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Global Management Studies

Global Management Studies

  • GMS 200 - Introduction to Global Management
    Course DescriptionThis course introduces the concepts and complexities of the contemporary business environment with an emphasis on competitiveness, quality, and the main functional areas of management: Planning, Organizing, Controlling, and Leadership. The course recognizes the global context within which managerial decisions are made. Topics include: origins of management, forms of business ownership, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, organizational structure, strategy, operations management, international business, social and ethical issues. Instruction will be provided for effective presentations and library research skills. A globally oriented management simulation may be used. (Formerly MGT 200)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • GMS 400 - The Global Business Environment
    Course DescriptionThis course offers an introduction to the global business environment. Students will explore the trend towards increased globalization of the world's economies and the implications for business, consumers and society in general. The course will also introduce students to a number of strategic decisions firms must make in order to compete effectively in the current global business environment. Factors to be considered in areas such as foreign market entry and the management of global operations will be explored. Students will also have the opportunity to develop an understanding of how business is conducted in key geographic regions such as Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. The major cultural, political and economic factors that shape the approach to business in these regions will be examined. The course will utilize a combination of lectures, case studies, guest speakers and classroom discussion to reinforce key concepts.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or MGT 121 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 401 - Operations Management
    Course DescriptionProduction and operations management are activities that relate to the creation of goods and services through the transformation of inputs into outputs. Topics include: What is production and operations management; productivity, competitiveness and strategy; quality management; product and service design; process selection; design of work systems; learning curves; inventory management: MRP, JIT; maintenance and reliability; project management: P.E.R.T. and C.P.M. (Student groups are required to visit a manufacturing or service facility, produce a report, and do a formal presentation to the class covering the course topics investigated during the tour.) (Formerly MGT 401)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(GMS 200 or MGT 200 or MGT 121) and (QMS 102 or QMS 204)
  • GMS 402 - Introduction to Managerial Economics
    Course DescriptionA primary emphasis of managerial economics is the application of economic theory and methodology to the practice of business management and decision making. Students will learn how economic tools can be applied to achieve business goals and to address managerial challenges. Topics include: optimization, risk analysis, demand theory and estimation, production and cost theory, market structure and pricing practices. (Formerly MGT 402)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:[(GMS 200 or MGT 200 or MGT 121) and (QMS 102 or QMS 204) and QMS 202] or Direct Entry
  • GMS 410 - Management-Large Corporation
    Course DescriptionThis course takes an interdisciplinary perspective on the challenges of managing in a large corporate environment. It is designed for students who plan to join a large company and want to have an improved understanding of the various functions of the business, and the processes by which things get done in large firms with significant bureaucracies. Topics include elements of human resources management, organizational behaviour and office politics, organizational design, planning and control systems, financial budgeting, supply-chain management, and governance in large corporations. This course is not available to programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BSM 200
    Antirequisites:GMS 200
    Custom Requisites:Restriction: Not available to students in programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management
  • GMS 422 - Quality Management
    Course DescriptionQuality has become a critical component of many successful businesses. The quest for quality has led to the emergence of a set of analytic tools that help identify, study and improve business processes. The course examines the development of these management tools and the role that they play in continuous improvement activities. In particular, the student will become familiar with problem solving strategies that begin with a structured qualitative analysis of business situations, incorporate quantitative management methods and lead to well-reasoned decisions. Appropriate software support will be used. (Formerly QMS 402).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:[(QMS 102 or QMS 204) and QMS 202] or Direct Entry
  • GMS 450 - Project Management
    Course DescriptionThis course focuses on how projects contribute to the strategic goals of the organization. The linkages for integration include the process of selecting projects that best support organizational strategy and all the technical and managerial processes to complete those projects. The goals for prospective project managers are to clearly understand the role of the project in their organizations and to master project management tools/techniques and interpersonal skills necessary to orchestrate projects to completion. (Formerly MGT 806)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or MGT 100 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 455 - Project Planning and Delivery
