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Library and Archives

Ryerson University Library and Archives

The Ryerson University Library and Archives (RULA) (opens in new window)  is located in the heart of the campus in the Library building at the corner of Victoria and Gould, with the Library entrance on the second floor.

All Ryerson students are invited and encouraged to use the collections, services and facilities offered by the Library. The collection is designed to support the full breadth of programs offered at the University, and includes over 460,000 books, and more than $3 million is spent annually to support electronic resources (approximately 45,000 e-journals, 165,000 e-books, databases and indexes, geospatial data and catalogued websites or electronic documents). Off-campus access to electronic resources, such as databases, online journals and digitized course readings, are available with a valid my.ryerson account. Students and faculty are also able to borrow items and obtain articles from other university libraries if materials are not available at the Library.

The Ryerson University and Archives has several specialized collections that are unique to the university.

  • The Archives serves as the institutional memory of the Ryerson community. The Archives appraises, preserves, and makes accessible a broad range of primary source materials which provide administrative, academic, fiscal, legal, social, and cultural record of Ryerson University.
  • Special Collections was established to help support the learning and teaching needs and facilitate the scholarly, research and creative activities of the Ryerson community by acquiring and preserving photography, film and cultural history objects.
  • The Geospatial Map and Data Centre (GMDC) is located on the main floor of the Ryerson University Library, within the Ronald D. Besse Information and Learning Commons and via its website. The GMDC provides access to a wide range of Geospatial Data and GIS, an extensive Paper Map Inventory, and Statistics and Research Data.
  • RULA Digital Repository is a resource for collecting, preserving and providing access to the digital content produced by members of the Ryerson community. It contains articles, working papers, preprints, technical reports, conference papers, data sets and more.

Research help (opens in new window)  is available on the second floor during most hours of Library operation – students can drop-in, or book a scheduled appointment. Real-time chat research help is also available through the Ask Us! button the Library’s website. Throughout the academic year, free workshops are offered to familiarize students with library resources and enhance information literacy skills for academic success.

The Library is the primary destination for study space on campus, with quiet or silent individual study space as well as space to facilitate collaborative and group learning. Private study rooms are bookable online.

Card operated photocopy and printing facilities are available. Facilities for viewing audio-visual material are also available in the Library.

Students should familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions relating to the use of Library materials and facilities. Policies and regulations, including the Code of Library Conduct, are available on the Library website at (opens in new window) . Misuse of the Library's resources and facilities by any user is an offense.

Theft and mutilation of Library material can result in a $100 fine plus the replacement cost of the material.

Students are responsible for all material borrowed on their Library card. Loss or theft of cards should be reported immediately at the Library Circulation desk. Lending of Library cards is prohibited.

Hours of operation are posted online. (opens in new window)