Karine Côté-Boucher
Karine Côté-Boucher is Associate Professor at the School of Criminology at Université de Montréal, where she is also responsible for the Master’s and graduate diploma in security, and a research fellow at the van Vollenhoven Institute at Leiden University (Netherlands).
Karine is an expert on border security organizations and policy. Her research investigates how borders shape our lives. Trained in Sociology and Anthropology, she has done fieldwork with Canadian border officers and transborder truck drivers. Her current research further investigates borders along two axes. The first examines the impacts of digitalization on immigration governance (with Mireille Paquet, Concordia) and discretion in border control (with Maartje van der Woude, Leiden). The second inquires into how subnational welfare/immigration regimes border social reproduction in an era of rapid global aging and care deficits (with Susan Braedley, Carleton).
Recent Publications
Braedley, S., Côté-Boucher, K., & Przednowek, A. (2021). Old and Dangerous: Bordering Older Migrants’ Mobilities, Rejuvenating the Post-Welfare State (external link) . Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 28(1), 24–46.
Côté-Boucher, K. (2020). Border Frictions. Gender, Generation and Technology on the Frontline (external link) . Routledge.
Côté-Boucher, K., Vives, L., & Jannard, L.-P. (2023). Chronicle of a “Crisis” Foretold: Asylum Seekers and the case of Roxham Road on the Canada-US border (external link) . Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41(2), 408–426.