2023-2024 Fall/Winter Entrance Scholarship Terms and Conditions
In addition to the specific eligibility criteria noted in each section, the following general terms and conditions apply to the following:
- President’s Entrance Scholarships
- Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship
- International Secondary School Merit Scholarships
- International Student Winter Merit Scholarship
- Toronto Metropolitan University’s Guaranteed Entrance and Renewable Scholarships
November 1, 2022: Application deadline for the International Student Winter Merit Scholarship. The application form, available through the Scholarships and Awards page, will close promptly at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
November 1, 2022: Application opens for for the for the President’s Entrance Scholarship, the Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship, and the International Secondary School Merit Scholarships. The application form is available through the AwardSpring (external link, opens in new window) page.
February 1, 2023: Application for admission must be received at Toronto Metropolitan University by this date in order to be considered for the International Secondary School Merit Scholarships, President’s Entrance Scholarships and the Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship.
February 1, 2023: Application deadline for the President’s Entrance Scholarship, the Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship, and the International Secondary School Merit Scholarships. The application form, available through the AwardSpring (external link, opens in new window) page, will close promptly at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please note that applications will not be accepted past the deadline date under any exceptional circumstances, which include technical difficulties.
June 30, 2023: All coursework and course final examinations used for scholarship purposes must be completed. Exceptions may apply for some Canadian provinces with provincial examinations and some international educational systems.
July 13, 2023: Final grades for current Ontario secondary school students must be received by Toronto Metropolitan University via the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC). Final grades for courses completed after June 30 and/or grade amendments received after July 13 will not be considered for scholarship purposes. Exceptions may apply for some Canadian provinces with provincial examinations and some international educational systems.
Note: Scholarship recipients must satisfy all conditions of their Offer of Admission by the deadline dates noted in their offer letter. These dates include the deadline to accept the offer, the payment of the $500 tuition deposit, and any or all academic conditions (if applicable).
3.1 To be eligible for consideration for Toronto Metropolitan University’s Guaranteed and Renewable Scholarships, applicants must:
- Be currently enrolled full-time in a Canadian secondary school (minimum of three Ontario grade 12 U/M courses or Canadian provincial equivalent within the 2022-2023 regular school year.
- Have been continuously enrolled full-time (no gaps in full-time attendance prior to the 2022-2023 regular school year).
- Be enrolling in a post secondary institution for the first time.
- Have submitted the correct and complete application for admission to the program for which the scholarship is being granted by September 1, 2023.
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, protected persons in Canada and international students are eligible for this award.
3.2 To be eligible for consideration for the Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship applicants must:
- Be currently enrolled full-time in a Canadian secondary school (minimum of three Ontario grade 12 U/M courses or Canadian provincial equivalent within the 2022-2023 regular school year.
- Have a minimum 85% or equivalent final admission average.
- Have been continuously enrolled full-time (no gaps in full-time attendance prior to the 2022-2023 regular school year).
- Be enrolling in a post secondary institution for the first time.
- Be applying to a four year, full time, undergraduate program.
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents and protected persons in Canada are eligible to apply for this award.
- Maintain a full-time course load (80% or more of a full course load) upon enrolment.
3.3 To be eligible for consideration for the President’s Entrance Scholarships, applicants must:
- Be currently enrolled in full-time secondary school studies (i.e. at least three Ontario Grade 12 U/M courses, or Canadian provincial/international equivalents, within the 2022-2023 regular secondary school year).
- Have a minimum 90% or equivalent final admission average.
- Have been continuously enrolled in full-time secondary school studies (no gaps in full-time attendance prior to the 2022-2023 regular school year).
- Be enrolling in a post-secondary institution for the first time.
- Be applying to a four year, full time, undergraduate program.
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, protected persons in Canada and international students are eligible to apply for this award.
- Maintain a full-time course load (80% or more of a full course load) upon enrolment.
3.4 To be eligible for consideration for the International Secondary School Merit Scholarship, applicants must:
- Be international students with valid study permits by the start of the term (September 2023).
