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- ECN 101 - Principles of MicroeconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course is concerned with basic concepts of demand and supply, the theory of the firm, and distribution of income. It includes a study of business behaviour and decision making under various market conditions: pure competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, monopoly. There will be an emphasis on international economics and finance covering topics such as international trade.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 104
- ECN 104 - Introductory MicroeconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course is concerned with basic concepts of demand and supply, the theory of the firm, and distribution of income. It includes a study of business behaviour and decision making under various market conditions: pure competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, monopoly.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 101
- ECN 109 - Basic Mathematics for EconomicsCourse DescriptionThis preparatory course provides a strong foundation on basic algebra and pre-calculus mathematical techniques that are essential for a proper understanding of the mathematics used in economic analysis. The course covers: basic concepts such as sets and numbers, relations, and operations with algebraic expressions; resolution of linear and non-linear equations; inequalities and absolute values; sequences and sums; functions and graphs. The course uses a wide range of economic applications to illustrate and motivate the covered mathematical techniques.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:MTH 207
- ECN 110 - The Economy and SocietyCourse DescriptionThe lower level liberal studies course deals with the application of market economics to explain certain aspects of human behaviour. We first discuss the basic microeconomic concepts that are essential for understanding both markets and human behaviour. These include the concepts of opportunity cost, marginal cost-marginal benefit analysis, the demand curve, the supply curve, and how equilibrium is arrived at in free functioning markets. We then apply these tools to various social topics and issues. We often find that by applying the economic approach we arrive at explanations that are often counter-intuitive.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:LLCustom Requisites:Not available to students in the Ted Rogers School of Management, Occupational and Public Health (Health and Safety), or Urban and Regional Planning.
- ECN 129 - Statistics for Economics ICourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to basic statistics with economic applications. It is followed by a course on Statistics for Economics II, ECN 329. Statistics is a science of getting information from data. It consists of a set of analytical techniques that can be applied to data to help us make judgments and decisions in problems involving uncertainty. This course deals with the description, analysis and interpretation of data. It covers topics in descriptive statistics, basic probability theory, discrete and continuous distributions, and sampling distributions.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:MTH 304
- ECN 189 - Introduction to Mathematics for EconomicsCourse DescriptionECN 189 is an introduction to fundamental calculus techniques which are frequently used in Economics. The course focuses on single variable differential calculus (limits, continuity, differentiation and integration) and on its application to optimization problems. The course uses a wide range of economic applications to illustrate and motivate all the covered mathematical techniques.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 109Antirequisites:MTH 207
- ECN 201 - Principles of MacroeconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course centres on an explanation of levels of national income, employment and prices, the business cycle, factors affecting economic growth and international trade. It also includes a critical analysis of monetary and fiscal policies designed to achieve the established goals. There will be an emphasis on international economics and finance covering topics such as open-economy macroeconomics.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 204
- ECN 204 - Introductory MacroeconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course centres around an explanation of levels of national income, employment and prices, the business cycle, factors affecting economic growth and international trade. It also includes a critical analysis of monetary and fiscal policies designed to achieve the established goals.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 201
- ECN 205 - Issues in Economic HistoryCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on the historical and economic forces which explain how and why some parts of the world have grown rich while others have lagged behind. The factors determining the varying levels of economic development include changes in technology and changes in economic, social, and political institutions. The influence of these factors will be analyzed through the study of several topics drawn from American, Canadian, and European economic history.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:LLAntirequisites:ECN 609 and ECN 630
- ECN 210 - Understanding EconomicsCourse DescriptionThe lower level liberal studies course introduces the economic way of thinking. Economists seek objective ways to analyse how humans act in social settings. Economic models or theories are used to understand economic behaviour. The course uses basic supply and demand theory to analyze a range of economic issues such as how university fees are set or the effect of the minimum wage on unemployment. At a microeconomic level students will learn how to analyse markets under different structures such as perfect competition and monopoly. At a macroeconomic level students will learn how to analyse how the Canadian economy works and how the major problems of unemployment and inflation can be dealt with. Other topics covered are fiscal and monetary policy and the overall role of government in the economy.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:LLCustom Requisites:Not Available to students in Ted Rogers School of Management.
