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Portrait of Erika Borrelli

Erika Borrelli

EducationPhD student, University of Windsor
Areas of Expertisemigrant farmworkers; temporary labour migration; social sustainability; food justice and supply chains

Erika Borrelli is a research assistant for the CERC Migration’s Fair Farm Work project. The project is examining the viability of social sustainability initiatives in the agricultural industry to increase inspections and enforcement of ethical labour standards for migrant farmworkers. Erika is a PhD student at the University of Windsor in the department of Sociology and Criminology with a specialization in Social Justice. She completed her masters in Sociocultural Linguistics at the University of London, Goldsmiths. Her research centers on evaluating the effectiveness of non-state initiatives such as, social certification in the agrifood sector as a measure to enhance the working and living conditions of migrant farmworkers in Canada. She intends to expand this research by examining the structures of these initiatives to, determine whether they can not only grant additional rights to workers but also facilitate improved avenues for their voices to be heard.