John Carlaw
John Carlaw is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology at Toronto Metropolitan University. He is a Research Affiliate with TMU’s Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration Program, where he was previously a Senior Research Associate (2023-2024) and Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2020-2023).
His research examines continuity and change in the politics of citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism, including the criminalization of migration and resistance. John is currently the lead investigator on a SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2023-2025) funded project entitled Contemporary Paradoxes and Struggles of Migration and Belonging in Canada.
Recent Publications
Carlaw, J. & Azadah, K. (2024). (PDF file) Pathways to Permanence and Immigration Levels: A Critical Policy Discourse Analysis (CPDA) of Struggles and Limits to Societal Membership for Migrants Amidst and Emerging from COVID-19 (2020-2022) in Canada. Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement (TMCIS) and the CERC in Migration and Integration Working Paper Series no. 2024/07.
Carlaw, J. & Winter, E. (2022). Conservatism and the Re-Communitarianization of Citizenship in Canada (external link) . Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 1-21.
Carlaw, J. (2022). Blunt talk or faux outrage? The politics of expanding migrant worker programs under Canada’s former Conservative government (2006–2015). (external link) Studies in Political Economy, 102(3), 331-353.