Capucine Coustere
Capucine Coustere is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Research on Migration and Society, Concordia University. Capucine's doctoral thesis in sociology from Université Laval focuses on the trajectories of young migrants benefiting from both facilitated temporary migration and potential access to permanent settlement within the precarious framework of their temporary residence status. Using a qualitative longitudinal perspective and a life course approach, her research explores how the negotiation of this temporary permanent mobility regime affects the life course of temporary migrants with work experience in the hospitality sector in the city of Quebec. Her research was funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC).
Capucine also contributed to various research projects on temporary migrants in Canada from diverse angles: francophones outside of Quebec, international students, international students’ partners, and hospitality workers. She holds an MA in political science from the Institut d’études politiques of Strasbourg, France.
Recent Publications
Brunner, L.R., Karki, K.K., Valizadeh, N., Shokirova, T., & Coustere, C. (2024). Unfamiliarities, uncertainties, and ambivalent long-term intentions: Conceptualizing international student-migrant settlement and integration. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 25, 973-996.
Coustere, C., Brunner, L.R., Shokirova, T., Karki, K.K., & Valizadeh, N. (2023). International student as labour: Experiencing the global imaginary. Higher Education, 88, 321-338.