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Bridging Divides Workshop Grants for TMU Scholars

The call for applications for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed


Bridging Divides (BD) Workshop Grants are expected to fund gatherings and convenings that respond to the objectives of the BD program of building a new understanding of the challenges and opportunities that migrant integration poses for Canada locally and across borders.

The funds present opportunities for BD researchers, staff and students who are part of the Bridging Divides team at Toronto Metropolitan University to exchange knowledge and engage with other researchers and stakeholders from academic institutions and public and private organizations on research issues related to Immigrant Health and Well-Being, Employment and Lifelong Learning, Place and Infrastructure and Citizenship and Participation. Workshops and conferences funded by BD can often serve as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects or an opportunity to disseminate research results.

Bridging Divides supports a wide range of initiatives that aim at facilitating: 

  • Disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in any of the program’s research themes;
  • Intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers from the participating institutions and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors;
  • International research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, students, and non-academic partners from other countries.



Up to $28,000 


One year 

Application deadline (Extended)

May 20, 2024

Results announced 

Within four weeks of the deadline

For events that will take place between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025.

Applicant eligibility

Researchers who are affiliated to one of the active BD sub-themes or projects and who are TMU faculty, staff or students. 

Limit per researcher  

Researchers can hold one Workshop Grant per academic year, that is, 1 September to 31 August. 

Application requirements 

Application instructions

  1. Complete the Workshop Grants Application Google Form - Spring 2024 (external link, opens in new window) 
  2. Fill the  (google doc) Workshop Grants Request  (external link, opens in new window)  per  (google doc) the instructions (external link, opens in new window) , name the file with your name, for example John Smith_Workshop Request and upload to the Google Form 
  3. Submit the Google Form.

Application process

Applicants must submit the completed application by 11:59PM on the deadline date.


BD workshop funding is awarded through an open competition. Workshop proposals can involve any of the program’s thematic areas, approaches, or subject areas eligible for BD funding. Projects whose primary objective is to conduct research activities such as literature reviews, field work, data collection and interviews, or to develop stand-alone volumes for books or monographs are not eligible for funding through the BD workshop grants. Book launches and similar report dissemination are not eligible for funding through the BD workshop competition. BD will not fund past events and outreach activities retroactively. Students enrolled in a program of study are eligible to apply but their proposals should be supported by at least one more BD researcher (whether faculty, staff or student). Collaborative proposals from 2 or more Bridging Divides-TMU researchers are strongly encouraged. Likewise, event proposals engaging with more than one sub-themes or projects and events that engage Bridging Divides’ non-academic partners are also strongly encouraged.

Matching Funds or External Funding

Applicants can draw on complementary funding from research grants and/or other research funding agencies but must make clear in their budget proposal that there is no duplication of financial support for the same budget expenses.

Design of Convenings

Conferences, Workshops, Research Planning or Research Dissemination Meetings
Proposed workshops must be designed to engage researchers and where relevant a broader public through knowledge creation/exchange or knowledge mobilization. Proposed workshops must be in Canada. 

Application Process

All applications must be submitted via email to by noon on the deadline date in a single file clearly named with the last name of the main applicant and a shorthand title for the event.

Monitoring and reporting

Applicants will be expected to report on the use of grant funds, on funded activities undertaken during the funding period and on outcomes. Please provide a two page outline of the activities undertaken during the workshop, what was achieved during the event including plans for publication or other output, contributions to training early career scholars and HQP, and add any other comments you deem pertinent within one week after the event to Please note that reporting is mandatory. Bridging Divides will not consider future applications from individuals with outstanding reports.


Describe the benefits and outcomes (such as, evolution, effects, potential learning and implications) that emerged from the workshop, conference, research planning meeting, or knowledge mobilization activities. Elaborate on the benefits and/or outcomes of your event. Examples of outcomes include enhanced curriculum and teaching material; enriched public discourse; improved public policies, enhanced business strategies and increased innovations in every sector of society; and HQP training and supervision opportunities.

Training and Mentoring

It is expected that undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other highly qualified personnel such as, practitioners, subject matter experts and Indigenous Elders will meaningfully participate in the proposed initiative. Clearly describe the specific roles and responsibilities of students, emerging scholars and/or other highly qualified personnel, indicating the work they undertook. Include:

  • the nature and extent of training, mentoring and employability activities;
  • the number of students, emerging scholars and/or other highly qualified personnel that were trained and mentored. Where applicable, indicate the level of study (i.e., undergraduate, master’s or doctoral) 
  • the nature and level of specialized skills that the students, emerging scholars and/or other highly qualified personnel developed as a result of their participation; and
  • any career development opportunities for students, emerging scholars and/or other highly qualified personnel.