    Course DescriptionThis course provides the essential skills needed to be successful while working as part of a team on a large project. Project management involves the planning, coordination and control of teams to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. Topics include project planning and work breakdown structures, resource dependencies and sequencing, progress tracking and reporting, team dynamics and leadership, budgets and project approvals. This course is not available to programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BSM 200
    Antirequisites:GMS 450. Restriction: Not available to students in programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management
  • GMS 502 - Management Control
    Course DescriptionA main course objective is the acquisition of essential managerial skills for achieving overall organizational goals. A management control system embraces all aspects of corporate operations; thus students should acquire prior knowledge in organizational behaviour, economics, accounting, finance, and marketing. Major areas discussed: organizational structures and behaviour, management control structures; management planning and control processes. The teaching mode is lecture plus a case seminar. Students must be prepared to strongly defend their points of view during case discussions. Student evaluation consists of short objective tests, individual written case reports, group case presentations, individual participation, and a final exam (essay type). (Formerly MGT 502)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:[(ACC 406 or ACC 410) and (GMS 401 or MGT 401)] or Direct Entry
  • GMS 520 - International Business
    Course DescriptionThe world is shrinking and all businesses are becoming global businesses. This course helps students to prepare to be successful in the global business environment by better understanding the opportunities and threats it poses for their firms. Topics include introductory macro/micro economics, political trends and the effects on globalization, culture and international trade, internationalization, global industry analysis, and market assessment tools and techniques. This course is not available to programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:BSM 200
    Custom Requisites:Restriction: Not available to students in programs within the Ted Rogers School of Management
  • GMS 522 - International Marketing
    Course DescriptionBasic marketing principles are applied to world markets. Emphasis in the course is given to the analysis of economic, political, cultural and social factors. This course also covers conditions relevant to the implementation of marketing strategies in world markets. (Formerly IBS 522 and MKT 522)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:MKT 100 or HTM 302 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 528 - Issues in Operations Management
    Course DescriptionThis course will provide an evolving survey of leading-edge topics in operations management. Current topics include: world class manufacturing, manufacturing as a competitive weapon, competing on quality, competing on productivity, competing on new products and processes, planning and implementing operations strategies over time, health and safety as a competitive advantage. Student groups will be required to prepare case studies and a major paper. (Formerly MGT 528)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 530 - Managing Sustainably Internationally
    Course DescriptionThis course explores what it is to be a sustainable company and the challenges of managing in a sustainable manner in an international context. Firms are globalizing in a world facing issues such as climate change, growing mega-cities, and rapidly changing technology. As paradigms change to meet these challenges, managers require new frameworks and tools to support sustainable development. This is a senior case course incorporating challenging readings and discussions that combine theory with practice.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 400
  • GMS 550 - Business-to-Business e-Commerce
    Course DescriptionSome of the most significant changes caused by electronic commerce are in the way that businesses trade with one another. This course will cover the key elements needed to operate in the virtual business marketplace, with special emphasis on the impacts on the supply chain. Topics covered will include issues in procurement, logistics and manufacturing, as well as an examination of the trading communities that are emerging as players in this new marketplace. (Formerly MGT 550)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • GMS 601 - International Economics
    Course DescriptionThis is a one semester course introducing students to the theory of international economics and its applications to business. The course examines why nations trade and why at the same time many countries try to limit trade by introducing trade barriers. It looks at the role of the WTO and Canadian trade policy. The course also introduces the theory of exchange rates and looks at issues surrounding international policy coordination. (Formerly IBS 601)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(ECN 104 and ECN 204) or Direct Entry
    Antirequisites:ECN 607, ECN 707
  • GMS 614 - Special Topics in Global Management
    Course DescriptionStudents will work closely with a faculty member to explore an area of interest within the field of global management. Students will conduct independent research on a well-defined topic and write a major paper. Students must have a project proposal approved by their instructor prior to enrolment. (Replaces QMS 641).
