and Creative Activities
Edward S. Rogers Sr. Research Chair of Media Management and Entrepreneurship
BA, Kalamazoo, MA, Notre Dame, PhD, Montr.

Ehrlick, Steven, Assistant Professor, RTA School of Media
BA, Guelph, LLB, Windsor, MA, Ryerson

Falzon, Charles, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
Dean, Faculty of Communication and Design
BAA, Ryerson, MA, Tor.

Grunberg, Richard, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
Director, Ryerson Digital Cinema and Advanced Vizualization Laboratory, Global Campus Network, BAA, Ryerson, MA, York (Can.)

Lachman, Richard W., Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
Director, Transmedia Research Centre/Transmedia Zone
BSc, MSc, M.I.T, ProfD, NE

Lee, Dana, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BAA, Ryerson, MEd, York (Can.)

Mazalek, Ali, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Digital Media and Innovation

Murphy, Michael, Professor, RTA School of Media
BA, BSc, Qu., MBA York (Can.), PhD, McM.

Nadler, James (see Creative Industries)

Nenych, Laura, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BAA, Ryerson, LLB, LLM, York, (Can.)

Petrou, Laurie, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BFA, Qu., MA, Ryerson

Pine, Lila, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BA, Mt.St.Vin., MFA, York (Can.), PhD, European Graduate School

Pringle, Ramona, Assistant Professor, RTA School of Media
BFA York (Can.), MPS, NYU

Recupero, Joseph, Assistant Professor, RTA School of Media
BAA, MA, Ryerson

Tucker, David, Associate Professor, RTA School of Media
BFA, (Hons.), York, (Can.), MFA, Goddard

Walzak, Laurel, Assistant Professor, RTA School of Media
BA, W. Ont, MBA, Qu.

Warwick, Henry, Assistant Professor, RTA School of Media
BFA, Rutgers, MFA, Goddard, PhD, European Graduate School

Zamaria, Charles, Professor, RTA School of Media
BFA, York (Can.), MA, Windsor

Adjunct Professors

Campbell, Mark, Adjunct Professor, RTA School of Media

Carter, William Michael, Adjunct Professor, RTA School of Media
MEd, Toronto

School of Performance

Ashperger, Cynthia, Associate Professor, School of Performance
MA, PhD, Tor.

Bosyy, Paulo, Assistant Professor, School of Performance
MFA, Ohio

Dolgoy, Sholem, Associate Professor, School of Performance
MA, York (Can.)

Duplisea, Karen, Associate Professor, School of Performance
MA, BFA, Hon. in Dance, York (Can.)

Evidente, Tanya, Assistant Professor, School of Performance
MA, York(Can.)

Levine, Ira, Professor, School of Performance
BA, Roch., MA, PhD, Tor.

O'Brien, Caroline, Associate Professor, School of Performance
BA, St. Thomas (NB), BHomeEcon(ED) in Clothing and Textiles, Mt.St.Vin., MA, York (Can.)

Pauzer, Irene, Associate Professor, School of Performance
MFA, York (Can.)

Rosen, Sheldon, Associate Professor, School of Performance
MA, Syr., BA, Roch.

Schneiderman, Perry, Associate Professor, School of Performance
BA, McG.

Shannon, Peggy, Professor, School of Performance
BA, University of California Riverside, MFA, Wash., PhD, Royal Holloway (Lond.)

St. Denys, Vicki, Associate Professor, School of Performance
MA, York (Can.)


Rahnama, Hossein, Assistant Professor,
Director, Research & Innovation, DMZ

Child and Youth Care

Collins, Tara, Assistant Professor, Child and Youth Care
BA (Hons.), McG, MA, Dal., PhD, Lond.

Dunlop, Edward (Ted), Associate Professor, Child and Youth Care
BA, Qu., MEd, EdD, Tor.

Finlay, Judy, Associate Professor, Child and Youth Care
MSW, PhD, Laurier

Gharabaghi, Kiaras, Associate Professor, Child and Youth Care
BA, MA, Guelph, PhD, Dal.

Hasford, Julian, Assistant Professor, Child and Youth Care
BES (Spec. Hons), York (Can.), MHSc, Tor., PhD, Laurier

James, Julie, Assistant Professor, Child and Youth Care
BA (Hons.), Qu., MSW, Tor., PhD, Qu.

Martin, Jennifer J., Associate Professor, Child and Youth Care
BA, Ryerson, MSW, Tor., PhD, Tor.

Panitch, Melanie, Associate Professor, Child and Youth Care
MSW, Carl., DSW, C.U.N.Y.

Snow, Kim, Associate Professor, Child and Youth Care
BA, Ryerson, MSW, PhD, Tor.

Adjunct Professors

Steinebach, Christoph, Adjunct Professor, Child and Youth Care
MSc, University of Trier, PhD, Konstanz.

Disability Studies

Church, Kathryn, Associate Professor, Disability Studies
BA (Hons.), MA, Regina, PhD, Tor.

Chandler, Eliza, Assistant Professor, Disability Studies
BA, Nova Scotia Art & Des., MA, York (Can.), MA, PhD, Tor.

Ignagni, Esther, Associate Professor, Disability Studies
BSc, Ryerson, MSc, Tor.

Adjunct Professors

Bach, Michael, Adjunct Professor, Disability Studies

Crawford, Cameron, Adjunct Professor, Disability Studies
BA, PhD, York (Can.)

Silverman, Charles H., Adjunct Professor, Disability Studies

Voronka, Jijian, Adjunct Professor, Disability Studies
BA (Hons,), MA, PhD, Tor.

Early Childhood Studies

Ali, Mehrunnisa, Professor, Early Childhood Studies
MEd, Harv., PhD, Mich. State

Berman, Rachel, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA (Hons.), Qu., BA (Hons.) York (Can.), MA, Conn., PhD, Guelph

Bernhard, Judith, Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BAA, Ryerson, MEd, PhD, Tor.

Binder, Marni, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA (Hons.), Car., Dip. C.S., OTC, Institute of Child Study, Tor., MEd, EdD, Tor.

Chumak-Horbatsch, Roma, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, PhD, Tor.

Di Santo, Aurelia, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
MEd, PhD, Tor.

Frankel, Elaine, Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BS, C’nell, MEd, EdD, Tor.

Jagger, Susan, Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BSc, BEd, MA, Vic.(BC), PhD, Tor.

Koller, Donna, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, PhD, Tor.

Langford, Rachel, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, MEd, Br. Col., PhD, Tor.

Nolan, Jason, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, MA, York (Can.), BEd, PhD, Tor.

Patel, Sejal, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
MA, PhD, Tor.

Peets, Kathleen, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, York (Can.), MEd, EdD, Harv.

Rinkoff, Robert F., Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BS, Union College (N.Y.), MS, PhD, Purdue

Roberts-Fiati, Gloria, Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, Guelph, MA, PhD, Tor.

Ryan, Charlene, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BMus (Hons.), W. Ont., BMusEd, Nfld., MM, Michigan, PhD, McG.

Underwood, Kathryn, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
MA, PhD, Tor.

Valeo, Angela, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BEd, Tor., BSc, MEd, PhD, York (Can.)

Adjunct Professors

Kilbride, Kenise, Adjunct Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA, Nazareth College, MA, PhD, Fordham

Parekh, Gillian, Adjunct Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BEd, MA, York (Can.)

Rummens, Joanna Anneke, Adjunct Professor, Early Childhood Studies
BA (Hons.), Regina, MA, Tor., GradDip (Latin American and Caribbean Studies), PhD, York (Can.)


Allemang, Elizabeth, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, BA (Hons.), MA, Tor.

Bennett, Nicole, Associate Professor, Midwifery
Director, Midwifery Education Program
RM, BA, Trent, BHSc, Ryerson, MA, Car.

Burton, Nadya, Associate Professor, Midwifery
BA, Trent, MA, C'dia., PhD, Tor.

Handa, Manavi, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, BHSc, Ryerson, MHSc, Tor.

Robertson, Andrea, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, BHSc, McM, MHSc, Tor.

Rogers, Judith, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, SCM, MA, Warw.

Sharpe, Mary, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, BA (Hons.), MEd, PhD, Tor.

Van Wagner, Vicki, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, BIS, Wat., MES, PhD, York (Can.)

