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Ashika Niraula

Toronto Metropolitan University
EducationPhD, Aarhus University
Areas of ExpertiseDevelopment and inclusion; highly skilled migration; international student mobility; migrant health and wellbeing; migrant integration and settlement; migration drivers and decision making; project management


Ashika Niraula is a Senior Research Assistant at the CERC Migration and Integration program, TMU. She is the lead researcher of the Skilled Migrant Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (DEMA) project. Ashika also coordinates the Complex Migration Flows and Multiple Drivers in Comparative Perspective (MEMO) project, a multidisciplinary research initiative examining internal, regional, and global migration patterns across South Asia, the Americas, West Africa, and North America. She collaborates on the Decentering Migration Knowledge (DemiKnow) Project. Her previous roles include being a Post-doctoral Fellow (immigrant settlement and social determinants of health) at the University of Toronto, and a Research Associate (Indian female migrants in Canada) at the University of Guelph. With over 15 years of experience, Ashika specializes in migration, development, and inclusion related issues.

Recent Publications

Castaneda, R. A., Niraula, A., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2024). Complex Pathways of Indian Highly Skilled Migrants and International Students to Canada (external link) . In India Migration Report 2023 (pp. 42-68). Routledge India. 

Kelly, M., & Niraula, A. (2023). Mobilizing to support those most in need: the importance of diasporic social capital during the COVID-19 pandemic (external link) . South Asian Diaspora, 15(2), 153-169.

Niraula, A., Triandafyllidou, A., & Akbar, M. (2022). Navigating uncertainties: Evaluating the shift in Canadian immigration policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic (external link) . Canadian Public Policy, 48(S1), 49-59.