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Inaugural Ritsuko Sugiman Postdoctoral Fellowship in Critical Policy Studies awarded

September 29, 2023

Dr. Mohammad Ferdosi has been awarded the inaugural Ritsuko Sugiman Postdoctoral Fellowship in Critical Policy Studies. 

Dr. Ferdosi completed his PhD in Political Science Public Policy at McMaster University in 2022, building on a foundation in Sociology and Economics. His research primarily adopts a political economy approach to investigate labour laws, welfare policies, and socio-economic outcomes in developed countries, using mixed methods.

Dr. Ferdosi has contributed to 40 research publications and has been the recipient of several research grants. In collaboration with the Inclusive Policy Lab and the International Labour Organization, he has served as a policy specialist, sharing his expertise and contributing to publications and discussions on an international scale.

Dr. Ferdosi postdoctoral research assesses Ontario's social assistance model, utilizing firsthand accounts from participants to generate informed policy recommendations. This work is driven by a commitment to fostering positive change that is grounded in empirical evidence. Dr. Ferdosi’s postdoctoral research will be supervised by Bryan Evans, Department of Politics and Public Administration.

For more about the Ritsuko Sugiman Postdoctoral Fellowship in Critical Policy Studies, click here.