Wilson-Mitchell, Karline, Associate Professor, Midwifery
RM, RN, BScN, Ryerson, MScN, Miami, CNM, DNP, Frontier

Adjunct Professors

Allen, Christine, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Amsterdam, Dione, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Betkova, Zuzana, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Bonser, Deborah, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Brandeis, Elizabeth, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Brooks, Naomi, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Chu, Hedrey, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Donyadideh-Torei, Mahnaz, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Ferrari, Elaina, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Fish, Mary, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Franklin, Tracy, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery
BHSc, Ryerson

Goldberg, Jennifer, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Holtham, Janet, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Kavaratzis, Christie, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Leduc, Claudette, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Levy, Andrea, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Lockhart, Christie, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

MacGillivray, Shelagh Jay, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Moffett, Salimeh, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Moscovitch, Linda, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Prior, Carolynn, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Razi, Mitra, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Romeiko, Nicole, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Rostam, Marzieh, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Sarkar, Tia, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Shodjaie, Fariba, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Silverman, Maureen, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Thomas, Edan Linda, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Weston, Lisa, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Willms, Esther, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Wolfe, Sara, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery

Zimmerman, Sarilyn, Adjunct Professor, Midwifery


Bailey, Annette, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MS, D'Youville, PhD, Walden University

Beanlands, Heather, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ott., MScN, PhD, Tor.

Bishop, Susan, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Catallo, Cristina, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, PhD, McM.

Donald, Faith, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN (EC), BScN, MScN, D’Youville, NP, PhD, McM.

Edwards, Susanna, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, McM., MScN, Qu., PhD, UA

Espin, Sherry, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, MA, Central Michigan, BScN, W. Ont., PhD, Tor.

Fredericks, Suzanne, Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MN, PhD, Tor.

Guruge, Sepali, Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN (Hons.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Hart, Corinne, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MHS, PhD, Tor.

Lapum, Jennifer, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MNsg, PhD, Tor.

Lee, Charlotte, Assistant Professor, Nursing
RN, OCN, CON(C), BScN, MScN, Qu., PhD, Tor.

LeGrow, Karen, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BN, Memorial, MN, Dal., PhD, Tor.

Malone, Margaret Mary, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, MA, Tor., PhD, Tor.

McCay, Elizabeth, Professor, Nursing
RN, MScN, PhD, Tor.

McLaren, Coralee, Assistant Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, PhD, Tor.

Miranda, Joyal, Assistant Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MN, PhD, Tor.

Newman, Kristine, Assistant Professor, Nursing
RN, CRN (c), BScN, MScN, Qu. PhD, Tor.

Pirner, Diane, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MNsg, Tor., PhD, Calg.

Purdy, Nancy, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, McM., MScN, PhD, W. Ont.

Romaniuk, Daria, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BN, MN, Manit., PhD, McM.

Rose, Donald, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, MN, PhD, Tor.

Santa Mina, Elaine, Associate Professor, Nursing
Interim Director
RN, BAA, Ryerson, BA, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Schindel Martin, Lori, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BA, Guelph, BScN, McM., MScN, D'Youville, PhD, McM.

Schwind, Jasna, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, MEd, PhD, Tor.

Sidani, Souraya, Professor, Nursing
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Patient-Centered Health Interventions: Design and Evaluation
PhD, Arizona

St. Amant, Oona, Assistant Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ott., MScN, PhD, W. Ont.

Swart, Beth, Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Tor., MES, York (Can.)

Tucker Scott, Kileen, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, MScN, W. Ont., MEd, Brock, PhD, Tor.

Vahabi, Mandana, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, MHSc, PhD, Tor.

Waddell, Janice, Associate Professor, Nursing
Associate Dean
RN, BScN, Alta., MA, Vic. (B.C.), PhD, York (Can.)

Walton, Nancy, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Ryerson, PhD, Tor.

Wong, Josephine, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, BA, Tor., BScN, Ryerson, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Yamada, Janet, Assistant Professor, Nursing
RN, BSc, BScN, Tor., MSc, McM., PhD, Tor.

Zanchetta, Margareth, Associate Professor, Nursing
RN, PhD, Montr.

Adjunct Professors

Janes, Nadine, Adjunct Professor, Nursing
BScN, MSc, PhD, Tor.

McAllister, Mary, Adjunct Professor, Nursing
RN, BScN, Tor., MHSc, McM., PhD, Tor.

Nelson, Michelle, Adjunct Professor, Nursing


Bellissimo, Nicola (Nick), Professor, Nutrition
BSc (Hons.), BEd, MSc. PhD, Tor.

Gucciardi, Enza, Associate Professor, Nutrition
BASc, Ryerson, MHSc, PhD, Tor.

Mahoney, Daniel, Associate Professor, Nutrition
BAA, Ryerson, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Essex

Mendelson, Rena A., Professor, Nutrition
BA, W. Ont., MS, C'nell, DSc, Harv.

Paisley, Judy, Associate Professor, Nutrition
BSc (Hec.) (Hon.), W. Ont, PhD, Guelph, PhD, Phoenix.

Rocha, Cecilia, Professor, Nutrition
BA, MA, PhD, York (Can.)

Wegener, Jessica, Assistant Professor, Nutrition
BASc, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Wat.

Wong, Sharon S. L., Associate Professor, Nutrition
BSc (Hons.), W. Ont., MSc, PhD, Guelph

Yeudall, Fiona, Associate Professor, Nutrition
Director, Centre for Studies in Food Security, BASc, Guelph, PhD, Otago

Yuan, Yvonne, Associate Professor, Nutrition
BSc, MSc, PhD, Br. Col.

Occupational and Public Health

Abdoli-Eramaki, Mohammad, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health
PhD, Qu.

Harris, Anne, Assistant Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BSc, MSc, Qu., PhD, UBC

Hon, Chun-Yip, Assistant Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BASc (Hons.) Ryerson, BSc (Hons.) McM., MASc, McG., PhD, UBC, CPHI(C)

Liberda, Eric, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health
MES, Wat., MASc, RMIT (Aus.), PhD, NYU (USA)

Meldrum, Richard, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health

Ong, Corinne, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health
PhD, Birm., SCCM (Env.)

Strahlendorf, Peter, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BES, Wat., BSc, LLB, Qu., LLM, SJD, Tor., CRSP, CSP

Tenkate, Thomas, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BAppSc, MAppSc, MEd, DrPH, Alabama (Birmingham), FEHA, FRSPH

Tustin, Jordan, Assistant Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BASc, Ryerson, MSc, PhD, Tor., CPHI(C)

Woodcock, Kathryn, Associate Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BASc, MASc, Wat., PhD, Tor., CCPE, PEng

Pushchak, Ronald, Professor, Occupational and Public Health, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, Tor., MES, York (Can.), MA, PhD, Prin., MCIP, RPP

Young, Ian, Assistant Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BASc, Ryerson, PhD, Guelph, CPHI(C)

Zakus, David, Professor of Distinction, Global Health, Occupational and Public Health
BSc, Sask., MES, York (Can.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Adjunct Professors

Bhuiyan, Shafi, Adjunct Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BMed,  Dhaka, MPublicHealth, Mahidol University, Doctor of Human Sciences, Osaka

Kramer, Desre, Adjunct Professor, Occupational and Public Health
MES, York (Can.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Robson, Lynda, Adjunct Professor, Occupational and Public Health
BSc, PhD, Tor.

Social Work

Barnoff, Lisa, Associate Professor, Social Work
Dean, Faculty of Community Services
BA (Hons.), Trent, MA, PhD, Tor.

Baskin, Cyndy, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA, MSW, Tor., BSW, York (Can.), MSW,  PhD, Tor.

Benjamin, Akua, Professor, Social Work
BA, York (Can.), MSW, PhD, Tor.

Clarke, Jennifer, Assistant Professor, Social Work
BSW (Hons.), Ryerson, MSW, York (Can.)

Danso, Ransford, Assistant Professor, Social Work
BA (Hons.), Ghana, MA, Calg., MSW, Tor., PhD, Qu.

Friedman, May, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA, York (Can.), MA, MSW, Car. PhD, York (Can.)

George, Purnima, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA, Madr., MSW, PhD, Mumbai

George, Usha, Professor, Social Work
BSc, BEd, MA, University of Kerala, MA, Loyola University, Chicago PhD, A. Bello, Nigeria

Lavallée, Lynn, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Moffatt, Ken, Professor, Social Work
BES, Wat., MSW, PhD, Tor.

Onishenko, Dawn, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA (Hon.), Sask., BSW, Windsor, MSW, PhD, W. Laur.

Parada, Henry, Associate Professor, Social Work
BSW, York (Can.), MSW, PhD, Tor.

Pon, Gordon, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA, Ott., MSW, Carl., PhD, York (Can.)

Poole, Jennifer, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA (Hons.), McG., MSW, PhD, Tor.

Preston, Susan, Associate Professor, Social Work
BSW (Hon.), Ryerson, MSW, McM.

