Dr. Sergiy Rakhmayil
Sergiy Rakhmayil is an Associate Professor of Finance at Ted Rogers School of Management. He received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Manitoba in 2006 and has been teaching at Ryerson, and now Toronto Metropolitan University, since 2005. Dr. Rakhmayil published research papers in international finance, asset valuation, corporate finance, and financial distress. He has experience studying the relationship between managerial skills and corporate finance, and evaluating corporate survival of financial distress. His current research is related to the effect of political events on financial markets and to shareholder activism as a means of corporate control. He is a member of editorial board at the Journal of Applied Business and Economics. Sergiy Rakhmayil supervises graduate students.
To keep up to date with new developments in Finance and business in general, Sergiy Rakhmayil attends professional development courses. Dr. Rakhmayil has attended the following courses:
London School of Economics: The Law and Economics of Mergers and Acquisitions (2023), Public Policy Analysis (2022), Leadership and Change (2021), Negotiation Programme (2021)
Northwestern University: Negotiation Master Class (2022), Negotiations in a Virtual World (2021)
University of Oxford: Venture Creation Programme (2022), Executive Leadership Programme (2022), Venture Finance Programme (2022), Private Markets Investments Programme (2022), Leading Professional Services Firms (2022)
University of Pennsylvania: Negotiation and Influence: Making Deal and Strategy Work (2021)
Dr. Rakhmayil has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in corporate finance, personal finance, entrepreneurial finance, international finance, and mergers and acquisitions. Dr. Rakhmayil's experience outside academia includes work in the oil & gas industry, work in startup firms, and advising startup companies and families in the matters of financial growth, financial survival, and governance. He is a member of Yeates School of Graduate Studies and has supervised graduate students from the MBA, MTI, and MA in Economics and Finance programs. His former students are now friends on LinkedIn and Dr. Rakhmayil is happy to witness their successful careers in academia, major financial institutions, corporations, small and medium size businesses, and non-profit organizations in Canada and abroad.
Sergiy Rakhmayil invites all current and former students, as well as colleagues, to connect on LinkedIn:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergiy-rakhmayil-5156132/ (external link)
International finance, asset pricing, mergers and acquisitions, venture investments, corporate restructuring
Journal Articles |
Rakhmayil, S.,“Evidence on the Effect of Financial Distress on Corporate Organizational Structure from a Managerial Qualifications Perspective”, International Journal of Management and Marketing Research (ISSN# 1933-3153) 11(1), 2018, 1-17. |
Rakhmayil, S., Yuce, A., “Executive Qualifications and Firm Value”, Journal of Applied Business and Economics (ISSN# 1499-691X). 14(5), 2013, 52-70. |
Rakhmayil, S., Yuce, A., “NAFTA Effect on Company Values and Performance”, International Business & Economics Research Journal(ISSN# 1535-0754), Volume 11 (Number 4), 2012, 407-420. |
Rakhmayil, S., “Dating Capital Market Integration in the EMU”, International Business & Economics Research Journal(ISSN# 1535-0754), Volume 10 (Number 3), 2011, 63-70. |
Yuce, A., and S. Rakhmayil. “Internationalization and Profitability Of The U.S. Multinational Companies After The Free Trade Agreement”. International Business & Economics Research Journal(ISSN# 1535-0754), Volume 9 (12), 2010, 49-75. |
Mossman, C. E., and S. Rakhmayil, “Influence of Unusual Economic Conditions on the Occurrence of the Size Anomaly”, Journal of Business & Economics Research(ISSN# 1542-4448), Volume 8(10), 2010, 73-91. |
Rakhmayil, S. and Mitoo, U.R., “Estimating Time-Varying Capital Market Integration In The EMU”, International Business & Economics Research Journal (ISSN# 1535-0754), 8(11), 2009, 73-88. |
Rakhmayil, S. “Did Financial Performance of European Firms Improve and Converge after Introduction of the Euro?”, The International Journal of Business and Finance Research (ISSN # 1931-0269), 4(2), 2010, 27-41. |
Rakhmayil, S. “The Euro and firm performance: evidence from a panel of European firms” , Journal of Applied Business and Economics (ISSN# 1499-691X), 10(3), 2009, 65-84. |
Rakhmayil, S., Mossman, C.E., “Firm Size, Book-to- Market Ratio, and Macroeconomic Environment: Theory and Test.” Applied Economics (ISSN# 0003-6846), iFirst, 2010, 1-15. |
Yuce, A., Rakhmayil, S. “Do CEO Qualifications Affect Capital Structure?” Journal of Applied Business and Economics (ISSN# 1499-691X), Vol. 9(2), 2008, pp. 76-85. |
Rakhmayil, S. and Yuce, A., “Effects of Manager Qualification on Firm Value”, Journal of Business & Economics Research (ISSN# 1542-4448), 6(7), 2008, pp 129-138. |
Rakhmayil, S., Abeyesekera, S., “Globalization and Time Varying Prices of Market and Foreign Exchange Risks: Canadian Evidence,” International Business & Economics Research Journal (ISSN# 1535-0754), 7(3), 2008, pp. 45-60. |
Book Chapters |
Rakhmayil, S., Yuce, A., “Financial and operating performance of European firms and introduction of the Euro”, Contemporary Issues of Economic and Financial Integration: A Collection of Empirical Work, ATINER, 2009, pp. 337-354. |
Rakhmayil, S., Thulasiram, R. and Shiller, I., “Different Estimators of the Underlying Asset's Volatility and Option Pricing Errors: Parallel Monte-Carlo Simulation”, Computational Finance and its Applications, WIT Press, Southampton, U.K., April 2004 |
Graduate courses | |
MB8005 | Financial Management |
MT8809 | Entrepreneurial Finance |
MB8104 | Accounting and Finance for Managers |
Undergraduate courses | |
AFF813 | Mergers & Acquisitions |
AFF624 | International Finance |
FIN621 | International Finance |
FIN300 | Managerial Finance I |
FIN810 | Mergers & Acquisitions |
FIN810 | Corporate Financial Analysis |
FIN510 | Entrepreneurial Finance |
FIN710 | Advanced Corporate Finance |
FIN502 | Personal Finance |
Internet-based distance education courses | |
CFIN300 | Managerial Finance I |
CFIN502 | Personal Finance |