Colin Scott
Colin Scott is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Concordia University, where his research interests are focused broadly in the areas of political psychology, intergroup relations and the applications of social and behavioral sciences to policy analysis and program evaluation. Currently, his research programs are concerned with issues relating to migration and integration, identity and inclusion, as well as civic engagement, both in Canada and in a comparative perspective.
Originally from St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Scott holds a PhD in Political Science from McGill University and graduate degrees in psychology (University of Guelph) and political science (Memorial University of Newfoundland). In addition to his teaching and academic research, Scott consults for organizations and clients working in the public and non-profit sectors. He is an Assistant Editor with the International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Recent Publications
Chassé, P., Jacques, O., & Scott, C. (2024). Between decentralization and asymmetry: Explaining preferences toward the division of power in Canada. Publius: The Journal of Federalism.
Scott, C., Bilodeau, A., Gagnon, A., & Turgeon, L. (2024). Minority affirmations and the boundaries of the nation: Evidence from Québec. Political Studies.
Soehl, T., Stolle, D., & Scott, C. (2023). The politics left behind: How pre-migration and migration experiences shape Syrian refugees’ interest in home-country politics. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(4): 914-935.
Medeiros, M., Öhberg, P., & Scott, C. (2023). Are personality traits related to politicians' positions on immigration?Representation, 60(3): 483-506.