Silver, Susan, Associate Professor, Social Work
Interim Director
BA, MSW, Tor., PhD, Bryn Mawr College (PA)

Smith, Kristin, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA, BSW, MSW, McM, PhD., Tor.

Wehbi, Samantha, Professor, Social Work
BA (Spec. Hon.), York (Can.), MSW, Tor., MFA, Ryerson, PhD, McG.

Yee, June, Associate Professor, Social Work
BA., Tor., BSW, York (Can.), MSW, McG., PhD, Calg.

Urban and Regional Planning

Amborski, David, Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, Boston College, MA, MSc (Pl), Tor., MCIP, RPP

Begley, Jaclene, Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BBA, Notre Dame, MCP, Calif. (Berkeley), MPhil, PhD, NYU

De Sousa, Christopher A., Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, MSc (Pl), PhD, Tor. MCIP, RPP

Keeble, Ronald M., Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, Brock, MES, York (Can.), MCIP, RPP

Kosny, Mitchell E., Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, Idaho, MRCP, Oklahoma, PhD, Wat., MCIP, RPP

Lister, Nina-Marie, Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, MSc, Tor., MCIP, RPP

McCartney, Shelagh, Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BES, BArch., Waterloo, M.Des.S., D. Des. Harvard, OAA, MRAIC, LEED AP

Mitra, Raktim, Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BURP, MURP, B’desh.Engin., MPl, Qu., PhD, Tor.

Robinson, Pamela, Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA (Hons.), MPI, Qu., PhD, Tor., MCIP, RPP

Sweet, Matthias, Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, Appalachian State, MA, Georgia, PhD, Penn.

Webber, Steven M., Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA (Hons.), Tor., MA, UCLA, PhD, USC, MCIP, RPP

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia, Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
PhD, Wat., MCIP, RPP

Adjunct Professors

Bedford, Paul, Adjunct Professor, Urban and Regional Planning
BA, Southern Illinois, MSc, Tor.

Aerospace Engineering

Alighanbari, Hekmat, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Associate Chair
PhD, McG., PEng

Bramesfeld, Goetz, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering
MSc, PhD, Penn. State, PEng

Chung, Joon, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BS, Iowa State, MEng, C’nell, MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

de Ruiter, Anton, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Canada Research Chair in Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
BEng (Hons.) Cant., MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Enright, John, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BASc, Tor., MS, PhD, M.I.T., PEng

Fawaz, Zouheir, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BScA, Ott., MScA, Phd, Sher., PEng

Greatrix, David R., Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BSc, Manit., MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng, AFAIAA, AFCASI

Hashemi, Seyed Mohammad, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BSc, Sarif Univ. of Tech., Tehran, DEA, Univ. Lille I, PhD, Laval, PEng

Jubran, Bassam, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BSc, Univ. College, Cardiff, PhD, Univ. of Wales, PEng

Kumar, Krishna, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BSc, ME, PhD, IIT Kanpur, PEng

Liu, Guang Jun, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
PhD, Tor., PEng

Ouyang, Puren, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
MSc, PhD, Sask., PEng

Poon, Cheung, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
PhD, Missouri(-Col)., PEng

Tan, Bo, Professor, Aerospace Engineering
MSc, HUST, PhD, Nan Tech., Singapore, PEng

Walsh, Paul C., Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BASc, MASc, Br. Col., PhD, Tor., PEng, AFCASI

Xi, Fengfeng (Jeff), Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Director, Ryerson Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation
PhD, Tor., PEng

Yokota, Jeffrey, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
PhD, C’nell.

Adjunct Professors

Chang, Jo Won, Adjunct Professor, Aerospace Engineering
PhD, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Chern, Jeng-Shing, Adjunct Professor, Aerospace Engineering

Ghaemi, Hamid, Adjunct Professor, Aerospace Engineering
BEng, Ryerson, MEng, W. Ont., PhD, McM., PEng

Goldenberg, Andrew, Adjunct Professor, Aerospace Engineering

Zhu, Wen-Hong, Adjunct Professor, Aerospace Engineering

Architectural Science

Atkinson, Cheryl, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BES, BArch, Wat., OAA, FRAIC

Berardi, Umberto, Assistant Professor, Architectural Science
MSc, S'ton., PhD,  Politecnico di Bari, PEng [Italy]

Cirka, John, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies - Master of Architecture
BArch, Car., MScArch, Col., PhD, EGS, MRAIC, Assoc.AIA

Doshi, Hitesh, Professor, Architectural Science
BTech, IIT Mumbai, MASc, Tor., PEng

Etkind, Maria, Professor, Architectural Science
BArch, MArch, Tor., MRAIC

Farah, Leila M., Associate Professor, Architectural Science
PhD, MArch, DPLG, McG

Floerke, Paul, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
Associate Chair, Mobility
Dr.-Ing., Leibniz Universität Hannover, Architekt, AKNW (Germany)

Gorgolewski, Mark, Professor, Architectural Science
BSc, DipArch, University College London, MSc, Cran., PhD, Oxf.Brookes, ARB (UK), LEED AP BD&C

Horvat, Miljana, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
BArch, Belgrade, MArch, McG., PhD, C'dia.

Hui, Vincent, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
Associate Chair, Experiental Learning and Co-operative Program
BES, MArch, Wat., MBA, York (Can.), Assoc.AIA, MRAIC

Kapelos, George T., Professor, Architectural Science
AB, Prin., MCP, Harv., MArch, Yale, RPP, MCIP, OAA, FRAIC

Komisar, June, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BA, Clark University, MArch, Yale University, MSc, PhD, Mich. RA, MRAIC, AIA

Leong, Yew-Thong, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BTech, Ryerson, BArch, Pratt, OAA, FRAIC

Leshchyshyn, Jurij, Professor, Architectural Science
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), BTech, Ryerson, MArch, Manit., OAA, MRAIC

Liao, Zaiyi, Professor, Architectural Science
BEng, MEng, Tsinghua University, PhD, Oxf. PhD, HKPU, PEng

McArthur, Jennifer, Assistant Professor, Architectural Science
BASc, MASc, Wat., PEng, PMP, CEM

Poh, Paul Soon Huat, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BSc (Hons.), PhD, Edin., MBA, Dund., MICE, MIES, MCSCE, CEng, Eur. Ing., PEng

Polo, Marco, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BA, BArch, Br. Col, OAA, FRAIC

Ramakrishnan, Ramani, Professor, Architectural Science
MS, DSc, Wash., PEng

Richman, Russell, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Building Science
BASc, MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Ripley, Colin, Professor, Architectural Science
BEng, McM., MSc, Tor., MArch, Prin., OAA, MRAIC

Schank Smith, Kendra, Professor, Architectural Science
BA, Southern Illinois Univ., MArch, Virginia Tech, PhD, Georgia Tech., FRAIC

Smith, Albert C., Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BA, Southern Illinois, MArch, Virginia Tech. PhD, Georgia Tech., RA, MRAIC

Straka, Vera, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
BSc, Lond., MEng, Tor., PEng, MIStructE, FCSCE

Wójs, Edward, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BTech, Ryerson, BArch, Pratt., OAA, MRAIC

Wrigglesworth, Arthur, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BTech, Ryerson, MArch, Southern California Institute of Architecture, OAA

Zone, Baruch, Associate Professor, Architectural Science
BES, BArch, Wat., OAA

Adjunct Professors

Li, Xuemei, Adjunct Professor, Architectural Science

Thün, Geoffrey, Adjunct Professor, Architectural Science
BA, W. Ont, BES, BArch, Wat, MUD, Tor., MRAIC

Velikov, Kathy, Adjunct Professor, Architectural Science
BES, BArch, Wat. MA, Tor., OAA, MRAIC

Chemical Engineering

Alvarez-Cuenca, Manuel, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BEng, Madrid, BSc, York (Can.), MSc, PhD, W. Ont., PEng

Chan, Philip K., Professor, Chemical Engineering
BEng, MEng, PhD, McG., PEng

Cheng, Chil-Hung, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
BSc, NCU (Taiwan), MSc, CCU (Taiwan), PhD, Texas A&M, PEng

Dahman, Yaser, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Director, Nanocomposites and Biomaterials Engineering Laboratory, PhD, W. Ont., MBA, Ryerson, PEng

Dhib, Ramdhane, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BEng, MSc, Bradford (UK), PhD, Sher., CSChe, MCIC, PEng

Doan, Huu D., Professor, Chemical Engineering
BEng, Ryerson, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Tor., MCIC, PEng

Duever, Thomas A., Professor, Chemical Engineering
BASc, MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng, FCIC

