Marie-Jeanne Blain
Marie-Jeanne Blain is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Research on Migration and Society, Concordia University. A social anthropologist graduated from the University of Montreal, Marie-Jeanne has been carrying out research for more than ten years on the inclusion of immigrants and refugees in Quebec, particularly the processes of socio-professional integration. Her research themes focus on the professional aspirations of migrants of different immigration statuses, their support resources, and the implementation of policies and programs in this field. Carrying a dynamic vision of inclusion, she is equally interested in the experiences of migrants themselves, but also in those of speakers or professionals accompanying them as well as decision makers and employers for example. She favors action research which allows the taking into account of different knowledge and perspectives, which promotes the mobilization of knowledge and guides public action.
Recent Publications
Blain, M.J. (2023). The inclusion of immigrants in the construction sector in Quebec. Research Findings. Axe Magazine, journal of the Axtra employment counsellor network, 1(10), 20-22.
Blain, M.J. & Castracani, L. (2023). Obstacles and success factors for the integration and retention of immigrants in the construction industry. Research report. InterActions Research and Knowledge Sharing Center, ÉRASME and Savoirs Partagés Research Team.
Blain, M.J., Rodriquez del Barrio, L., Caron, R., Parent, A-.A., Bouqentar, L., & Lezeau, M. (2022). "I don't quite understand the system yet": Employability support resources for young adults who have recently immigrated to Montreal North. Sciences et actions sociales, 17.