- Be completing or completed a recognized and approved secondary school curriculum.
- Have a minimum 85% final admission average or equivalent final admission average.
- Be enrolling in a post-secondary institution for the first time.
- Be applying to a four year, full time, undergraduate program.
- Not have previously applied for an International Student Winter Merit Scholarship or fall International Secondary School Merit Scholarship.
- Maintain a full-time course load (80% or more of a full course load) upon enrolment.
Ontario secondary school students are not eligible for the International Secondary School Merit Scholarship.
Applicants with a gap between their secondary school and post-secondary studies are eligible to apply for the International Secondary School Merit Scholarship if their gap is no longer than one academic year.
3.5 To be eligible for consideration for the International Student Winter Merit Scholarship, applicants must:
- Be international students with valid study permits by the start of the winter term (January 2024).
- Maintain a full-time course load (80% or more of a full course load) upon enrolment.
- Have a minimum 85% or equivalent final admission average.
- Be enrolling in a post-secondary institution for the first time.
- Be applying to a four year, full time, undergraduate program.
- Must not have previously applied for a fall International Secondary School Merit Scholarship or International Student Winter Merit Scholarship.
3.6 Current Ontario secondary school students must apply for admission via the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC).
3.7 Applicants attending Canadian secondary schools in provinces outside Ontario and/or Canada must apply for admission on an OUAC application in order to be considered for an entrance scholarship. Scholarship consideration is based on Grade 12 academic courses taken during the 2022-2023 regular school year (fall and winter terms) and any or all prior terms. This excludes courses (including final examinations) completed after June 30 of the Grade 12 year.
3.8 Home-schooled applicants who wish to be considered for the University’s Entrance Scholarship program may be considered on an individual basis. These students must present six Ontario Grade 12 U/M courses (or Canadian provincial equivalents) and meet all other terms and conditions outlined in this document. Home-schooled applicants must submit an email directed to scholarship.inquiry@torontomu.ca, requesting a review of their candidacy for scholarship purposes by June 30th.
4.1 Entrance scholarship averages are calculated using an applicant’s best six Ontario Grade 12 U/M courses (mid-term and/or final) or Canadian provincial or international equivalents, completed during the regular fall/winter 2022-2023 school year. For information regarding general admission requirements and the courses used in the calculation of averages for provincial curricula, visit the Admission Requirements page.
4.2 Acceptable academic courses and equivalents are determined at the sole discretion of Toronto Metropolitan University.
4.3 Scholarship and award averages are based on two decimal points and are not rounded.
4.4 Grade 12 U/M courses with credit values of more than 1.00 will be counted as one course.
4.5 Grade 12 U/M courses with credit values of less than 1.00, and the “out of school” component of Grade 12 U/M co-op courses or equivalents are not considered.
4.6 Final grades, grade corrections and/or grade amendments received after July 13 cannot be considered for scholarship and award purposes.
4.7 Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship Values: The chart below indicates scholarship amounts, and the required admission averages to obtain them; it also outlines the possible yearly renewable amount and the total potential maximum scholarship value.
4.7a Renewable amounts are dependent on the annual Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) achieved at Toronto Metropolitan University. A minimum CGPA of 3.67 must be maintained to be eligible for the scholarship renewal. For more information on Renewable Scholarships, refer to section 8.
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship Values:
*Scholarship amount to be distributed evenly between fall and winter semester
**Up to, dependent on annual CGPA
4.8 Any inquiries pertaining to Entrance Scholarships for prospective and incoming undergraduate students, should be directed to scholarship.inquiry@torontomu.ca.
