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Portrait of Marta Pérez

Marta Pérez Ramírez

Project Manager, Diversit – Association of Intercultural Cities

Visiting Toronto Metropolitan Univeristy

May 2025

Marta Pérez is a social scientist and migration expert, with a passion for cities and diversity management policies.

She is Project Manager at Diversit from where she supports cities and civil society actors in the design of strategies to promote equality, inclusion and social cohesion. She provides advice on the design, implementation and evaluation of diversity policies and is involved in the management of the Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities and the Anti-Rumours Strategy.

Her experience in public policy advice was forged at Access Europe (London), where she worked as a project manager and evaluator. Her work experience includes the CERC Migration research center and the Spanish Commission for Refugees. She has 14 years of experience designing and managing EU-funded projects and is an expert in the Intercultural Cities program (Council of Europe).

Marta holds an MA in International Relations (IBEI) and in Contemporary Migrations (UAB-UB).

Research focus while a Fellow with CERC

Marta will focus on the relationship between migrants, urbanization and place-making. She is working with different Spanish cities on the link between segregation and the intercultural approach, as it weakens the spaces for interaction.

She is interested in exploring projects and public policies in the field of housing, cultural and sports facilities and the design of public space and how they impact and intersect with the politics of inclusion of migrants and people from diverse backgrounds.

Last, the Cities of Migration Network has been of great inspiration, and Marta hopes to bring this community together with those who have European experiences.

Relevant publications or reports:

Pinyol-Jiménez, Pérez-Ramírez, M., (2022).  (PDF file) La inmigración en España hoy. (external link)  Documento de Trabajo 113/2022. Fundación Alternativas.

Domínguez, I., Ferrero, R., Mesa, B., Pérez-Ramírez, M., Pinyol-Jiménez, G. Terrón, A., (2020).  (PDF file) Flujos Migratorios en el Mediterráneo: causas, políticas y reforma (external link)  (PDF file) . (external link)  Documento de Trabajo Opex 102/2020. Fundación Alternativas.

Pérez-Ramírez, M. (2019, 28 marzo). Frenar la inmigración irregular, ¿política ficción?  (external link) Agenda Pública, 28 de marzo de 2020.

Gebhardt, D. and Pérez-Ramírez, M. (2019).  (PDF file) El Desarrollo de procesos participativos interculturales en el ámbito local (external link) . Kaleidos Red y RECI.