- ECN 220 - Evolution of the Global EconomyCourse DescriptionThis course is a survey of the economic development of the global economy since 1914, covering such factors as trade, migration, investment and monetary arrangements, and the role played by international institutions. The course will include an analysis of the impact on the international economy of twentieth century developments, such as the Great Depression, the two world wars and the globalization of financial markets. Particular emphasis will be placed on the operation of post-war institutions, such as the I.M.F., G.A.T.T. and the W.T.O., and how they affect the global economy.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 230 - Mathematics for EconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the students to mathematical topics beyond what is covered in ECN189. It covers multivariable differential calculus, and it introduces topics such as basic matrix algebra, constrained optimization, and comparative statistics for general function modes. The course uses a wide range of economic applications to illustrate and motivate all the covered mathematical techniques.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:MTH 310
- ECN 301 - Intermediate Macroeconomics ICourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of both traditional and modern macroeconomic theories and their use in analyzing important economic issues, such as unemployment, inflation, interest rates, business cycles and government policies. Theories will be discussed in the context of Canadian macroeconomic data and active government involvement through the implementation of monetary and fiscal policies.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Tutorial 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 320 - Introduction to Financial EconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course is designed to give students an understanding of financial concepts, including the time value of money, discounted cash flows, and risk and returns. It is also designed to give the students an introductory understanding of financial markets and how they are influenced by economic trends.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 321 - Introduction to Law and EconomicsCourse DescriptionEconomic aspects of social and legal issues and policies in regional, national and international contexts: property, contracts, torts, environmental law, and the economics of crime and punishment.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 329 - Statistics for Economics IICourse DescriptionECN 329 is a continuation of the topics covered in ECN 129, Statistics for Economics I. It includes such topics as estimation, hypothesis testing, inferences, analysis of variance, simple regression and multiple regressions, and model building.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:MTH 404Corequisites:ECN 230
- ECN 340 - The Economics of Human BehaviourCourse DescriptionThis course investigates human behaviour from an economic perspective. Among the topics we analyze is the economics of religious behaviour and the afterlife, sexual behaviour, marriage and divorce, crime, mass hysteria and panics, suicide and dying, emotions, and the economics of sports. We also consider other ways of looking at human behaviour. You do not require previous training in economics, and the materials are not technical.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:LL
- ECN 440 - Booms, Busts, Panics and ManiasCourse DescriptionThis course addresses a historical tendency for the financial and stock markets to exhibit periodic unstable cycles or speculative booms, followed by market downturns, instability or in the extreme, total collapse. These patterns of cyclical behaviour are illuminated by focusing on crises, beginning with the Tulip Mania. The South Seas Bubble, the 1929 Crash, the collapse and the more recent financial crisis are included. Current economic issues, whenever applicable, will be presented and examined in the light of these case studies.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:LL
- ECN 501 - Industrial OrganizationCourse DescriptionThe first half of this course examines how industries are organized; how the conduct of firms is influenced by their internal organization and by the structure of the industry of which they are a part; and how an industry's performance is determined by the conduct of its firms and by the industry's structure. The second half of this course deals with public policies towards industry: competition policy, economic regulation, public enterprise.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504
- ECN 502 - Economics of Energy and Natural ResourcesCourse DescriptionThis course deals with the application of basic economic concepts to the problems of natural resources and with Canadian public policy issues in natural resources management. Topics covered in the course include: the resource sector and its impact on the Canadian economy, models of renewable and non-renewable resource use, the scarcity controversy, economic rents and taxation as applied to natural resources, and current issues in Canadian resource management.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 503 - Economic DevelopmentCourse DescriptionThis course describes the challenges faced by developing economies, with a specific emphasis on persistent world poverty. In this course we will take up questions such as: Is extreme poverty a thing of the past? What is economic life like when living under a dollar per day? Are the poor always hungry? How do we deal with the disease burden? How do we make schools work for poor citizens? We shall also study the role of markets, government and non-governmental organizations in fostering economic development. This course will give the students a good idea of the key questions asked by scholars interested in development and poverty today, and possibly a few answers as well.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:UL
