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  • BUS 100 - Strategies for Success
    Course DescriptionStrategies for Success focuses on the development of the university level skills, attitudes, and strategies required for success in the academic and professional business world. Students will learn to apply effective learning and self-management strategies in their academic and professional studies. This course is intended to develop the student's self-awareness, self-authorship, and engagement in school and university activities thereby enhancing the student's ultimate academic, professional and personal success. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis. Students must pass this course in order to graduate.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Antirequisites:RMG 10A/B
  • BUS 221 - Business Decision-Making
    Course DescriptionSuccess in business requires skill at gathering and filtering information, and turning information into good decisions. This course introduces the tools and techniques of information analysis and critical thought, along with formal methods for improved decision making. Topics include argument structure and presentation and introductory decision theory. Students will learn the significance of a critical mindset not just for meeting an organization's strategic objectives and legal obligations, but also for contributing to creativity and innovation.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • BUS 223 - Ethics in Commerce
    Course DescriptionEthical issues are everywhere in the world of business. Ethics - consideration of right and wrong - applies at three overlapping levels: the managerial, the organizational, and the level of entire markets. This course provides a broad understanding of ethical issues at all three levels. It emphasizes teaching students a method for thinking about and expressing a view on particular cases of ethical dispute or uncertainty. Students will also explore the relationship between ethics and legal requirements.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • BUS 720 - Independent Research
    Course DescriptionThe purpose of the independent research elective is to produce an original piece of research that extends knowledge beyond material covered in the Business Management Program. A faculty supervisor guides the student through the project, provides advice, establishes deadlines, and recommends a grade for the completed project. To be allowed to register for BUS 720, the student must obtain pre-approval from a faculty supervisor, create a proposal detailing the project (topic, methodology, and expected outcomes), and obtain approval from both the Chair of the faculty supervisor's department and the Chair of the teaching department. In order to gain these approvals before the semester begins, the following application deadlines shall apply: If elected in the Fall, application must be made before the end of February. If elected in the Winter, application must be made before the end of October.
    Weekly Contact:Lab 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • BUS 800 - Strategic Management
    Course DescriptionStrategic Management is a challenging and exciting course. It serves the function of a capstone course, integrating much of the knowledge gained in other business courses. It is a truly different kind of course. Other courses are concerned with a narrower, more specialized body of knowledge, and as a result are highly structured. Some provide quantitative techniques while others relate to specific skills. The problems and issues of strategy management cover the whole spectrum of business. Weighing the pros and cons of strategy requires a total enterprise perspective and a talent for judging how all of the relevant facts add up. To keep the discussions down to earth, each week real companies will be examined. In addition, the course uses some experiential exercises which may include a simulation. This course is by far the most demanding course in the Business Management Degree and as such it is recommended that students have 10 or fewer courses left to graduate before enrolling in this course. (formerly BUS 700)
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:AFF 310 or FIN 401 or Business Management Special student
    Antirequisites:RMG 500