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Dr. Nicholas Li

Dr. Nicholas Li

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nicholas Li is an economist whose primary research and teaching fields are development and empirical trade. His research has been published in top journals like the American Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the European Economic Association and Journal of International Economics and has been featured in policy-centric forums like the Canadian Federal Budget, CD Howe Institute, Ideas4India, VoxEU, Cato Institute, Wall Street Journal, and major Canadian newspapers.
Dr. Li’s research focuses on how trade and other market frictions affect the diffusion of prices and products across firms, borders, and space and the  implications for household welfare. One strand of his research explores issues related to food consumption, production decisions and public policy for poor households in India. Another strand of research examines how trade and global competition are affecting retail and manufacturing firms in North America.

Prior to joining Ryerson, Dr. Li was an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and Visiting Fellow at Yale University. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, an MA from Queen’s University, and a BA from Dalhousie/University of King’s College.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to join a young and dynamic institution that exemplifies the best values of a public university - collegiality, diversity, research excellence, and a deep commitment to serving our students and community. I look forward to contributing to the growth of the Economics department and university in these interesting times as we confront new challenges and opportunities.”