Ein-Mozaffari, Farhad, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BSc, MSc, Amir Kabir Univ. (Iran), PhD, Br. Col., MCIC, PEng

Hwang, Dae Kun, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
MSc, PhD, McGill

Lohi, Ali, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BASc, Sharif, MASc, PhD, Wat., AIChE, MCIC, OSPE, PEng

Mehrvar, Mehrab, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BSc, Sist. & Baluch, Iran, MSc, Shiraz, Iran, PhD, Wat., MAIChE, MCIC, PEng

Turcotte, Ginette, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BSc, MSc, Qu., PhD, W. Ont., PEng

Upreti, Simant, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BTech, HBTI (India), MTech, IITK (India), PhD, Calg., PEng

Waldman, Stephen, Professor, Chemical Engineering
BASc (Hons.), Wat., MScE, Qu., PhD, Dal., PEng

Wu, Jiangning (Jenny), Professor, Chemical Engineering
BSc, MSc, Nanjing, (China), PhD, Windsor, PEng

Adjunct Professors

Elias, Cynthia, Adjunct Professor, Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Amleh, Lamya, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
MEng, PhD, McG. PEng

Chapman, Michael, Professor, Civil Engineering
BTech, Ryerson, MSc, Ohio State, PhD, Laval, OLS, PEng

Easa, Said M., Professor, Civil Engineering
MEng, McM., PhD, Calif. Berkeley, PEng

Elbeshbishy, Elsayed, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MSc, Tanta University, PhD, W.Ont, PEng

El-Rabbany, Ahmed, Professor, Civil Engineering
PhD, New Br., PEng

Hossain, Khandaker (Anwar), Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
BScEng, MScEng, B'desh.Engin., PhD, Strath., PEng

Joksimovic, Darko, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
MASc, Tor., PhD, Exeter

Kianoush, Mohammed R., Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MEng, PhD, Alta., PEng

Lachemi, Mohamed, Professor, Civil Engineering
President and Vice-Chancellor
MASc, PhD, Sher., PEng

Li, James Y., Professor, Civil Engineering
BASc, MASc, Windsor, PhD, Tor., PEng

Li, Songnian, Professor, Civil Engineering
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
BEng, Wuhan, PhD, New Br., PEng, OLS

Liu, Jinyuan, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
BEng, Hohai, MEng, NHRI, PhD, Polytech, DEng, Tongji, PEng

Luk, Grace K., Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MSc (Eng), PhD, Qu., PEng

Marzouk, Hesham, Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, Cairo, MSc, PhD, Sask., PEng

Persaud, Bhagwant N., Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MEng, PhD, Tor., PEng

Sennah, Khaled M. E., Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MSc, Alexandria, PhD, Windsor, PEng

Shaker Abdelrahman, Ahmed, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MSc, Cairo, PhD, HK Poly U, PEng

Shehata, Medhat, Professor, Civil Engineering
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Program
PhD, Tor., PEng

Yuan, Xianxun (Arnold), Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
BASc, MASc, Hunan Univ., PhD, Wat., PEng

Adjunct Professors

Abd, El Halim, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Abrishami, Homayoun, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MSc,  Sharif University of Technology, PhD, McG, PEng

Afifi, Akram, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Aldin, Saad, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Attalla, Mohamed, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Bathurst, Richard, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Cao, Laifa, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Chow, Joseph, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, MEng, Cornell, PhD, Calif (Irvine)

Dabbour, Essam , Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MASc, PhD, Ryerson, PEng

Elzohairy, Yoassry, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
PhD, Ill.

Gholamreza-Kashi, Soheil, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
PhD, W.Ont.

Gunner, Serhan, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
BSc, Dokuz Eylül University, MSc, Istanbul Technical University, PhD, Tor.

Hafez, Hisham, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Halabieh, Bassam, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Hanna, Mikhail, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Hedjazi, Saman, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Lei, Jian, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Lotfy, Abdurahman, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MASc, PhD, Ryerson, PEng.

Masoud, Sobhy, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Mekky, Ali, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Moin, Syed Afaq, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Mostafa, Ahmed, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
PhD, McM., PEng

Mostafa, Mohamed, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MASc, PhD, Car.

Noureldin, Aboelmagd, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Perdikaris, John, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MEng, PhD, Guelph

Rafiei, Shahryar, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
PhD, Ryerson

Rahman, Saidur, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MEng, DEng, Kitami Institute of Technology, PEng

Sadri, Afshin, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Safiuddin, M.D., Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MASc, Windsor, PhD, Wat.

Saffarini, Hassan S., Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
BA, Leeds, MSc, PhD, Calif.

Sahmaran, Mustafa, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Salib, Sameh, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Salloum, Tareq, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Samaan, Magdy, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Sayed Ahmed, Mahmoud, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
MASc, PhD, Ryerson, PEng

Sonebi, Mohammed, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Wang, Min, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering

Zabarjad Shiraz, Nader, Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering
BS, Mazandaran, MS, Tabriz, PhD, Tarbiat Modares University

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Alirezaie, Javad, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng

Androutsos, Dimitrios, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BASc, MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Anpalagan, Alagan, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BASc, MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Bagheri, Ebrahim, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, MSc, Ferdowsi Univ. of Mashhad, PhD, New Br., PEng

Beheshti, Soosan, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering Program Director
MSc, PhD, M.I.T, PEng

Chen, Yao-Chon (John), Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BASc, Ott., MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng

Cheung, Richard W. Y., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BASc, MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Clowes, Kenneth J., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BEng (Hons.), McG.

Das, Olivia, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, MSc, Calc., MSc, PhD, Car., PEng

Fernando, Xavier N., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc Eng, (Hons.), Peradeniya, MSc, (AIT), Bangkok, PhD, Calg., PEng

Geurkov, Vadim, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Eng Georgian Polytech Inst, CAND of Technical Science, Academy of Science, Moscow, PEng

Gu, Xijia, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MSc, Tor., PhD, Wat., PEng

Guan, Ling, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Multimedia and Computer Technology
BSc, Tianjin, MASc, Wat. PhD, Br. Col.

Hussein, Ali M., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, Alexandria, MSc, Ain Shams, PhD, Tor., PEng

Jaseemuddin, Muhammad, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BEng, NED, Karachi, MSc, UT Arlington, PhD, Tor., PEng

Karim, Sheikh, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, MSc, Dacca, PhD, Belf., CEng (UK), PEng

Kassam, Mahmood S., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Chair, Student Affairs, Biomedical Engineering Program Director
BASc, MASc, Tor., Doctor Universitatis, Technical University for Heavy Industry (Miskolc), PEng

Khademi, April, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BEng, MASc, Ryerson, PhD, Tor.

Khan, Gul N., Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, UET, Lahore, MSc, Syr. PhD, Lond., PEng

Khan, Naimul Mefraz, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, B'desh.Engin., MSc, Windsor, PhD, Ryerson

Kirischian, Lev, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MSc, PhD, Moscow, PEng

Krishnan, Sridhar, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Biomedical Signal Analysis
MSc, PhD, Calg., PEng

Ma, Ngok-Wa, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduate Program Director, Computer Networks
BASc, MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng

McConville, Kristiina, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BASc, Wat., MSc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Mekhiel, Nagi, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MASc, Tor., PhD, McM., PEng

Mohammadi, Farahnaz, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BEng (Elec), MEE, Iran University of Science and Technology, PhD, IEMN, France, PEng

Raahemifar, Kaamran, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
PhD, Windsor, PEng

Sedaghat, Reza, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Diplom I, Diplom II, Kassel, PhD, Hanover, PEng

Umapathy, Karthikeyan, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MPhil, Herts., PhD, W. Ont., PEng

Venkatesh, Balasubramanian, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Program Director, Energy & Innovation, Professional Masters
Academic Director, Centre for Urban Energy, BEng, MEng, PhD, Anna Univ., PEng

Wu, Bin, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Xu, Dewei (David), Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BEng, PhD, Tsinghua, PEng

Yang, Cungang (Truman), Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
M.Sc. Jilin, Ph.D. Regina

Yazdani, Amirnaser, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduate Program Director
BSc, MEE, Tehran, PhD, Tor., PEng

Ye, Andy Gean, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer Program Director
BASc, MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Young, Victor, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Bioengineering and Biophotonics
M.A.Sc., M.D.-Ph.D., Tor., P.Eng.