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • GMS 690 - The North American Business Environment
    Course DescriptionThis course provides an overview of the North American business environment. It examines the cultural, political and economic environments in Canada, the US and Mexico. Trade and economic integration issues are discussed including an assessment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the potential impact on these three countries of the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The course will also introduce students to the key institutions that impact trade and business activities in North America and will examine the strategies used by foreign multinational corporations in penetrating North American markets. Current and controversial issues such as trade in bulk water and a continental energy plan will also be covered. The long run international competitive position of North American firms is also examined in this course. GMS 690 is designed to provide a suitable comparative framework for understanding other regional markets and will be particularly useful for international and exchange students.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 691 - The Asian Business Environment
    Course DescriptionThis course examines cultural, demographic, political and economic issues that shape the Asian business environment. The region as a whole is profiled but particular attention is paid to China and India as emerging super powers. The importance of foreign direct investment to the development of this region is underscored as well as the emergence of Asian multinationals and their approach to outward direct investment. The challenges encountered by Western firms in penetrating Asian markets are discussed in detail. Consideration is given to the role of government in business transactions in this part of the world and the need for innovative strategies when dealing with Asian business partners. Special topics will include globalization versus sustainable development and the role of Asian countries in global outsourcing.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 692 - The European Business Environment
    Course DescriptionThis course focuses on European economic integration and the implications for business. The nature of the European business environment is examined including a discussion of the economic and political institutions, culture and demographic trends. Market size, growth, trade and investment prospects for the Euro zone countries and the UK are examined. The foreign market entry strategies of multinational corporations active in this region will also be discussed. The course will also consider the prospects for Eastern Europe and the challenges these countries face in implementing free enterprise market reforms. Implications for EU enlargement are discussed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 693 - The Latin American and Caribbean Bus Environ
    Course DescriptionGMS 693 examines the business environment in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The economic, political and cultural differences and similarities between the countries are reviewed and the implications for trade and foreign direct investment discussed. Issues of political stability, natural resource endowments and the relations with the United States and China are examined. Latin American government relations with the United States and China are examined. Latin American government relations with foreign multinational firms are also carefully analyzed. The major institutions that impact business activity in the Region will be discussed. The course will also examine regional economic integration including the prospects for new agreements such as the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) and the FTAA, as well as the performance of established blocs such as Mercado Commun del Sur (MERCOSUR). The strategies of multinational enterprises entering this Region will be examined and the emergence of LAC multinationals also discussed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 694 - The African Business Environment
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the challenges of conducting business in Africa. The region as a whole is profiled in terms of history, culture, demographic trends, political risk, economic performance and market opportunity. Barriers to trade and foreign direct investment will be examined along with important institutions that impact business activity. The search for opportunities and the problems associated with doing business in subsistence economies on the African continent will be a central focus of this course. Intra-regional differences in levels of economic development are discussed. Economic integration in the Region and its challenges will also be examined by assessing the performance of blocs such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). North American and European interventions in the Region are also discussed along with China's growing economic and political influence. The implications for business in Africa are developed.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 695 - The Middle Eastern Business Environment
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the business environment and the complex cultures of this highly misunderstood region. The course focuses on the impact of religion, politics, culture and history on the prospects for conducting business in the Middle East. The impact of Sharia banking on business is a particular focus of this course. Specific countries in the Middle East are profiled to underscore intra-regional differences in the importance of religious, political and regulatory factors. Foreign market entry strategies appropriate to Islamic countries are also presented using Western firms as case studies.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 701 - Purchasing and Supply Management I
    Course DescriptionA seminar designed to discuss all activities required to bring materials, parts, and sub-assemblies into and through the enterprise at the lowest possible overall costs with end-user quality requirements. Contribution to the profitable operation of the firm is stressed as the main objective of the purchasing and supply management function. Weekly case assignments integrate the subject matter with the finance, marketing, and production functions. Topics include: the challenge of purchasing and supply management, effective organization, techniques of buying, computerization, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), World-Wide-Web, quality including I.S.O. 9000/14000 quality standards, specifications and standardization, inventory management, supplier selection, price determination. The course provides valuable background information for employees and managers in any area of specialization and can lead to challenging professional career opportunities. (Formerly MGT 701)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or ITM 512 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 723 - International Trade