- ECN 504 - Intermediate Microeconomics ICourse DescriptionA more detailed study of price theory, this course looks at the production decisions of firms and the consumption decisions of households. It gives an introduction to risk and uncertainty. It examines how the decisions of all the independent economic agents are co-ordinated by the price-system in purely competitive markets. The course also gives a variety of applications of micro-economic theory.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Tutorial 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 505 - Issues in Canadian Labour MarketsCourse DescriptionThis course deals with selected contemporary issues in Canadian labour markets. The first part of the course begins with the standard economics of labour supply and demand, as well as the major critiques and alternatives. The course also looks at wage structures, geographic labour mobility, the presence of labour unions, the increasing participation of women, the question of discrimination in labour markets, and the debate over the effects of free trade on employment patterns. ECN 505 is not available for credit to students who choose ECN 605.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULAntirequisites:ECN 605Custom Requisites:Not available to students in Business Management
- ECN 506 - Money and BankingCourse DescriptionThe role of money in the economic system is emphasized along with current monetary theories. Also examined are the purpose, structure and regulations of the chartered banks and other financial institutions. By monitoring developments in the money market, especially changes in key interest rates, students may assess monetary initiatives of the Bank of Canada.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 509
- ECN 507 - Economic JusticeCourse DescriptionThis is a course dealing with the ethics of economic relationships. Students will become familiar with some of the principal theories of ethics and justice, and will use them to study such questions as the equitable distribution of income and wealth in a market economy, inheritance and the transmission of wealth, the structure of taxation, redistributive programs to alleviate poverty, preferences based on race and ethnicity, immigration policy and environmental sustainability.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:UL
- ECN 509 - Development of the Canadian Banking and Financial SystemCourse DescriptionThis course uses economic institutions around which to study economic development of the Canadian banking and finance system, in particular. Topics include; the purpose, structure and regulations of the chartered banks and other financial institutions, monitoring developments in the money market and the monetary initiatives of the Bank of Canada.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULAntirequisites:ECN 506
- ECN 510 - Environmental EconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course applies economic analysis to the problems of pollution and the use of natural resources. It examines market processes when externalities in production and consumption are present. The relationship between the environment and the economic system, sources of pollution and methods of pollution abatement are studied. Application of cost-benefit analysis to the problems of environmental goods is evaluated. Examination of the economics of renewable and nonrenewable resources follows. Topics include: resource classification, the theory of optimal usage, resource conservation, and the limits to growth debate.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 511
- ECN 511 - Economy and EnvironmentCourse DescriptionThis course looks at the relationship between the economy and the environment. It discusses how economics can help identify key issues in environmental problems. Economic concepts are used to shed light on solutions to the problem of pollution, the management of common property, and the possibility of "sustainable development".Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULAntirequisites:ECN 510
- ECN 512 - The Economics of SexCourse DescriptionThis course will consist of a critical analysis of topics in gender economics and the choices made in modern day relationships of love and sex. It will offer an exploration into traditional gender economic issues such as gender differences and educational attainment, occupational choice, labour market participation and income. The course will also apply economics to the choices made with respect love and sex such as who we chose to love, date, and marry.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:UL
- ECN 600 - Intermediate Macroeconomics IICourse DescriptionAn advanced study of the determinants of aggregate demand and the structure of Keynesian and new classical models. Policy issues covered include effectiveness of stabilization policies in an open economy, crowding out, choice of monetary policy instruments, and monetary policy and the exchange rate.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Tutorial 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 301