Yuan, Fei, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng

Zeytinoglu, O. Mehmet, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, MSc, Bogazici, PhD, Penn., PEng

Zhang, Xiao-Ping, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MSc, PhD, Tsinghua, MBA, Chic., PEng

Zhao, Lian, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MSc, Wuhan, PhD, Wat., PEng

Zywno, Malgorzata S. (Gosha), Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
MEng, Lodz, MEng, Tor., PhD, G.Caledonian (Glasgow), PEng

Adjunct Professors

Farjow, Wisan, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

He, Yifeng, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Kyan, Matthew, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Lakshmiarayanan, Vasudevan, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Loui, Alex, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Smith, James, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BSc, MSc, Alta., PhD, McG., PEng

Standish, Beau, Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
BEng, McM, MSc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Amin, Saman Hassazadeh, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, Windsor

Basar Bener, Ayse, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Master of Admin Science, Alabama (Huntsville), PhD, Lond.

Bougherara, Habiba, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, École Polytechnique de Montréal, PEng

Budny, Richard S., Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BASc, MASc, Tor., PEng

Cao, Jun, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, PhD, University of Paris, PEng

Chan, Vincent, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BASc, Wat., MSc, Qu., PhD, Vic., (B.C.), PEng

Chen, Daolun L., Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, Northeastern Univ., PhD, Chinese Academy of Science, Dr. rer. nat., Vienna, PEng

Dworkin, Seth, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BEng, McM, MSc, MPhil, PhD, Yale, PEng

Fang, Liping, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Associate Dean, Undergrad. Programs & Student Affairs
BEng, Tianjin University, MASc, PhD, Wat., FEIC, FCSME, PEng, FCAE

Friedman, Jacob, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng

Fung, Alan, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, Dal., BEng, MASc, Tech. U.N.S., PhD, Dal., PEng, FCSME

Ghasempoor, Ahmad, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MSc, PhD, Qu., PEng

He, Siyuan, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, Harbin Inst. of Tech., PhD. Tor., PEng

Jaber, Mohamad, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, Wichita State, PhD, Nott., PEng

Janabi-Sharifi, Farrokh, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, Middle East Technical University,  MASc, Tor., PhD, Wat., PEng, FCSME

Leong, Wey, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BEng, Tech. U.N.S., PhD, Wat., PEng

Lin, Der Chyan (Bill), Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, Penn State, PEng

Lu, Hua, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, Tianjin, PhD, Stony Brook

Mohamed Ismail, Mohamed Wahab, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc Eng, Moratuwa, MEng, Asian Inst. of Tech., PhD, Tor., PEng

Naylor, David, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BESc, MESc, PhD, W. Ont., FCAE, FCSME, PEng

Neumann, Patrick, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, Waterloo, Lic. Eng, PhD Lund Technical University (Sweden), EurErg

Oguamanam, Donatus, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, Wat., PEng

Papini, Marcello, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Abrasive Jet Technology
BAsc, MASc, PhD, Tor., CRC,  PEng, FCSME

Ravindran, Comondore, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, Madr., BE, I.I.Sc., MSc, PhD, Manit., FCAE, FNAE, FASM, PEng

Saghir, M. Ziad, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Salustri, Filippo, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MASc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Searcy, Cory, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MSc, Manit., PhD, Alta., PEng

Stewart, Mary, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, Qu., MEng, Tor., PhD, G.Caledonian,  PEng

Taghipour, Sharareh, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, MASc, Sharif University of Technology, PhD, Tor., Lic.Eng.

Tham, Kokchu Donald, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, Bombay, BTech, Ryerson, MASc, Wat., PhD, Tor., PEng

Towler, Mark, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc (Hons), Manc., MSc, Liv., PhD, Lond. CEng, CSci, FIMMM

Tsai, Scott, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BASc, Tor., SM, PhD, Harv., PEng

Varvani-Farahani, Ahmad, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MASc, PhD, Wat., PEng

Venkatakrishnan, Krishnan, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BEng, MEngSci, Qld.UT, PhD, Nan.Tech., PEng

Yu, Shudong, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, Jiangxi Metallurgical Inst., MSc, Northeast University of Technology, PhD, Tor., PEng

Zolfaghari, Saeed, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs
BSc, Isfahan University of Technology, MSc, Iran University of Science and Technology, PhD, Ott., PEng

Adjunct Professors

Barati, Mansoor, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Bhole, Sanjiwan, Adjunct Professor, Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BEng, Poona, MSc, Birm., MBA, Cran., PhD, Birm.

Byczynski, Glenn, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BASc, MASc, Windsor., PhD, Birm., PEng

Cao, Xinjin, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Chaturvedi, Mahesh, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Cheema, Asim Nazir, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, Tor.

Czerwinski, Frank, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Jardine, Andrew, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Karray, Salma, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Kostiuk, Larry, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Kutryk, Michael, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Loutfy, Rafik, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Distinguished Innovator-in-Residence

Mantegh, Iraj, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

McLean, Alexander, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Murty, B.S., Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Quan, Vinh, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Rosen, Marc, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Ryman, Arthur, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
BSc, York (Can.), MSc, Lond., PhD, Oxf. (Wolfson)

Sediako, Dimitry, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Candidate of Sciences, USSR Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgical Thermal Engineering, PEng

Srinivasan, Seshasai, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MSc, Michigan Technological University

Vakasnki, Aleksandar, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
PhD, Ryerson

Yang, Dezi, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Yücel, Yeni, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MD, Strasbourg

Zdero, Radovan, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Zeidan, Dia, Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Chemistry and Biology

Antonescu, Costin N., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, PhD, Tor.

Arts, Michael, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
MSc, PhD, Tor.

Bostan, Vadim, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
MSc, Bucharest, DES, PhD, Geneva

Botelho, Roberto, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) Biomedical Sciences and Technologies
BScH, York (Can.), PhD, Tor.

Campbell, Lesley, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
PhD, Ohio State

Coe, Imogen, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Dean, Faculty of Science
BSc, Exe., MSc, PhD, Vic. (BC)

Estable, Mario, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, Ott., MSc, Laval, PhD, UBC

Evans, Chris, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Vice-Provost, Academic
BSc, MSc, Carleton, PhD, Ott.

Fillingham, Jeffrey, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Undergraduate Program Director, Biomedical Science
BSc (Hons.), Tor., PhD, York (Can.), CSBMCB, GSC

Foster, Debora B., Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Director, Graduate Program in Molecular Science
BSc, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Foucher, Daniel, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, MSc, Qu., PhD, Tor., MCIC

George, Noel A., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, Qu., PhD, Guelph, MCIC

Gilbride, Kimberley A., Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Undergraduate Program Director, Biology
BSc, C'dia, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Tor.

Gossage, Robert A., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, Guelph, PhD, Vic. (B.C.), MRSC, MCSJ

Greenberg, Sharonna, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, PhD, Tor.

Hausner, Martina, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, Tor., MSc, Wat., Dr.rer.nat., München

Heyd, Darrick V., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Senior Advisor, Academic Space Planning
BScH, Vic. (B.C.), PhD, Tor., MCIC, MACS

Iyer, Raji, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
PhD, S.U.N.Y. (Albany)

Johnson, Anne E., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Undergraduate Program Director, Chemistry
BSc, Tor., PhD, UBC, MCIC

Koivisto, Bryan D., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, Wat. PhD, Vic. (BC) MCIC

Koprivnikar, Janet, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Laursen, Andrew E., Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BA, Colgate, PhD, Notre Dame, ASLO, SWS

Lu, Julia Y., Professor, Chemistry and Biology
MSc, St. F. X., PhD, Car.

Marshall, John, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
MSc, PhD, Wat.

McCarthy, Lynda, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, Qu., PhD, Wat.

McPhee, Joseph, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc (Hons), StFX, PhD, UBC

McWilliams, Andrew, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
Academic Coordinator, First Year and Common Science Office
BSc, Dal., MSc, PhD, Tor., MCIC

Melles, Stephanie J., Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, Tor., MSc, UBC, PhD, Tor.

Naranjit, David A., Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, McM., MSc, Carl., PhD, Tor., MCIC, Cchem

Rousseau, Dérick, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, Laval, PhD, Guelph

Sabatinos, Sarah, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
PhD, Tor.

Viirre, Russell, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, PhD, W. Ont., MCIC

Wakarchuk, Warren, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BSc, MSc, PhD, UBC

Wolfaardt, Gideon, Professor, Chemistry and Biology
PhD, Sask.

Woodley, Nancy, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, PhD, Guelph

Wylie, R. Stephen, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biology
BScH, PhD, Qu. 

Adjunct Professors

Kapus, Andras, Adjunct Professor, Chemistry and Biology
MD, PhD, Sammelweis University

Keech, Peter, Adjunct Professor, Chemistry and Biology

Sacripante, Guerino, Adjunct Professor, Chemistry and Biology
PhD. McG.

