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Architecture Graduate Degree Program

What makes this program different?

This is an exciting time. Technological growth, environmental shifts and increased global connectivity pose challenges and offer unprecedented opportunities. We need a new way of seeing the world—starting with an understanding of the critical role that architecture plays in advancing climate action, social justice, Indigenous rights, and cultural vitality. Our graduate architecture programs prepare you to realize and reimagine this dynamic future

Degree: MArch, PhD

Program: Architecture

Fee range: Domestic: $10,847.53 - $12,133.26

Options: Global learning

One of twelve accredited MArch programs in Canada

Our Master of Architecture program is fully accredited by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB).



Canada’s only design-driven PhD program

Our PhD program in Architecture is the only architecture doctoral program in Canada focused on research through design.


Individual attention and personalized support

We create an environment that empowers you to excel as skilled professionals, design leaders and agents of positive change.


Explore your journey

MArch: is for students with pre-professional architectural studies and seeking an accredited degree as a step on the path to licensure. Students complete two studios, five core courses, two electives, two collaborative exercises, and a thesis. Graduates are prepared to excel in professional architectural practice and related fields.

PhD: is for MArch graduates with some experience in design, research or creative sectors, and seeking to enhance credentials and become leaders in their fields. Students participate in at least two seminars and work closely with a faculty supervisor to perform research through design that is critically evaluated at key milestones.

MArch PhD
  • Completed a BArchSc degree (or equivalent), with a minimum grade point average (GPA) or equivalent of 3.00/4.33 (B)
  • Achieved a minimum of 3.00/4.33 (B) in the last two years of study
  • Completion of a CACB-accredited Master of architecture degree (or foreign equivalent) from an accredited institution
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) or equivalent of 3.33/4.33 (B+)

Application requirements:

  1. Submit your application via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC); and 
  2. Prepare your documents to upload via Toronto Met’s Yeates School of Graduate Studies

Documents include:

  • Resumé
  • Transcripts
  • English language proficiency requirement
  • Two letters of recommendation: from referees who can comment on your past achievements and your potential as a graduate student. In most cases, the referees will be former professors or research supervisors familiar with your abilities. If you have been out of school for a significant period of time, a letter from an employer may be more appropriate.

    If you have graduated from the Toronto Met BArchSc program within the last four years* you are not required to submit letters of reference. Simply type the following e-mail address into the referee section of your application:
  • Statement of thesis intent: is a brief written statement of about 500 words outlining your research interests within the discipline of architecture. Your statement should relate to one or more of the program themes <linked to program themes tab 1> and should examine this question: What will the role of the architectural profession be in the coming decades? You should try to be as detailed as possible regarding your own vision of architecture.
  • Portfolio of design work: The portfolio is a collection of your work that demonstrates your high level of competence in all aspects of architectural design and representation. It should include work done at school and in professional practice.

    • Please submit the portfolio to the Applicant Upload portal as a single PDF document.
    • The portfolio must include the following information on the cover page:
      The words “Master of Architecture Portfolio”
      Your name
      Your mailing address, telephone number, email address, and other contact information
    • Page two of the portfolio must be the completed PDF file  (PDF file) statement of authorship.
    • On pages three and four of the portfolio, include a one-page summary CV and a one page summary Statement of Thesis Intent. Please note that these are in addition to the separate submissions for each of these documents, which are also required to be uploaded as separate files.
    • The portfolio may include up to 30 additional pages individual pages or 15 two-page spreads.  The portfolio may include images of creative work in any media. If your work is heavily video-based, please contact the associate chair prior to submitting your application.
    • All work must be clearly labelled. Identify the name/title of the work or project, the medium and date of work, and provide any other information regarding the work submitted. If work was produced in a professional context, identify your specific role or roles on the project. Work from school completed with a group of classmates must list the names of each member of the group.
    • Note: Please do not submit a hard copy of the portfolio, or any original material such as models, furniture, sculpture etc. Only PDF submissions will be reviewed. Any 3D materials such as those noted above are to be documented photographically for inclusion in the PDF document.