The following entrance scholarships may be combined up to a maximum overall annual value of $15,000:
- Toronto Metropolitan University’s Guaranteed Entrance and Renewable Scholarships
- Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship
- International Secondary School Merit Scholarships
- International Student Winter Merit Scholarship
- President’s Entrance Scholarships
- Pierre Lassonde Entrance Awards in Engineering
- Ted Rogers School of Management Undergraduate Entrance Awards
Requests for deferrals are considered individually and are granted at the discretion of the University. Deferrals are not guaranteed. If a student has been granted an automatic Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship, the deferral of admission will also include a deferral of the scholarship subject to Toronto Metropolitan University’s continuance of the scholarship program into the new term of admission. The student’s final admission average at the time of deferral will be the average used in determining the value of the scholarship in accordance with the award value chart in article 4.7.
6.1 Scholarships or awards that require an application are not eligible for deferral and will require submission of a new application by the appropriate deadline(s). The President’s Entrance Scholarship, Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship, International Secondary School Merit Scholarships, International Student Winter Merit Scholarship and other special-category scholarships are not deferrable.
As of their first year, students must be enrolled in an 80% course load (four or more billing units) in both fall and winter terms. Scholarship recipients' eligibility is re-evaluated after the add/drop date in each semester (early October for fall, early February for winter) to ensure enrolment conditions continue to be met (i.e. enrolled in an 80% course load). Students who withdraw, discontinue their program, reduce their course load, experience a decline in grades below the minimum CGPA requirement, or no longer meet other scholarship/award requirements may forfeit all or part of their award. The decision is made by the Student Awards and Scholarships Office and is based on the terms of the scholarship. A cancelled scholarship may result in a charge against the student’s university fee account. To avoid late fees and a hold being applied to their account, students must promptly make payment to the university.
8.1 To be eligible for renewal, an 80% course load (four or more billing units) must be maintained in both the fall and winter terms with a minimum CGPA of 3.67, and the student must have clear academic standing.
8.1a President’s Entrance Scholarship recipients who do not meet the minimum 3.67 CGPA criteria required for renewal, may be granted a probationary scholarship renewal period for the semester following the academic year in which they did not meet the minimum CGPA criteria. To be eligible for this probationary scholarship renewal period, recipients must achieve a CGPA of no more than 0.25 points off the CGPA required for renewal. A probationary scholarship renewal period means that recipients will conditionally receive half of the scholarship funds in fall. This provides them some financial stability while they strive to meet the minimum CGPA by the end of the probationary scholarship renewal term. The other half of the scholarship monies will be disbursed in the subsequent winter term only if they meet the standard minimum eligibility criteria.
8.2 For students admitted as of the 2023-2024 academic year, the renewable value of the guaranteed entrance scholarship values is dependent on the following CGPAs:
*Scholarship amount to be distributed evenly between fall and winter semester.
For students admitted as of the 2022 academic year and prior, the renewable value of the guaranteed entrance scholarship values is dependent on the following CGPAs:
*Scholarship amount to be distributed evenly between fall and winter semester.
**Annual renewable amount of $500 is only renewable for fall 2021, or prior, entrance scholarship recipients. Students admitted for fall 2022, and onwards, are not eligible to initially receive or renew annually at $500.
8.3 Fall, winter, and past spring/summer semester courses are used to calculate CGPAs. The most recent spring and summer semester courses are not included in CGPA calculations.
8.4 Students who are registered with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Academic Accommodation Support, and who are required to take a reduced course load (less than 80%, or less than four billing units per term) as part of their academic accommodation plan, will be offered a pro-rated award value. CGPA requirements will still need to be achieved.
8.4a Guaranteed Entrance and Renewable Scholarships: Recipients who are registered with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Academic Accommodation Support and who are required to take a reduced course load (less than 80%, or less than 4 billing units per term) as part of their academic accommodation plan will have their scholarship renewed on a prorated basis. All other renewability criteria still apply. These recipients must self-disclose their reduced course load accommodation in confidence at awards@torontomu.ca by September 29 for the fall semester and by January 26 for the winter semester.
8.4b President’s Entrance Scholarships: Recipients who are registered with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Academic Accommodation Support and who are required to take a reduced course load (less than 80%, or less than 4 billing units per term) as part of their academic accommodation plan are eligible to have their scholarship renewed for more than three years until the total potential value of their scholarship has been exhausted. All other renewability criteria still applies.