Szaszi, Katalin, Adjunct Professor, Chemistry and Biology
MD, PhD, Semmelweis University

Computer Science

Abhari, Abdolreza, Professor, Computer Science
PhD, Car.

Derpanis, Konstantinos, Associate Professor, Computer Science
Director, Graduate Program
BSc, Tor. MSc, PhD, York (Can.)

Ding, Chen (Cherie), Professor, Computer Science
PhD, NU Singapore

Ferworn, Alexander, Professor, Computer Science
BTech, Ryerson, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Wat.

Hamelin, Denis, Associate Professor, Computer Science
BScA, MSc, Laval, PhD, Florida Inst. of Tech.

Harley, Eric, Associate Professor, Computer Science
BSc, MSc, York (Can.), PhD, Tor.

Mason, David V., Professor, Computer Science
BSc, Acad., MSc, Tor.

McInerney, Tim, Professor, Computer Science
BASc, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Miranskyy, Andriy, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
BSc, National Technical University of Ukraine (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), MSc, PhD, W.Ont

Miri, Ali, Professor, Computer Science
BSc, MSc, Tor., PhD, Wat.

Misic, Jelena, Professor, Computer Science
BSc, MSc, PhD, Belgrade, Serbia

Misic, Vojislav, Professor, Computer Science
BSc, MSc, PhD, Belgrade, Serbia

Panar, Joshua D., Professor, Computer Science
BSc, MSc, Alta., PhD, McM.

Quigley, Sophie, Professor, Computer Science
BSc, McG., MMath, Wat.

Sadeghian, Alireza, Professor, Computer Science
MASc, PhD, Tor.

Santos, Marcus, Associate Professor, Computer Science
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Science Programs and Student Affairs
BSc, MSc, Uberlandia, PhD, Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Soutchanski, Mikhail, Professor, Computer Science
BSc, Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, PhD, Tor.

Woit, Denise, Professor, Computer Science
BMath, MMath, Wat., PhD, Qu.

Woungang, Isaac, Professor, Computer Science
Undergraduate Program Director
PhD, Toulon, France

Adjunct Professors

Botchkarev, Alexei, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
Kandidat Tekhnicheskih Nauk, Kiev Aviation Engineering Academy, FORS, FEIC, FIET, PMP, P.Stat., SMIEEE

Cavoukian, Ann, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science

Chartier, Sylvain, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
PhD, Qu.

Coleshill, (James) Elliott, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
MSc, PhD, Guelph

Gaertner, Jerrard, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science

Madni, Asad M., Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
BS, MS, UCLA, PhD, Calif. Chartered Engineering, The Institution of Electrical Engineers

Pham, Brian Huy, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
PhD, Guelph

Plataniotis, Kostas, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science

Sharieh, Salah, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science

Tomko, George, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
BASc, MASc, PhD, Tor.

Traore, Issa, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
PhD, INPT (France)

Zahir, Bahram, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science


Bonato, Anthony, Professor, Mathematics
Associate Dean, Yeates School of Graduate Studies
BSc, McM., MMath, PhD, Wat.

Danziger, Peter, Professor, Mathematics
MSc, Lond., PhD, Tor.

Delic, Dejan, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BMath, MSc, U. Novi Sad, PhD, Wat.

Ferrando, Sebastian E., Professor, Mathematics
MSc, PhD, Tor.

Georgiou, Konstantinos, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BSc, MSc, U.Athens, PhD, Tor.

Grandison, Christopher J., Professor, Mathematics
BSc, MSc, Tor.

Ha, Dzung, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BA, York (Can.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Horowitz, Jonah, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BMath, Wat., MSc, PhD, McM.

Ilie, Silvana, Associate Professor, Mathematics
Director, Graduate Program in Mathematics
PhD, W. Ont.

Kim, Chul (Charles), Associate Professor, Mathematics
MS, PhD, North Carolina State

Kolasa, Lawrence A., Associate Professor, Mathematics
Undergraduate Program Director
BA, Mich., PhD, Cal. Tech.

Lan, Kunquan, Professor, Mathematics
PhD, Glas.

Lawrence, Peter A., Professor, Mathematics
BSc, Car., MA, York (Can.), PhD, Wat.

Olivares, Pablo, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
PhD, Havana

Ord, Garnet N., Associate Professor, Mathematics
BSc, Brock, MA, York (Can.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Pascal, Jean-Paul, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BSc, MSc, Alta., PhD, W. Ont.

Pralat, Pawel, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
PhD, Adam Mickiewicz University

Rohlf, Katrin, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BMath, MMath, PhD, Wat.

Todorow, Bozena, Associate Professor, Mathematics
MSc, PhD, Krakow

Xanthos, Foivos, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BSc, MSc, PhD National Technical University of Athens

Adjunct Professors

Mendelsohn, Eric, Adjunct Professor, Mathematics


Antimirova, Tetyana, Associate Professor, Physics
CAND of Physics and Mathematical Science, Academy of Sciences, Ukraine

Beauchemin, Catherine, Associate Professor, Physics
BSc, Ott., PhD, Alta.

Buckby, Margaret, Professor, Physics
BA, Temple, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Carvalho, Maria (Juliana), Professor, Physics
Licenciada, Lisbon, MSc, PhD, Tor.

da Silva, Eric, Assistant Professor, Physics
BSc, MSc, Ryerson, C. Chem.

Douplik, Alexandre, Associate Professor, Physics
BSc, MSc, Technical Faculty Moscow State Medical University, PhD, Russian Academy of Science and Friedrich-Alexander-Universtät Erlangen-Nürnberg,
DSc Habilitationfach, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Goldman, Pedro, Professor, Physics
BSc (Hons.), MSc, PhD, Windsor

Gräfe, James, Assistant Professor, Physics
BSc (Hons), Guelph, PhD, McM

Karshafian, Raffi, Associate Professor, Physics
BASc, MSc, PhD,  Tor.

Kolios, Michael C., Professor, Physics
Associate Dean, Research & Grad. Programs
BSc, Wat., MSc, PhD, Tor.

Kumaradas, Joseph (Carl), Associate Professor, Physics
Graduate Program Director
BASc, MSc, PhD, Tor.

Pejović-Milić, Ana, Professor, Physics
BSc, MSc, Belgrade, MSc, PhD, McM.

Springer, G. Todd, Assistant Professor, Physics
PhD, University of Minnesota

Tavakkoli, Jahan, Associate Professor, Physics
Undergraduate Program Director
BSc(EE), MSc, Doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Toronov, Vladislav, Associate Professor, Physics
Candidate of Physics and Mathematical Science, Higher Attestation Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

Xu, Yuan, Associate Professor, Physics
PhD, Texas A.M., PhD, Inst. of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Adjunct Professors

Aviv, Richard, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Chithrani, Devika, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Cobbold, Richard, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Cordes, Dietmar, Adjunct Professor, Physics
PhD, Nevada

Feld, Jordan J., Adjunct Professor, Physics

Fleming, David, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Heath, Emily, Adjunct Professor, Physics
BSc (Hon.), Qu., MSc, PhD, McG.

Juhasz, Janos, Adjunct Professor, Physics
PhD, Guelph

Keller, Harald, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Khan, Rao, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Leung, General, Adjunct Professor, Physics

McCann, Claire, Adjunct Professor, Physics

McVeigh, Patrick, Adjunct Professor, Physics
MD, PhD, Tor.

Pang, Geordi G., Adjunct Professor, Physics

Ravi, Ananth, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Ruschin, Mark, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Sarfehnia, Arman, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Song, William, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Whelan, William, Adjunct Professor, Physics
BSc, PEI, MSc, PhD, McM.

Yucei, Yeni, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Zalevsky, Zeev, Adjunct Professor, Physics

Accounting & Finance

Anderson, D. Scott, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
MBA, Qu., LLB, PhD, York (Can.)

Bewley, Kathryn A., Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BA, Tor., MBA, York (Can.), PhD, Wat. CPA, CA

Chan, Anthony M. Y., Professor, Accounting & Finance
BBA, MBA, York (Can.), PhD, Sheff. (UK), FAIA, CPA, CMA

Farrar, Jonathan, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BAcc (Hons.), MAcc, Brock, LLM, Qu., PhD, York (Can.), CPA, CA, ARCT

Farshadfar, Shadi, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
MA, PhD, Griffith Univ. (Australia)

Feng, Yi, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
Interim Co-Chair
MA, MBA, McM., PhD, York (Can.), CFA

Gekas, George, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BA, Athens, MA, Lake., BComm, MBA, Windsor, PhD, Hull (UK), CPA, CMA, IFCMA

Goss, Allen, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
Interim Associate Dean, Students
MBA, PhD, York (Can.)

