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Rica Agnes Castaneda

EducationPhD student, Toronto Metropolitan University
Areas of ExpertiseMigration governance, transnationalism, global cities, Asian migrations, migration and development

Rica Agnes Castaneda is a research assistant for the Decentering Migration Knowledge (DemiKnow) project. The project is examining international student experiences in Canada and the dynamic role of families in the migration decision-making process, with a current focus on Indian international students and their families.

Rica is a PhD Policy Studies student at Toronto Metropolitan University under the Immigration, Settlement and Diaspora stream. She completed her Master’s in International Studies at the National University of Singapore as an ASEAN Graduate Scholar, and was an Erasmus Mundus Scholar at the Migration and Social Cohesion Programme (MISOCO) at the Universiteit van Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Universidad Deusto in Bilbao, Spain.

A junior Global South researcher, her background is in Asian migrations, politics and the developing world. Her research interests include comparative migration policy and governance, specifically return migration and transnational practices. She intends to embark on research and creative projects looking at return and remittances as key points in both emigrant state governance and the migration narrative.

Recent Publications

Recent Publications 

With Niraula, A. (2023) The cost of mobility: International Students in the Tertiary Level. (external link)  IOM Migration Policy Practice.

With Triandafyllidou, A. (2022/10).  (PDF file) Migration, Decision Making and Young Families: A Literature Review.

With Niraula, A. (2022). The pandemic created challenges and opportunities for Canadian immigration. (external link)  The Conversation.

With Panelo, J. (2011). 'La Dolce Vita? Migration Culture in the Philippines' in Flexi-in-Security. Ten Stories and Photo Reportages on the Situation of Labor Migrants in Times of Economic Crisis. (external link)  Laura Kopecka, Jacob Hurrle & Jungius, Björn (eds) Multicultural Prague: Czech Republic. ISBN: 9788090480803.


Ethnography and the Decentering of the Knowledge Agenda (external link) . IMISCOE PhD Blog, Special Issue on Methods. Autumn 2022 (11).