8.5 Scholarships are renewable for three calendar years from the term of admission only, and will be renewed consecutively. Scholarship renewals occur in the fall semester of each academic year and the total value for the year is disbursed evenly between the fall and winter semesters.
Applicable only to Toronto Metropolitan University’s Guaranteed Entrance and Renewable Scholarships, entrance scholarship renewals may be applied to student accounts in three consecutive fall and winter terms, regardless of when their co-op placements fall. Students enrolled in co-op programs must meet all renewal eligibility criteria to continue to receive renewals. If the scholarship recipient is in a co-op program, which extends their studies to five years, they will not receive the scholarship or award for a fifth time. The most recent Winter CGPA will be used in the calculation of the renewal amount.
8.6 The Student Awards and Scholarships Office will review academic records at the end of each academic year. If the scholarship is renewed, scholarship amounts will be dispersed evenly between the fall and winter semesters to eligible students’ accounts by September 1 for the fall semester and by January 13 for the winter semester. Article 11.2 outlines the steps to undertake should a scholarship not be posted.
The availability and monetary value of all scholarships are subject to change. The University reserves the right to change the listed award, scholarship or bursary information and/or value without notice.
Every attempt has been made to be clear in the communication of the terms and conditions outlined in this document. In the event of any interpretive disputes, Toronto Metropolitan University reserves the right to render a final determination on eligibility for scholarships and renewability. Interpretation of grade and academic equivalencies is solely at the discretion of Toronto Metropolitan University.
Clarifying amendments to the terms and conditions for scholarships may be made by Toronto Metropolitan University without notice.
11.1 Guaranteed Entrance and Renewable Scholarship: First-time recipients who meet the eligibility criteria (based on courses completed by June 30 and with final grades reported by July 13), and have not received email confirmation of their final scholarship amount must submit a request for scholarship review to scholarship.appeals@torontomu.ca by September 29, 2023 in order to have this corrected.
11.1a After September 29th, the student is no longer eligible to receive entrance scholarship funds in the current academic year. The request for review process does not apply to students who are submitting final grades, grade corrections or amendments after the July 13 deadline. Final grades and/or school/teacher-amended grades received after July 13 will not be considered for scholarship purposes.
11.2 Entrance scholarship recipients (enumerated in Section 1) in years 2 or higher who are eligible to have their scholarship renewed in accordance with the criteria listed in section 8, and who do not see the scholarship amount posted to their student fee account, in the fall semester, must contact awards@torontomu.ca by September 29th. If the remaining half of the scholarship is not posted in the winter semester, recipients must contact awards@torontomu.ca by January 26th.
11.2a Renewals are processed at the beginning of the academic year (September). Students must demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria, outlined in section 8, for the full academic year. Although the total value for the year is dispersed evenly between the fall and winter semesters, eligibility for renewal remains contingent on the full year. After September 29th, the student is no longer eligible to have their scholarship renewed in the current academic year.
12.1 Applicants to the Nursing Collaborative Program: only applicants admitted to the Toronto Metropolitan University site are eligible for Toronto Metropolitan University scholarships; students admitted to our partner sites (Centennial College and George Brown College) are not eligible.
12.2 Applicants to the English Language Institute ESL Foundation Program and Pre-Pathway Programs may be considered for a Guaranteed Entrance and Renewable Scholarship in the year they will begin their undergraduate degree program; such applicants are not eligible to apply for the President’s Entrance Scholarship, Terence Grier Entrance Scholarship or the International Secondary School Merit Scholarship. Applicants must meet the terms and conditions applicable to the year that they will be entering the degree program.
12.3 Eligible candidates must be admitted to a four year, full time, undergraduate degree program and satisfy any/all conditions included in an official offer of admission, including the fulfillment of academic conditions, confirmation of offer and payment of tuition deposit by all noted deadline dates.
12.4 If a deadline date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday in Canada, the next business day will apply.