- ECN 601 - The Economics of InformationCourse DescriptionIn this course we shall analyze different economic situations involving imperfect information. A brief introduction to game theory and market structure will be provided. The topics of the course will include: signaling and screening in the job market, adverse selection and the market for lemons (as applied in the market for used cars), the value of information in a strategic conflict, notions of individual rationality and incentive compatibility, sharecropping, interlinked contracts, and public goods (Groves-Clarke).Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504
- ECN 603 - Canada and Global Economic IssuesCourse DescriptionThis course deals with the analysis of economic and social issues which confront Canadian citizens and policy makers. The course focuses on how economics can illuminate some of the social and economic issues that Canadians believe are important. The course involves standard economic techniques (micro and macro), to examine selected issues. This is an upper level course and microeconomic theory will be used extensively. Economic concepts will be reviewed as required.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:UL
- ECN 605 - Labour EconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course aims to introduce students to basic labour economics, with particular reference to the Canadian case. This course draws on contemporary methods to model and analyse key aspects such as labour supply and demand behaviour. These aspects are combined to explore the determination of wages and major policy questions such as minimum wage legislation and unionization. The acquired tools are applied to special topics such as human capital investment, immigration, gender discrimination and unemployment.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 505
- ECN 606 - International Monetary EconomicsCourse DescriptionInternational monetary economics is devoted to the study of large-scale economic problems in interdependent economies. The focus is on key economic variables such as exchange rates, prices, interest rates, income, wealth, and the current account. Core topics include foreign exchange markets, exchange rates in the short run and the long run, the national and international accounts, the open economy IS-LM model, fixed and floating exchange rate regimes, gains from financial globalization, exchange rate crises and the operation of pegs, and the euro.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 301Antirequisites:ECN 607
- ECN 607 - Issues in the International EconomyCourse DescriptionThis course deals with international financial markets and the ways in which they affect national economies. By studying the operations of these markets it will be shown how significantly they constrain domestic policy-making, not only in a small open economy like Canada's but increasingly in all other economies as well. Attention is given to issues of current political concern, such as the Third World debt problem, the American trade deficit, the rise of Japan as a major international creditor, and the disintegration of the Communist system in Eastern Europe.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULAntirequisites:ECN 606
- ECN 610 - The History of Economic ThoughtCourse DescriptionThis course deals with the development of economic thought from the medieval period to the present. It will demonstrate how orthodox theories have contributed to the formation of modern economics and include some discussion of schools of thought which deviate from the mainstream. The course will stress the relevance of both orthodox and unorthodox models to the development of modern economic thought so as to promote a better understanding of current economic debates.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 614 - An Introduction to Game TheoryCourse DescriptionGame theory studies the interactions and conflicts between decision-making agents. This course focuses on its application to economic issues such as market structure, auctions and bargaining. It begins by introducing the concepts of action, strategies, cooperation and non-cooperation, and equilibrium. The assumption of complete information is then relaxed and the application of game theory to situations of incomplete and imperfect information is explored. The course draws on real world examples to illustrate core concepts, such as the Prisoner's Dilemma and buying votes. These examples borrow from micro, macro and experimental economics.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504
- ECN 620 - Applied Economic AnalysisCourse DescriptionIn this course students apply the economic tools that they have learned in their core courses to the analysis of economic issues. Students learn how to write, summarize and present economic reports effectively.Weekly Contact:Lecture 2 hrs. Lab 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 627 - Econometrics ICourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to econometrics. The main topics of the course are the linear regression model, its estimation and inference. Other topics include heteroscedasticity, endogeneity, and instrumental variable estimation.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 630 - Economic HistoryCourse DescriptionThe central focus of this course is institutions and organization and how these impacted technological change and economic growth in different periods. We investigate: cross-country differences in long-term economic growth and competing explanations for the divergent outcomes; migration and its impact on economic development and growth; the role of property rights, such as patent laws, and their effect on innovations and economic growth; the development of financial institutions and economic growth; and international trade and economic development.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 205