Application requirements:

  1. Connect with a supervisor
  2. Submit your application via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC);
  3. Prepare your documents to upload via Toronto Met’s Yeates School of Graduate Studies

Documents include:

  • Resumé
  • Transcripts
  • English language proficiency requirement
  • Three letters of recommendation: One of which must be from a prospective supervisor in the Department of Architectural Science who has agreed to work with you if accepted. The two other letters should be from appropriate referees who can speak directly to your past achievements, design research potential, and capability to lead ambitious self-directed work. In most cases, the referees will be from a former professor, research supervisor, a professional employer, or creative collaborator.
  • Statement of interest: addressing the proposed research topic and methodologies, motivations and objectives, with bibliographic references (1500-2000 words).
  • Writing sample: Such as a journal publication, book chapter, paper, etc.
  • Portfolio of design work: A portfolio is a key document in the evaluation of your application. This collection of relevant past projects should demonstrate a high level of competence and innovation in architectural design and representation, and provide evidence of your ability to perform research through design. Clear and concise annotations should convey capacity for informed critical inquiry and analysis.

    • Please submit the portfolio to the Applicant Upload portal as a single PDF document (max 50 MB).
    • The portfolio must include a cover page with the words “PhD in Architecture Portfolio”; your name; and your email address, mailing address and telephone number.
    • Page two of the portfolio must be the completed PDF file  (PDF file) statement of authorship.
    • Pages three and four of the portfolio must consist of a one-page summary CV and a one page abstract of your Statement of Interest. These are in addition to the separate submissions for each of these documents, which are also required to be uploaded as separate files.
    • The portfolio may include approximately 30 additional pages (or 15 two-page spreads), featuring images of creative work in any media and (where appropriate) active links to URLs for video content or other media.
    • All work must be clearly labelled. Identify the name/title of the work or project, the date of work, the medium, and any other pertinent information. If work was produced collaboratively or in a professional context, identify your specific role and list the names of other contributors.
    • Note: Please do not submit a hard copy of the portfolio, or any original material. Only PDF submissions will be reviewed. Make sure your documents are clearly labeled before they are uploaded. Once you have gathered all the required documents and activated your online identity, you can log on to the Applicant Upload portal. After you have successfully uploaded all your required documents, your application will enter the review process. Monitor your application status in MyServiceHub and through the Applicant Upload portal.

The Master of Architecture (MArch) program is designed to strengthen your ability to think critically, act collaboratively and create impactful solutions.

The PhD in Architecture focuses on research through design. Students engage design as a mode of critical inquiry, knowledge production and transformative agency. The core component of this program is the research through design dissertation, involving creative scholarship evaluated at important milestones. These milestone projects and presentations serve as forums for experimentation, dissemination and interpretive feedback. Students are expected to articulate rigorous research questions in relation to relevant contextual, theoretical and/or historical frameworks; demonstrate meaningful innovation and reflective expertise in a defined area of study; and make original, significant and compelling contributions to disciplinary knowledge.

Visit the currently-offered courses page to see which courses are available this academic term, and see the graduate calendar for full course descriptions. 

Andrew King, principal at AK A Fldwrk

“Research through design is critical to advancing the field and responding to challenges. Through experimental and applied research, TMU’s PhD in Architecture will help reshape design processes and potential.”

MArch PhD
Completion time:
Twenty (20) months, full time (max. 36 months)
Completion time:
Three (3) years, full time (max. six calendar years)

Degree requirements: you are required to successfully complete

  • Two studios
  • Five core courses
  • Two electives
  • Two collaborative competitions (I and II): or other design activities approved by the associate chair. Competition teams may include Toronto Met faculty members or architectural professionals.
  • A thesis: independent research on an approved topic within the field of architecture. You will be required to publicly present the thesis work, which forms the critical, historical and theoretical basis for your thesis project. The thesis project must be grounded in architectural praxis, but is not limited to the design of a building. The final stage is a public juried presentation of your thesis.

Degree requirements: you are required to successfully complete

  • One research seminar (ARxxxx, 1 cr), selected from available graduate architecture courses or approved directed study course
  • One Thesis and Design Research course (AR8110, 1cr), or directed study course with advisor
  • Three pass/fail milestones including:
    1) Creative project
    2) Design research proposal & candidacy examination
    3) Dissertation.
    Details about each milestone is available on our currently-offered courses page.

