Arla Good
Arla Good is a research associate in the Psychology department at Toronto Metropolitan University. She is the chief researcher and co-director of The SingWell Project, an international research study supported by SSHRC exploring group singing as one potential strategy to address psychosocial well-being, communication, and health issues in older adulthood. Much of her work over the last decade has sought to identify and optimise singing-based interventions that can contribute to psychological and social wellbeing in a variety of different populations.
Recent Publications
Good, A., Peets, K. F, Choma, B. L, & Russo, F. A. (2022) Singing foreign songs promotes shared common humanity in elementary school children. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 52(12), 1158-1171.
Good, A. & Russo, F. A. (2022). Changes in mood, oxytocin, and cortisol following group and individual singing: A pilot study. Psychology of Music, 50(4), 1340-1347
Good, A., Sims, L., Clarke, K., & Russo, F. A. (2020). Indigenous youth reconnect with culture: The evaluation of a community and school-based traditional song and dance program. Journal of Community Psychology. 49(2), 588-604.