Antoine Bilodeau
Antoine Bilodeau is a Professor of Political Science at Concordia University. His research focuses on the political integration of immigrants in Canada and other Western democracies and on understanding the roots of views toward immigration and ethnic diversity. He also studies questions relating to youth political engagement and political socialization.
Antione is the leader of the Provincial Diversity Project with Luc Turgeon (Ottawa), Ailsa Henderson (Edinburgh) and Stephen White (Concordia).
Antione is a member of the steering committee for the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, a senior research affiliate with the Canadian Network for research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS), and a member of the Center for Immigration Policy Evaluation.
Recent Publications
Bilodeau, A. & Scott, C. 2022. Gender Gaps in Immigrants’ Political Participation Within and Across Borders. Political Socialization or Opportunity Structures? (external link) Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 1-16.
Bilodeau, A, White, S., Turgeon, L. & Henderson, A. 2022. Ethnic Minority Belonging in a Multilevel Political Community: The Role of Exclusionary Experiences and Welcoming Provincial Contexts in Canada (external link) . Territory, Politics and Governance, 1-20.
Bilodeau, A., & Turgeon, L. 2021. Boundaries of the Nation(s) in a Multinational State: Comparing Quebecers and other Canadians' Perspectives on National Identity (external link) . Nations and Nationalism 27(2): 530-547.