Grade requirements: If a course mark is less than B- (2.67/4.33 or 70%), and less than B (3.00/4.33 or 73%) for PhD, you must repeat the course or alternate with another. Failure to maintain an acceptable academic standing may be considered grounds for dismissal. Annual progress reports are required. One unsatisfactory (UNS) progress report results in a students’ ‘Provisional’ status; two UNS progress reports result in dismissal from the program.

Enrich your experience through research, international travel & an immersive studio culture

These four program themes supplement and direct students’ path of inquiry and exploration. 

Technological developments in design such as artificial intelligence, digital fabrication, parametric design and mass customization have altered the practice of architecture. How can we mobilize these tools for a better future? Advances in building materials and construction methods are changing built form and the urban landscape. How will architecture integrate emerging technologies in ways that propel culture advancement and enhance human thriving?

Technological developments in design such as artificial intelligence, digital fabrication, parametric design and mass customization have altered the practice of architecture. How can we mobilize these tools for a better future? Advances in building materials and construction methods are changing built form and the urban landscape. How will architecture integrate emerging technologies in ways that propel culture advancement and enhance human thriving?

Our world is increasingly united by digital communications, migration and trade networks, ecological precarity and resource scarcity. What is the significance of community in a globally connected world? How does architecture respond to profound social and political shifts? How can we investigate the increasingly charged relationship between the local and the global? How can architecture advance human rights and become a tool of peace, dignity and hope?

Architectural design is not only a form of professional practice but a mode of critical inquiry and knowledge production. How can design processes serve as both the subject and means of investigation? How are technical, artistic, social and epistemological changes affecting architectural design processes and outcomes? How can architectural work, in all its forms, be reimagined as interactive and experiential manifestations of cultural wisdom?

We provide graduate students with opportunities to study internationally through field trips, attendance at international conferences and contact with researchers all around the world.

You are so much more than your degree. At DAS, our graduate student work opportunities and studio culture add up to a rich educational experience. We also offer a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular programming designed specifically for graduate students.

Whether you’re looking to join a student group, advocate for your peers in student government, challenge yourself and others at our graduate symposium, or just looking for support, we encourage you to make the best of your experience at TMU.

What can you do with this degree?

Career possibilities

The master’s program in architecture at TMU offers a professional degree that follows the educational objectives of the Canadian Architectural Certification Board. The degree is a significant prerequisite for licensure as an Architect. In addition to traditional design work, it also offers a qualification for a much broader professional profile. Due to the high degree of freedom of choice, graduates specialize in individual subject areas or focal points according to their interests and talents.

  • Gow Hastings
  • Diamond and Schmitt
  • MJMA Architecture and Design
  • Neuf Architectes
  • Jason Fung Architect
  • RAW
  • ERA
  • Giamo Architects
  • D’Arcy Jones Architects Inc.
  • Dialog
  • Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc.
  • Zeidler Architects Inc.
  • +More
Role: plans, designs, constructs, maintains, renovates buildings.

Andrew Chiu
Architect, Gow Hastings Architects

“My involvement in the construction of the Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex and the design development of the Metrolinx Regional Express Rail expansion has reaffirmed the belief that I gained at Toronto Met: that our built environment can help facilitate social change and improve quality of life.”

Architecture, MArch '17

Role: assess the carbon footprint of a project and suggests ways to reduce its environmental impact

Anna Kosichenko
Employer, Title 

"As an alumni and a Graduate student at TMU, I've found this program to be a haven for exploring my creativity. DAS’ emphasis on freedom of thought and design expression allowed me to break boundaries and play with designs and concepts I’ve never imagined. Seeing my classmates thrive in the studio and produce amazing projects is inspiring, while the abundance of resources, from cutting-edge model-making technologies to a well-equipped library and knowledgeable instructors empowers us to bring our visions to life. The supportive faculty and collaborative atmosphere make this journey even more fulfilling. DAS at TMU not only nourishes our architectural skills but also nurtures our creative thinking and pushes us to design outside of the box. It's a place where I don't just design buildings, but play and grow. I'm grateful to be part of this community that celebrates boundless creativity."

Architecture (BArchSc) ʼ19, (MArch) ʼ24

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