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CERC in Health Equity and Community Wellbeing (HECW): Project Initiation Guide for Researchers

CERC in Health Equity and Community Wellbeing (HECW): Guide for Researchers

Getting Started

For efficient project initiation with the CERC-HECW program, researchers are encouraged to review the Researcher Guide for Projects, and the process for Research Ethics Board approval, training modules and other supporting materials.

To inititate a project with CERC Health Equity and Community Wellbeing, please complete the Project Initiation Form. We will aim to provide feedback within 10 business days of submission and push the project forward to the next steps.


Overview of Research Process

Research projects are approved, and associated data are collected, processed, analyzed, archived, stored and re-used, based on pre-approved project plans and approvals, research participant consent, and according to best practice research conduct throughout the research and data management lifecycle.

 The broad phases are:

  • Project planning, including partner engagement and staff training
  • REB approval
  • Data Collection
  • Data processing, meta-data and archiving
  • Data re-use and project close 


Details About Project Phases