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One Land, Two Hearts: Celebrating the world premieres of WhereWeStand

Feb. 23 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Feb. 25 in Brantford, Ontario

WhereWeStand banner

Come participate, experience and celebrate the world premieres of a novel multimedia storytelling project of identity and belonging produced by a cohort of Indigenous peoples and newcomers to Canada. Their collaborative project WhereWeStand (WWS) presents a range of creative multimedia works, from film to live storytelling, spoken word to dance, and more, to reflect on the differences and common ground of identity and belonging.

Two premieres take place in different locations across Turtle Island: 

The premieres are open to the public, and we welcome all who want to partake in this experience and celebration.

To register, follow links to the host venues provided above. More information about the project can be found on the CERC Migration website at

A limited number of spots are available for round-trip bus transportation to Brantford. Available on a first-come basis. Register at the link below to reserve a spot.


Presented with support from:
Canada logo

In partnership with:

CERC Migration logo
NSCAD logo
Bridging Divides logo
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Woodland Cultural Centre 50th logo