Dion Andrushko

Dion wears many hats in his field. His scope of expertise ranges from web design and developing to graphics and animation to videography. Dions experiences in these many facets has opened doors of opportunity to being able to be the head producer of television shows that have been aired on national television stations like YES Tv. Dion currently has his own independent business called Visually Rendered Production. Here Dion creates, designs and produces works of art. To view these masterpieces go to Link above. He brings with him skills and unique techniques that will greatly enhance and bring to life the many intriguing fundamental pieces woven into the stories and history of the Colour of Birth Project. His passion for rich multilayered media experiences, will breath a fresh new look and respect to the profession of midwifery over the passage of time.
Website: www.visuallyrendered.com/ (external link)