Colour of Birth Living Art Exhibition & Symposium

On February 1st and 2nd, we hosted The inaugural Colour of Birth Living Art Exhibition and Symposium in celebration of Black History Month.
The exhibition showcased the launch of the digital Colour of Birth Gallery and three Panel discussions that showcased the preliminary findings of the CMOC project, making this the first-of-a-kind historical midwifery presentation from the lens of Black midwives migrating to Canada between the 1800s and 1960s.
The panels featured midwives, health equity specialists, scholars and researchers, Black activists, educators, and business owners.
Missed the symposium? Access the recordings to experience it virtually by submitting a donation.
Panel #1: Historical Findings, Future Directions

This panel looks at the historical findings from the CMOC project related to the direct work of Black midwives in dialogue with current issues in the field related to representation, inclusion, and systemic/ structural racism.
Panel #2: Ancestral Traditions

This panel looks at ancestral knowledge applied to preconception, pregnancy and postpartum health in the African Diaspora.
Panel #3: Black Lives Mattered Then and Now

Beginning with the early history of Black midwives in Canada, this panel will explore how exclusionary labour and medical practices identified in the Canadian Midwives of Colour History project have evolved and/or continue to affect Black healthcare and allied professionals today. The theme of 'work to rule' and 'ruling where you work' in the community and institutional health will also be explored in dialogue with panelists.
Colour of Birth Symposium & Living Art Exhibition
The Exhibition will showcase photos, film screenings, videos, and visual art displays of current Black artists who depict Black families, birth, and infants; Nikola Steer (external link) , Solana Cain (external link) , Jessica Bernard, Reisha Felix, (external link) Sidontae Wilson Taylor, and Tracey Steer. (external link)
The reception will start with a mix and mingle including appetizers and featured vendors: Carleen Crooks, Akemi Designs (external link) and Rita Burke, Burke Bookstore (external link) .
Followed by a welcome from Karline Wilson-Mitchell, and appreciation from Dr Kiaras Gharabaghi, Dean of Faculty of Community Services and Dr. Grace-Camille Munroe, Interim Director Black Scholarship Institute, FCS.
Then move into a Dance/Drumming presentation by Dr. Emilie Jaboin (external link) and a Fashion show by Qweenfecy & Company, followed by the Silent Memorial March.
Concluding with an interactive dance of healing by Dr. Emilie Jaboin (external link) , closing words from Karline Wilson-Mitchell and a community Dance facilitated by DJ Martin Ses (external link) to end off the night.