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Archive - 2018
If you have any information about this incident or would like to report something that happened to you, please contact us.
Bystander intervention
At TMU, we take care of each other. Learn strategies for students that may empower you to intervene and follow-up if you are harmed or see someone being harmed. Employees can also access information about bystander intervention in AskHR.
Find information and resources that may empower you to feel safe, especially while on campus.
Consent Comes First provides support to TMU community members affected by sexual violence, whether it happened on- or off-campus, or if you experienced sexual violence before you came to TMU.
Available to all community members, self-defence workshops are designed to empower participants with the skills and knowledge to respond to concerning or aggressive behaviour.
Available to all community members, this free service pairs you with a uniformed security crew member to escort you to various locations on campus, including nearby parking lots, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
CSDC offers free, confidential counselling services in a professional and friendly environment to TMU students.
EFAP is a confidential and voluntary support service that can help staff and faculty solve all kinds of problems and challenges in your life, available for TMU employees.