Chromatography is the process of separating a mixture, to allow for quantification and identification of the analytes. Both gas and liquid chromatography are available, with a wide variety of detectors. Mass spectroscopy is also available. These techniques are critical for both research and industries in the fields of environmental science, pharmaceutical, food safety, forensics, and energy
The HPLC system allows for multiple detectors to detect a variety of samples. We have several columns available and can help procure other columns as required.
- DAD - Photo diode array detector
- RI - Refractive index detector
- ELSD - Evaporative light scanning detector
- Fraction collector
- Quaternary pump
- Peltier column heater
- Temperature controlled sample compartment
External Users
$70 per hour
(The hourly rate does not include the cost of vials or mobile phase)
Internal Users
A fee of $500 per year enables access to all of the Toronto Metropolitan Analytical Centre instrumentation. Consumables such as gasses, sample vials, or other required items are not included.
The HPLC - MS system is used for larger molecular weight samples. The single quadrupole system has both APCI as well as EI ionization. Direct probe as well as extraction from a TLC plate is possible.
- DAD - Photodiode Array
- Binary pump
- Peltier column heater
- Advion Expression MSTLC plate extractor
External Users
$100 per hour
(Sample vials, and filtration requirements are not included in the hourly rate)
Internal Users
A fee of $500 per year enables access to all of the Toronto Metropolitan Analytical Centre instrumentation. Consumables such as gasses, sample vials, or other required items are not included.
The GCMS allows for separation and analysis of a number of organic compounds.
- Quadrupole MS
- Gas sampling injector
External Users
$100 per hour
(The hourly price does not include the cost of vials and caps)
Internal Users
A fee of $500 per year enables access to all of the Toronto Metropolitan Analytical Centre instrumentation. Consumables such as gasses, sample vials, or other required items are not included.
Molecular weight determination is accomplished using the GPC. This technique allows for looking at inorganic polymers and requires the sample to be soluble in Tetrahydrofuran (THF).
- Triple detector array - THF mode only
External Users
$70 per hour
(The hourly rate does not include vials, or filters. A standard must be run with analysis)
Internal Users
A fee of $500 per year enables access to all of the Toronto Metropolitan Analytical Centre instrumentation. Consumables such as gasses, sample vials, or other required items are not included.