    Course DescriptionAn analysis of the important business function of international trade. After a review of the importance of exports for Canada's income and employment needs, students focus attention from an export manager's perspective, on such topics as export organization, research, and pricing, export documentation and correspondence; export marketing strategies; government and private export assistance; export finance; marine insurance and export shipping. This course also includes an examination of international databases and involves direct company field research. Students who have taken MKT 522 or IBS 522 should have a stronger foundation for applying this course. This course is intended as a fourth year course. (Formerly IBS 723 and MGT 723)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or HTF 506 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 724 - Management of International Enterprise
    Course DescriptionAn analysis of the management policies of the multinational business corporation in Canada and the world. Topics covered: the evolution of the multinational corporation, its organization, structure, planning and goals. Also covered are business strategies including marketing, production, logistics, technology, personnel and labour relations, finance, investment and acquisition, and ownership, concerns of host countries including Canada, and policies for host governments. Lectures, discussion, and case problems. (Formerly IBS 724 and MGT 724)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or HTF 506 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 750 - Consulting to Management
    Course DescriptionThe management consulting process is evaluated on a theoretical basis and supported with practical examples from business. The approach illustrates the tasks and skills required to be an effective consultant. The course will emphasize the role of the consultant through assignments which require application of the skills learned. Students will have an opportunity to compare their newly learned skills and knowledge in seminars and discussions with members of the business community. (Formerly MGT 750)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(GMS 401 or MGT 401 or Direct Entry) and FIN 300
  • GMS 801 - Purchasing and Supply Management II
    Course DescriptionA seminar course and a continuation of MGT 701. Major topics: The Commodity Futures Market, purchasing transportation services, investment recovery (profitable disposal of scrap, surplus and obsolete materials), legal aspects, purchasing research, budgets, measurement, and reporting, international purchasing, public purchasing, acquisition of capital assets, acquisition of services, strategy in purchasing and supply management, purchasing for small firms. Case presentations and discussions and a Commodity Futures project are essential aspects of this course. This course may be taken prior to or independently of MGT 701. (Formerly MGT 801)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or MGT 100 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 802 - Ethics and Regulation of Int'l Bus
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the vital role that ethics plays at all leadership levels within a company. Students will discover the importance of instilling ethical values as a key to long term success. Exposure to thought-provoking cases and literature will heighten student awareness of the need to develop strong ethical leadership in dealing with customers, the community, and employees. Students will also be exposed to the critical role of governments in regulating international business behaviour. (Formerly MGT 802)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or MGT 100 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 803 - Principles of Transportation
    Course DescriptionThis course examines the field of Traffic and Transportation management in order to provide a professional level of competency for students who wish to pursue careers in Purchasing and Materials Management and/or professional transportation management. Course topics include: transportation regulation and deregulation, transportation economics, buying transportation services, truck transportation, rail transportation, air, marine and pipeline, computers in transportation, customs and excise, dangerous goods, packaging, damage prevention, and carrier claims. (Formerly MGT 803)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or MGT 100 or Direct Entry
    Antirequisites:ECN 710
  • GMS 804 - Studies in Global Supply Chain Management
    Course DescriptionThis course will expose the student to many of the topics currently dominating the study of global supply management. Subjects may include: locating potential suppliers; the importance of cultural and communication skills; legal practices; currency factors; logistics; supplier payment, channel payment, and more. Students will be expected to write and present papers on various topics using both primary and secondary research techniques. (Formerly MGT 804)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or MGT 100 or Direct Entry
  • GMS 805 - Manufacturing Management
    Course DescriptionThis course will focus on manufacturing management techniques and manufacturing technology. Current topics include: quality of design, systems for eliminating defects, simplified production planning and control systems, managing the supply chain, activity-based costing and performance measurement-making "bean-counting" relevant. The students will learn decision models and management techniques for evaluating technological options used by flexible manufacturing operations to sustain competitive advantage. The course will also include cases from major manufacturing industries such as automotive, plastics, and apparel. (Formerly MGT 805)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:(GMS 401 or MGT 401) or Direct Entry
  • GMS 807 - Supply Management for the Manufacturing Sector
    Course DescriptionThis course is designed for those considering a career in public sector supply management, including public, quasi-public, not-for-profit, and private organizations. This is a participatory course using the prescribed text, sample by-laws, Internet and current information sources. Topics include: source of authority and funding, public buying, bidding processes, legal and ethical issues, trends, and e-commerce. Included is current theory, cases, information and practices to be applied in public sector organizations that support society's needs. (Formerly MGT 807)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 701 or MGT 701 or GMS 801 or MGT 801
  • GMS 850 - Global Management Strategy
    Course DescriptionUsing an integrated web-based international business simulation as its foundation, the course will equip the individual to manage effectively in the current global business environment. Students will be required to assess risk, apply cross-cultural and creative leadership, as well as consolidate and use concepts and skills learned in previously defined functional areas of their business studies. The course will provide an opportunity for "hands-on" managerial experience involving issues in operations management, managerial control, finance, human resources, marketing strategy and legal issues. (Formerly IBS 600)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:GMS 401 or MGT 401 or HTL 101 or Direct Entry