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Ebrahim Bagheri

Ebrahim Bagheri

University of Toronto
EducationPhD, University of New Brunswick
Areas of ExpertiseInformation retrieval, social network analytics, social media mining, applied artificial intelligence


Ebrahim Bagheri is a Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. He is an interdisciplinary researcher who focuses on efficient and responsible information retrieval methods, and who has impacted industry, government and civil society through community engagement and knowledge translation. Before joining the Faculty of Information, Ebrahim held a Canada Research Chair in Social Information Retrieval and an NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Social Media Analytics at Toronto Metropolitan University.

He is the Founder and former Director of NSERC CREATE program on the Responsible Development of AI (RAI)—a 6-year, multi-sector, multi-institutional, collaborative training program that draws co-applicants from TMU, Waterloo, Western, UQAM, and McGill.

He is the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering and ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.

In 2019, Ebrahim received the Government of Canada NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation for his outstanding industry-academia collaborations.

Recent Publications

Mahdavimoghaddam, J., Bahuguna, A., & Bagheri, E. (2022). Exploring the Utility of Social Content for Understanding Future In-Demand Skills (external link) . Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1–35. 

Mirlohi Falavarjani, S. A., Zarrinkalam, F., Jovanovic, J., Bagheri, E., & Ghorbani, A. A. (2019). The Reflection of Offline Activities on Users’ Online Social Behavior: An Observational Study (external link) . Information Processing & Management, 56(6), 102070. 

Zarrinkalam, F., Kahani, M., & Bagheri, E. (2018). Mining User Interests Over Active Topics on Social Networks (external link) . Information Processing & Management, 54(2), 339–357.