
A Message from Chancellor Janice Fukakusa C.M.
Stepping on to the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) campus is seeing the future of Canada. It is apparent in the diversity of our student population, in the energetic search for innovative solutions to global challenges and in our university’s enthusiastic focus on engaging the broader community.
Infused with an entrepreneurial spirit and home to a culture that embraces change, TMU has built its remarkable growth and success on its academic mission. Providing a valuable and rewarding experience for students is a top institutional priority.
The university is proudly urban, and the campus is a visible representation of the university’s city-building values. Spectacular student-focused buildings including the Student Learning Centre, The Image Centre and the Mattamy Athletic Centre are each a unique and vital part of Toronto’s downtown.
As chancellor, I am pleased and honoured to serve as an advocate for students and a champion of the university’s values, including diversity and inclusion. I am inspired by the opportunity to help ensure that every student reaches their full potential.
Janice Fukakusa C.M.
Related news and resources:
- University Chancellor Janice Fukakusa appointed to the Order of Canada
- Q & A with Janice Fukakusa Oct 11, 2018
Photo credit: Clifton Li

Mohammed Lachemi
Meet Toronto Metropolitan University's president and Vice Chancellor, Mohamed Lachemi.