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From business to a book: Meet author and grad Jennifer Stojkovic

March 01, 2023
Jennifer Stojkovic

This month, Toronto Metropolitan University’s Alumni and Friends Book Talk series on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (12:30 pm – 1 pm) will feature Vegan Women Summit founder Jennifer Stojkovic discussing her book, “The Future of Food Is Female.” (opens in new window)  The book includes a collection of cross-cultural stories from 15 CEOs, venture capitalists, scientists and trailblazers who are reinventing our food system and saving our planet.

Before Stojkovic created her global media and events platform (external link, opens in new window)  focused on empowering women to build a more sustainable world, and became a published author, she was a Business Management student at TMU. Here is what the 2013 graduate had to say about her time at university, including her key learnings, most memorable professors and classes, and favourite place to eat.

Did you ever envision writing a book after graduating? 

I have always wanted to write a book, but I must be honest, I didn’t expect to write one so soon! I have always been interested in writing, but with no formal experience, it was a surprisingly fun challenge to write. I ended up using many different tools to write it, including Zoom interviews and AI transcription, which allowed me to turn the book around much faster than I expected. 

What are some key learnings from your time at TMU that have helped you in your career?

I continue to believe my time at TMU was pivotal to my career success because I was able to experience industry leadership first-hand, rather than learning about it from a book. The reality of business is that experience, rather than academia, will skyrocket your career, which is why I chose TMU for my business degree. Most of my professors were current or former professionals, such as venture capitalists, lawyers or executives, which provided me with a real-world perspective on how to tackle challenges and obstacles in my career. 

I also learned the power of networking during my time at TMU, which cannot be understated. Being located in the heart of the city, I had access to companies, startups and exciting opportunities that I don’t believe I would have had in a smaller town or city. Because I know how important that opportunity is, I participate in a number of conferences run by TMU students each year, and continue to offer myself as a resource or networking referral for these up-and-coming professionals. 

Where was your favourite place to eat on or around campus? 

My favourite place to eat around campus was Korean Grill House (external link, opens in new window) . Funnily enough, I have since gone vegan, and now find myself exploring new, cool, vegan spots when I’m back in Toronto for work. My current favourite spot near campus is definitely Rosalinda (external link, opens in new window) , a beautiful, plant-based Mexican spot downtown. 

What was your most memorable class? 

My most impactful class was, by far, my capstone course in Law and Business, where business and industry leaders came in each week to teach us about their career and legacy. This opened my eyes to the potential of so much more for myself and my professional achievements, and I think about much of what I learned in those sessions quite frequently.

Who was your favourite professor? 

My favourite professor would have to be Entrepreneurship and Strategy professor Dr. Sean Wise, because he introduced me to entrepreneurship through his courses (in which I went on to be a teaching assistant for several years). In particular, Opportunity Evaluation taught me the fundamentals of investing, which I still use today as I raise my first venture capital fund! It’s surprising how important the basics are and how many other professionals seem to forget them — ha!

The Future of Food Is Female: Reinventing the Food System to Save the Planet with Jennifer Stojkovic

Register today for Book Talk: The Future of Food Is Female (external link)  on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 12:30 pm – 1 pm to learn more about Jennifer and get insights into her ground-breaking book.