- ECN 640 - The Economics of ImmigrationCourse DescriptionThis course applies economic principles to immigration. Students will examine issues such as discrimination, humanitarian concerns, the impact on the wages and employment prospects of native-born persons, social assistance programs, and contributions to the financing of such programs. The course will develop an understanding of the role of economics in providing theoretical predictions and empirical evidence that is relevant to the issues. Students will be equipped to discuss emerging new issues in this area.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 700 - Intermediate Microeconomics IICourse DescriptionThe purpose of the course is to examine production functions, cost minimization and profit maximization decisions of firms under different types of market structures. Price theory to the market structures of monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition will be extended. Markets for factors of production will be examined as well. This course will give an introduction to game theory as well.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Tutorial 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504
- ECN 702 - Econometrics IICourse DescriptionThis course is a continuation of ECN 627 and covers some advanced econometric methods. The main topics of the course include economic methods designed for panel data sets, estimation of discrete choice models and time series analysis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 627
- ECN 703 - Public Sector EconomicsCourse DescriptionThe public sector's large role in the economy shows the importance of understanding the principles of public finance. How do we explain the growth of the public sector's share in the economy during most of the twentieth century? What criteria are relevant in determining the optimal level and scope of government activities? Topics examined include public goods and externalities, natural monopolies, pricing of publicly produced goods, and benefit-cost analysis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504
- ECN 707 - Economics of International TradeCourse DescriptionThe purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the theory and practice of international economics. The factor proportions theory of trade is explained, and the evidence supporting it examined. Major emphasis is placed on the "new international economics" and its implications for Canadian trade policy. The issues surrounding free trade with the United States are examined, as well as the perceived need for interventionist industrial policies.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs. Tutorial 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504Antirequisites:GMS 601, IBS 601
- ECN 710 - Transportation EconomicsCourse DescriptionAddresses current and historical economic issues in both passenger and freight transport for all modes, as well as for urban transportation. The course examines the economics of significant transportation issues from, between and within the developed world. Demand-side issues, such as changing income levels and locational decisions; supply-side issues, such as the need for adequate funding for urban carriers; and constraints, such as regulation and uncertainty arising from political situations are synthesized.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:GMS 803 (formerly MGT 803)3
- ECN 715 - Advanced MicroeconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course deals with the theories of consumption and of production at a more advanced level. It discusses decision making by consumers and firms, in situations of certainty as well as uncertainty and risk. The course introduces the students to welfare economics, and applies microeconomic theory and welfare economics to specific problems and policy issues.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 700
- ECN 721 - International Financial MarketsCourse DescriptionThis course develops a solid understanding of the international financial system and examines managerial decisions made in an international setting. First, current theories of financial price determination and their testable implications are studied in the context of foreign exchange, offshore, derivative securities and international asset portfolio markets. Second, managerial decisions regarding capital financing, investing and risk management are analyzed from the point of view of private individuals, firms and governments.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 722 - The Economics of SportsCourse DescriptionThis upper level liberal studies course examines the economics of professional and collegiate athletics. It begins by reviewing the demand, supply and elasticity and continues by studying the market structures, labour demand and supply. Topics to be covered include the benefits of sports franchises and stadiums, strikes, lockouts, salary discrimination, unions, broadcasting rights, free agency, "scalping", salary caps, drafts and the paying of collegiate athletes.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:ULAntirequisites:ECN 729
- ECN 723 - Applied Research MethodsCourse DescriptionIn this course students acquire the skills needed to write a research paper in economics. The course covers different strategies and techniques involved in academic research and the students apply these strategies in the writing of a semester-long research paper. Student's receive feedback on each step of the writing process through one-on-one meetings with the instructor.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 724 - Advanced EconometricsCourse DescriptionThis course provides an advanced treatment of select topics from econometrics not covered in the traditional undergraduate curriculum. In particular, the course places a strong emphasis on computationally-intensive methods of estimation and inference. The primary goal of the course is to aid students in applying these methods to real-world economic data.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 702
