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Dr. Ahmed El-Rabbany

Ahmed El-Rabbany
BSc, MSc, PhD, PEng
416-979-5000 ext. 6472

Areas of Academic Interest

Geomatics engineering

Satellite positioning and navigation

Multi-sensor integration for mobile mapping, unmanned aerial systems, and autonomous driving

Hydrographic surveying


Selected Courses


After completing his master’s in satellite positioning at Alexandria University in Egypt, Ahmed El-Rabbany sought out groundbreaking researchers in his field. There was no internet back then, so El-Rabbany had to communicate the old fashioned way: by letter.

Eventually, a professor at the University of New Brunswick sent him a package about a new technology called GPS. Convinced GPS was the future, El-Rabbany changed his own global positioning and made the big move to New Brunswick. “I arrived in winter, wearing only a cotton sweater,” he says. “I was taken directly to buy a coat!”

GPS technology has developed significantly since then, as have El-Rabbany’s research interests. “All the sensors contained in smartphones, for example, provide a wealth of information. We can collect and integrate it for new uses, such as monitoring a medical condition or whether an elderly person has fallen. We can also use multi-sensor integration to develop driverless cars, intelligent transportation systems or unpiloted aerial systems.”

 Ahmed's LinkedIn Profile (external link, opens in new window) 

Ahmed El-Rabbany

“The more user-friendly an innovation, the more complex it is behind the scenes. Your experience gets simpler, and an engineer’s work gets harder.”

  • Service Recognition Award, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Science, Toronto Metropolitan University, March 2017.
  • Service Recognition Award, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Science, Toronto Metropolitan University, March 2013.
  • Merit Award, Toronto Metropolitan University, May 2009.
  • Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of contributions during the period 2002–2006, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), October 2006.
  • Associate Editor for Geomatica, Journal of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (2007-present)
  • Editorial Advisory Board member, Journal of Navigation, Royal Institute of Navigation, UK (2012-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Arab Institute of Navigation, Egypt (2010-present)
  • Invited as a Guest Editor for the December 2013 special issue of Geomatica, Journal of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics; featuring Satellite Positioning and Applications (2013)
  • Invited as a Guest Editor for the March 2005 special issue of Geomatica, Journal of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics; featuring Geodesy, Satellite Positioning and Integrated Navigation Systems (2005)
  • Vice President, Canadian Institute of Geomatics (2012 - 2013)
  • Chair, Toronto Branch of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (2004 - 2009)
  • Councillor and national chair of Geodesy committee to the Canadian Institute of Geomatics, Canada (1998 - 2010)
  • Co-Chair, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) WG-4.2: Vertical Reference Frame for Hydrography (2002 - 2006)
  • Conference Chair, International Navigation conference, Melaha 2008, Hurghada, Egypt, 13-15 April, 2008
  • Conference Co-chair, International Conference on Geomatics for Disaster Management, Toronto, Ontario, 23-25 May 2007
  • Conference Vice Chair, International Navigation Conference - Inland Transportation, Melaha 2006, Luxor, Egypt
  • Conference Vice President, International Navigation Conference, Melaha 2004, Cairo, Egypt (April 2004)
  • Conference Secretary General, International conference on marine navigation and technology, Alexandria, Egypt (January 2002)