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Five resources to support your safety on campus

August 28, 2023
Many people walking along Gould Street with TMU banners on the street poles.

At Toronto Metropolitan University, we’re committed to creating a unique-to-TMU approach to safety on campus that reflects the realities of our local environment. In addition to providing 24/7 coverage of campus by TMU Security Guards and front-line response to issues and incidents on campus, the team focuses on a community-centric approach that includes partnerships and innovative solutions to support the well-being and safety of our community.

This includes working hard to develop and maintain community partnerships with social agencies and city services to bring appropriate services to street-involved individuals who may be experiencing substance use challenges, mental health challenges, and who are unhoused. By developing partnerships with external social agencies, we also aim to inform and advocate with politicians and staff at the City of Toronto and the provincial government to ensure adequate resources to address social development needs in the area.

Explore key resources and tips from Community Safety and Security 

As we gear up for another school year, we want to make sure our students, faculty and staff are aware of some of the practical strategies to support a shared commitment to safety on campus.

Make use of the Walk Safe Program

Available to all community members, this provides a uniformed security crew member to escort you to various locations on campus, including the subway and nearby parking lots. This service is available to all TMU community members—including visitors—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To request a WalkSafe call 416-979-5040 or email

Set up a customized Personal Safety Planning Session

Offered by Community Safety and Security to all community members for support with scenario-based guidance, tools and resources customized to your experience on campus so you can make informed decisions.

While these sessions are offered to individuals, they can also be provided in a group setting for a unit, department or group of students. Additionally, they can be in person or virtual.

Sign up for a workshop

Community Safety and Security offers a variety of training and workshops on a regular basis to support community members including:

  • Self-Defence training
  • De-Escalating Potentially Violent Situations 
  • Get Out. Hide. Fight.

Interested in taking the session with a group of friends or your team? Reach out to Community Safety and Security at or at 416-979-5040 to book a dedicated session.

Download the TMU Safe app to your phone and sign up for text messages

This app is the university’s tool for mass notification in the event of an urgent situation that poses an immediate safety or security risk to the community. It’s also the quickest way to find out if there’s a Snow Day!

Already downloaded the app but haven’t used it in some time? 

If you’re an iPhone user, make sure your phone hasn’t offloaded the app. If it has, you may need to redownload it. 

If you’re an android user, make sure you double check that the app has not gone into hibernation mode. To prevent app hibernation from occurring, redownload the app and TMU Safe will prompt you to disable this feature within their app’s settings on your phone.

If the app has been offloaded or gone into hibernation mode, you will not receive notifications.

Make sure you have your OneCard on you for building access, prevent tailgating

The TMU Campus is OneCard access only, and all exterior campus building doors are locked and require a OneCard to gain access to the interior of campus buildings. To avoid delays accessing buildings, make sure you have your OneCard on you at all times. Don’t have your OneCard yet? Visit the OneCard site to find out how to apply and pick one up.

A reminder that since the campus is OneCard access only, community members are encouraged to be mindful of individuals who may follow behind them when entering building lobbies and are asked to not hold open doors for other individuals.

Learn more about TMU’s approach to safety and security on campus

As a university, the safety and security of our community is one of our top priorities, and we will continue to work to enhance our resources and safety measures on campus. We encourage you to visit the Community Safety and Security website to learn more about our approach to safety on campus, get tips on how to support your individual safety and more.