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Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is responsible for:

  • the governance of the University;
  • control of its property and revenues;
  • the conduct of its business and affairs, except for matters assigned by the Act to Senate;
  • powers specifically enumerated by the Ryerson University Act and the By-Laws of the University.

The Board’s implied powers include institutional strategic planning, risk management, and financial management of the University.

Ryerson University's 24-member Board of Governors comprises of:

  • the Chancellor
  • the President
  • nine people appointed by the provincial government
  • two people appointed by the Board
  • three alumni elected by the alumni
  • three faculty elected by the faculty
  • two administrative staff members elected by the staff
  • three student members elected by the students

For more information, updates and Board Member biographies, please see: (opens in new window)