Inglis, Michael, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BASc, MASc, Tor., MBA, York (Can.), PhD, Tor.

Kaplan, Alan, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
MBA, LLB, PhD, York (Can.)

Li, Yuanshun, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
MBA, PhD, Calg

Liu, Guoping, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BA, Peking U (China), PhD, Wat.

Magness, Vanessa E., Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BAS, MBA, York (Can.), CMA, PhD, Manit.

McGraw, Patricia, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BSc (Hons.), McG., MBA, Tor., MSc, PhD, Dal.

Rakhmayil, Sergiy, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
PhD, Manit., CFA

Samarbakhsh, Laleh, Assistant Professor, Accounting & Finance
MA, PhD, W.Laur.

Schneider, Thomas, Assistant Professor, Accounting & Finance
BMus, MBA, W.Laur., PhD, Wat.

Sydor, Daria, Professor, Accounting & Finance
BSc, Tor., MBA, York (Can.), CPA, CA

Taylor, Deirdre, Professor, Accounting & Finance
BA, Dub., MBA, York (Can.), CPA, CGA

Terry, Eric, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
BBA, W. Laur., PhD, Stanford

Toffanin, Melissa, Assistant Professor, Accounting & Finance
BComm, Lakehead, MSc, PhD, C'dia.

Yuce, Ayse (Ashley), Professor, Accounting & Finance
BS, Bogazici Univ., MBA, S. Mississippi, PhD, Louisiana State

Zhang, Lu, Assistant Professor, Accounting & Finance
PhD, Alta.

Business Management

Adjunct Professors

Omidvar, Ratna, Adjunct Professor, Business Management

Entrepreneurship & Strategy

Bates, Kimberly A., Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
PhD, Minnesota

Gedeon, Steven, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
MBA, Tor., MSc, PhD, M.I.T., PE, PEng

Grant, Ken A., Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BA, Open (UK), MBA, York (Can.), DBA, Henley

Han, Mary, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
MBA, H-W, DBA, Strathclyde, (UK)

Jensen, Knud B., Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BA, C'dia, Dip Mgmt, McG., MBA, York (Can.)

Kemper, Alison, Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BA, Yale, MDir, MTh, MBA, PhD, Tor.

Murphy, Steven, Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BCommH, MMgts,  PhD, Car.

Nicholls-Nixon, Charlene, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BComm, MBA, Sask., PhD, Purdue

Schlanger, David L., Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BA (Hons.), BEd, MBA, Tor.

Valliere, Dave C., Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BASc, MEng, Tor., MBA, W. Ont., PhD, Open (UK), PEng

Walsh, Philip, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BSc (Hons.), Qu., PGeo, MBA, W. Ont., PhD, Bradford (UK)

Wise, Sean, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BA, Carleton, MBA, LLB, Ott., PhD, Glas.

Wolff, Neil, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
BComm, Ryerson, MBA, Clarkson

Global Management Studies

Carl, Dale, Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
BA (Hons.), R.M.C., MBA, Qu., PhD, Calg.

Chua, Clare, Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
BComm, BA (Hons.), McM., PhD, UCLA

De Lange, Deborah, Assistant Professor, Global Management Studies
BASc, Tor., MBA, Qu., PhD, Tor.

Farrell, Carlyle, Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
BSc, WI, MSc, Guelph, PhD, Manit.

Gruzd, Anatoliy, Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
BS, MS, Dnipropetrovsk National University, MLIS, Syracuse, PhD,  Ill.(Urbana-Champaign)

Lin, Howard, Professor, Global Management Studies
PhD, Oklahoma State

Manjuris, Michael G., Professor, Global Management Studies
Interim Chair
BSc, Qu., MBA, Tor.

Morgan, Horatio M., Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
BSc, MSc, Univ of West Indies, MA, York (Can.), PhD, S. Fraser

Ngwenyama, Ojelanki, Professor, Global Management Studies
BS, MS, Roosevelt, MBA, Syr., PhD, S.U.N.Y., Docent (Jyväskylä)

Nikoofal, Mohammad, Assistant Professor, Global Management Studies
BSc, Isfahan University of Technology, MSc, Amirkabir University of Technology, PhD, McG.

Sui, Sui, Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
MA, PhD, Car.

Tasic, Boza, Assistant Professor, Global Management Studies
PhD, Wat.

Whistance-Smith, Wallace, Associate Professor, Global Management Studies
BA (Hons.), York (Can.), BA (Hons.), MA, PhD, Tor.

Zolfagharina, Hossein, Assistant Professor, Global Management Studies
BSc, Islamic Azad University (South Tehran), MSc, Amirkabir University of Technology, PhD, W.Laur.

Health Services Management

Meyer, Julien, Acting Assistant Professor, Health Services Management
MSc, HEC Paris, PhD HEC Montréal

Nippak, Pria, Associate Professor, Health Services Management
BSc (Hons.), MSc, PhD, Tor.

Spalding, Karen, Associate Professor, Health Services Management
BA, BScN, Ottawa, MSc, PhD, Tor., RN

Tiessen, James, Associate Professor, Health Services Management
BSc, Alta., MS, Guelph, PhD, York (Can.)

Adjunct Professors

Pringle, James (Jake), Adjunct Professor, Health Services Management
BSc, Qu., DC, CMCC, MBA, York (Can.), DBA, Bath

Rosenberg-Yunger, Zahava, Adjunct Professor, Health Services Management
BSc, PhD, Tor.

Hospitality and Tourism Management

Dimanche, Frederic, Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
MSc, PhD, Oregon

Dodds, Rachel, Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BA, Bishops, Qu., MTourMgt, Griff., Aust. PhD, Surrey (UK)

Forgacs, Gabor, Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Doctorate, Univ. of Economic Sciences, Budapest

Gibbs, Christopher, Assistant Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BComm, MBA, Ryerson, PhD, Stir.

Graci, Sonya, Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BA (Hons.), MA, Tor., PhD, Wat.

Griffin, Tom, Assistant Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
MA, W.England, PhD, Wat.

Hunter, Michael, Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BA, MA, York (Can.)

Lu, Zhen, Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BSc, Jichu University, China, MA, Xian Jiaotong University, China, PhD, Univ. of Technology, Eindhoven and Xian Jiaotong Univ., China

MacKay, Kelly, Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BA, Acadia, MSc, Texas A&M, PhD, Ill.

Martin, David W., Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BAA, Ryerson, MS, RIT, DBA, Sarasota

McEvoy, Bernard J., Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BSc, Lond., MBA, Tor., CPA, CA

Penny, Katherine J., Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
BA, York (Can.)

Wade, Richard I., Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Dip, Ryerson, BA, MBA, York (Can.)

Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour

Banerjee, Rupa, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
MIR, PhD, Tor.

Bartkiw, Tim, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
LLB, York (Can.), PhD, Car.

Church, Robin, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
BSc, Acadia, MBA, St. Mary's (Can.), PhD, Tor.

Hunt, Gerald, Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
BSc, Trent, DHA, MEd, Tor., PhD, Bath, UK

Lamb, Danielle, Assistant Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
BA, York (Can.), MIRHR, PhD, Tor.

Mazerolle, Maurice, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
Director, Centre for Labour Management Relations , BA, New Br., MIR, PhD, Tor.

Sakinofsky, Ian G., Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
BBusSC, Cape T., BEcon (Hons.), Stell., MComm, Rand Afrikaans

Scott, Kristyn, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
BA (Hons.), Calg., MA, PhD, Wat.

Sniderman, Patricia, Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
BA (summa cum laude) Boston, MA, York (Can.), PhD, Open (UK)

Song, Fei, Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
PhD, York (Can.)

Yap, Margaret, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviour
PhD, Tor.

Information Technology Management

Al-Natour, Sameh, Assisant Professor, Information Technology Management

Babin, Ron, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
BA, MBA, York (Can.), DBA, Manc.

Bahli, Bouchaib, Professor, Information Technology Management
MBA, Laval, PhD, HEC Montréal

Cukier, Wendy L., Professor, Information Technology Management
Director, Diversity Insitute
BA, Brock, MA, MBA, Tor., PhD, York (Can.), Docteur d’Université (Honoris Causa), Laval, LLD (Honoris Causa), C’dia

Derbal, Youcef, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
BEng, MSc, PhD, Qu.

Dong, Linying, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
BBA, Lanzhou U., PhD, W. Ont.

Fels, Deborah, Professor, Information Technology Management
Director, Inclusive Media and Design Centre, MHSc, PhD, Tor., PEng

Guergachi, Abdelaziz, Professor, Information Technology Management
BEng, ESIM France, BSc, Université de Provence (France), PhD, Ott.

