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Rupa Banerjee

Rupa Banerjee

Toronto Metropolitan University, Co-Lead Employment and Lifelong Learning Theme
EducationPhD, University of Toronto
Areas of ExpertiseImmigrant employment, workplace diversity, ethno-racial discrimination, deskilling


Rupa Banerjee is the Canada Research Chair in Economic Inclusion, Employment and Entrepreneurship of Canada’s Immigrants and Associate Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her primary research interest lies in the employment integration of new immigrants to Canada. She is particularly interested in the institutional barriers facing new immigrants in the Canadian labour market. In addition, she is interested in workplace diversity and ethno-racial discrimination, particularly as it applies to second-generation immigrants. 

Rupa’s research has appeared in such journals as International Migration Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of International Migration and Integration, Journal of Labor Research, and Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations

Recent Publications

Banerjee, R. (2024). “Growing Together: The Evolution of Indian Immigrants in Canada.” In S. Irudaya Rajan (Ed.), Indian Migration Report 2024. New Delhi: Routledge.

Banerjee, R., Lamb, D., and Lam, L. (2024). “Use It or Lose It: The Problem of Labour Underutilization among Immigrant Workers in Canada (external link) .” Industrial Relations Journal, 1-20.

Lamb, D., and Banerjee, R.(2024). “It’s Not Great, but it Could be Worse! Immigrant Job Quality in Canada through the Lens of Relative Deprivation Theory (external link) .” Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 1-19.

Lamb, D., Banerjee, R., and Lam, L. (2023). “Temporary Talent: Wage Penalties among Highly Educated Temporary Workers in Canada (external link) .” Journal of Industrial Relations, 65(2), 165-210.

Banerjee, R., & Hiebert, D. (2021).  (PDF file) Leveraging Human Resources for Long-term Prosperity: Expanding Pathways to Permanence for Lowerskill Temporary Workers in Canada (No. 2; Policy Brief). Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration Program.