- ECN 729 - Sports EconomicsCourse DescriptionThis applied economics course explores various aspects of the economics of sports and sports leagues, with a major focus on empirical analysis. We will consider a number of topics, including: the business and economics of professional team sports and sports broadcasting, analysis of leagues? competitive balance policies, player relations issues including analysis of the drivers of players' salaries, and the public finance aspects of professional sports teams and stadium financing.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Antirequisites:ECN 722
- ECN 801 - Principles of Engineering EconomicsCourse DescriptionEngineering economics is concerned with the problem of investment decision making or capital expenditure analysis. An "investment" problem involves making a decision to allocate financial resources to acquire productive assets that will generate cash flows in future time periods. Engineering economics seeks to develop and apply a logically consistent methodology for evaluating investment projects. Discounted cash flow methods are used in analyzing such projects. In this course we will assume certain cash flows and ignore taxation implications. After developing the mathematics of cash flow equivalence, absolute and relative measures of project worth will be developed and applied to individual and multiple projects. The emphasis will be on private project decisions, but similar methods will be applied to public sector projects.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 802 - The Economies of East AsiaCourse DescriptionThis course is a general survey of the economies in East Asia, including Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. The emphasis is on their patterns of economic development and inter-relationships. Topics to be covered include growth and development, international trade and investment, financial and exchange rate systems, as well as public policies. Current economic issues will also be discussed, particularly those with relevance to Canada. Economic trends and related news items will be presented and examined in the light of their historical background and existing social and political context.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Liberal Studies:UL
- ECN 803 - Canadian Tax PolicyCourse DescriptionThis course focuses on the problems and theoretical issues of financing government. The major forms of taxation-personal and corporate income taxes, sales and commodity taxes and the property tax-are examined critically. In addition, the main features of Canadian fiscal federalism (intergovernmental transfers, equalization grants and revenue-sharing), are reviewed and appraised.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 504
- ECN 808 - Economic Growth and Technological ChangeCourse DescriptionThis course analyzes a wide range of issues that affect a country's growth performance. In particular, the course focuses on the effects of technological progress and human and physical capital accumulation on economic growth, as well as the role of government policies (fiscal policy, trade and environmental taxes, industrial subsidies) in determining the efficient use of a countries' resources.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 815 - Advanced MacroeconomicsCourse DescriptionThis course has two objectives. First, it provides a rigorous introduction to a standard set of topics in modern macroeconomic theory, such as economic growth, business cycle theory, consumption theory, monetary policy and fiscal policy. Second, the course develops the analytical tools required to study the above topics within a dynamic optimization framework. This is an advanced course aimed for students with a solid background in macroeconomic and microeconomic theory, linear algebra and calculus. It is particularly recommended for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in economics.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00Prerequisites:ECN 600
- ECN 820 - ThesisCourse DescriptionA written report that reflects an independent research undertaking that is destined to demonstrate competence in a selected area of study.Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 821 - Country Risk AnalysisCourse DescriptionThis course introduces the students to the theory and practice of managing cross-border lending and international investment risk. The course gives a comprehensive coverage of the analysis and reporting of sovereign creditworthiness, political risk, current account analysis, statistical credit-scoring methodologies, loan valuation, portfolio management and regulatory supervision. Several case studies will be used, including the Mexican Peso crisis and the collapse of the markets in South East Asia.Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Billing Units:1Count:1.00
- ECN 900 - InternshipCourse DescriptionThe ECN 900 internships provide an opportunity for students to integrate academic learning in the Economics and Finance field with an employment or volunteer experience. The internship is intended to allow students to explore careers and develop linkages between theoretical knowledge received in a classroom setting and professional/practical application experience. The course is graded on pass/fail basis.Weekly Contact:Lecture 2 hrs.GPA Weight:1.00Count:1.00Corequisites:ECN 627