Hudyma, Robert, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
BSc, MSc, Tor.

Lee, Joseph A., Professor, Information Technology Management
BSc, MS, Marquette, MBA, Oklahoma

Mashatan, Atefeh (Atty), Assistant Professor, Information Technology Management
BMath, Car., MMath, PhD, Wat. CISSP, SOA Certified Architect

Middleton, Catherine, Professor, Information Technology Management
BA, (Hons.) Qu., MBA, Bond. Univ. (Australia), PhD York (Can.)

Moss, Raymond, Professor, Information Technology Management
BA, Nott., (UK)

Plaza, Malgorzata (Margaret), Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
Dip Ped, MEng, Doc Eng Sci (Cracow), PEng, PMP, CIA

Prescod, Franklyn, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
BAA, Ryerson, MSc, Syr., PhD, Nova Southeastern

Shah, Bharat A., Professor, Information Technology Management
BEng, Bda., MBA, Mankato, ISP, PEng

Shirazi, Farid, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
Associate Director
BSc, (EE), MSc, Tehran, PhD. Cape Town

Tam, Jim, Associate Professor, Information Technology Management
BSc, MEng, PhD, Tor.

Turetken, Ozgur, Professor, Information Technology Management
BS, MS, Middle East Technical Univ. (Turkey), PhD, Oklahoma

Law and Business

Alkoby, Asher, Associate Professor, Law and Business
LLB, (cum laude) Haifa (Israel), LLM, SJD, Tor.

Alon-Shenker, Pnina, Associate Professor, Law and Business
LLM, SJD, Tor.

Bertolini, Daniele, Assistant Professor, Law and Business
JD (summa cum laude), Pavia, MA, LLM, Bologna, LLM, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, SJD, Tor.

Graben, Sari
, Assistant Professor, Law and Business
BA, York (Can.), LLB, Dal., LLM Qu., PhD, York (Can.)

Lan, Gil, Associate Professor, Law and Business
BSc, Tor., LLB, LLM, PhD, York (Can.)

Levin, Avner, Professor, Law and Business
BSc (cum laude), LLB, Tel-Aviv, LLM, SJD, Tor.

MacDonald, Chris, Associate Professor, Law and Business

Von Kriegstein, Hasko, Assistant Professor, Law and Business
PhD, Tor.

Webb, Kernaghan, Associate Professor, Law and Business
LLB, Calg., LLM, LLD, Ott.


Berger, Ida, Professor, Marketing
BA, MBA, PhD, Tor.

Bradish, Cheri, Associate Professor, Marketing
Loretta Rogers Chair in Sport Marketing
MSc, PhD, Florida State

Dempsey, Melanie, Associate Professor, Marketing
PhD, Tor.

Foster, Mary, Professor, Marketing
BA, MA, Tor., MPhil, PhD, Col.

Francescucci, Anthony, Associate Professor, Marketing
BBM, Ryerson, MBA, W. Ont., DBA, Manc.

Lebel, Katie, Assistant Professor, Marketing
BA (cum laude), St. John's University (New York), MA, PhD, W. Ont.

McNeish, Joanne, Associate Professor, Marketing
BA, Ott., MBA, C'dia., PhD. Carl.

Michon, Richard, Associate Professor, Marketing
Interim Chair
BA (hons), RMC, MBA, PhD, HEC-Mont.

Morley, Roy, Professor, Marketing
BSc (Hons.), Nott.Trent, MBA, York (Can.), PhD, W. Ont., PEng

Pyle, Martin A., Assistant Professor, Marketing
BSc, BA, MSc, Qu., MBA, York (Can.), PhD, Qu.

Saber, Jane, Associate Professor, Marketing
BComm (Dist.), Alta., LLB, Qu., LLM, PhD, Alta.

West, Bettina C., Associate Professor, Marketing
Interim Associate Dean, Faculty and Academic
BA, McM., MBA, York (Can.), DBA, Reading (UK)

Wilson, Robert D., Professor, Marketing
BSc, Guelph, MBA, York (Can.)

Real Estate Management

Haider, Murtaza, Associate Professor, Real Estate Management
MASc, PhD, Tor.

Holmes, Cynthia, Associate Professor, Real Estate Management
BSc, McG, MBA, C'dia, PhD, UBC

Nickerson, David, Distinguished Professor, Real Estate Management
BA (Hons), Missouri, MA, PhD, Northwestern

Scofield, David, Assistant Professor, Real Estate Management
PhD, Sheff.

Xie, Jia, Assistant Professor, Real Estate Management
MA, PhD, Indiana University

Adjunct Professors

Brooks, Michael, Adjunct Professor, Real Estate Management
MBA, York (Can.), PhD, Wat.

Retail Management

Gunn, Frances, Assistant Professor, Retail Management
MA, Central Michigan, PhD, Open(UK)

Lee, Seung Hwan (Mark), Associate Professor, Retail Management
BSc, McM., MBA, Windsor, PhD, W.Ont.

Lewis, David, Assistant Professor, Retail Management
PhD, W. Laur.

Rudowski, Janice, Assistant Professor, Retail Management
MBA, York (Can.)

Shaw, Norman, Assistant Professor, Retail Management
MSc, Lond., DBA, Henley

Smith, Donna, Professor, Retail Management
BA, MBA, McG., DBA, Henley

Yu, Hong, Associate Professor, Retail Management
BEng (Clothing), Tianjin Polytechnic Univ., MEng (Clothing), Beijing Inst. of Clothing Technology, PhD, Iowa State

Lefebvre, Madeleine, Chief Librarian

Byrne, Gillian, Associate Chief Librarian

Banerjee, Sanjoy, Librarian, Inter-library Loans and Borrowing and Lending Services

Cameron, Brian, Digital Initiatives Librarian

Cheung, Ophelia, Audio Visual and Reserve Services Librarian

Dermody, Kelly, E-Learning and Accessibility Librarian

Eichenlaub, Naomi, Collection Services Librarian

Farnum, Cecile, Communications and Liason Librarian

Fraser, Lucina, Library Learning Services and Business Librarian

Granfield, Diane, User Experience Librarian, Library Learning Services

Grover, Trina, Collection Services Librarian

Jackson, Robert, Librarian, Library Learning Services

Jakubek, Daniel, Head of Collection Services, GIS and Map Librarian

Jin, Lei, Electronic Resources Librarian

Kimberley, Kelly, Librarian, Head of Borrowing and Lending Services

Kinder, Don, Librarian, Head of Library Learning Services, Library Faculty Teaching Chair

Lem, Val, Collection Services Librarian

Ludbrook, Ann, Copyright and Scholarly Engagement Librarian

Manuel, Kevin, Data Librarian

Sassur, Curtis, Archivist-Librarian, Coordinator of Archives and Special Collections

Schmidt, Jane, Collection Services Librarian

Skyrme, Alison, Special Collections Librarian

Suhonos, Michael John (MJ), Digital Technologies and Projects Librarian, BSc (Eng), MISt

Thomas, Dana, Evaluation and Assessment Librarian

Wang, Fangmin, Librarian, Head of Library Information Technology Services

Wang, Weina, Borrowing and Lending Services Librarian
BSc, MSc

Wilson, Sally, Web Services Librarian

Wolofsky, Jay, Librarian, Library Learning Services

Yan, May, ER Discovery and Access Librarian

Brecher, Diana, Counsellor
EdD, Tor., C. Psych.

Conroy-Amato, Colleen, Counsellor
MSW, Wilfred Laurier, RSW

Dickson, Bronwyn, Counsellor
MSW, York (Canada), RSW

Frolic, Ruth, Counsellor
MEd, Tor., RP

Gill, Jastej, Counsellor
MA, Counselling Psychology, Adler School of Professional Psychology

Girz, Laura, Counsellor
MA, PhD, Tor.

Holt, Joanna, Counsellor
MEd, Tor., RP

Mendoza, Jesmen, Counsellor
MEd, W. Ont, PhD, Tor. C. Psych

O'Keefe, Maura, Counsellor
BSW, Ryerson, MSW, Tor.

Thompson, Sarah, Counsellor
BSc (Hons.), MEd, PhD, Tor.

Volpe, Rosemarie, Counsellor
MASc, Wat., RP

Woods-Baum, Sahri, Counsellor
MEd, McG., RP

Professors, Counsellors, Deans and Librarians Emeriti/ae and their associated departments.

For previous appointments and post-publication updates, please see the Provost's Distinguished Visiting Appointments webpage (external link, opens in new window) .