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Abay, R. A., & Soldatić, K. (Eds.). (2024). Intersectional colonialities: Embodied colonial violence and practices of resistance at the axis of disability, race, indigeneity, class, and gender. Routledge. 

Ned, L., Velarde, M. R., Singh, S., Swartz, L., & Soldatić, K. (2024). The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health. Taylor & Francis.

Elder, B. C., Soldatić, K., Schwartz, M. A., Barney, J., Howard, D., & McGee, P. (2024). Barriers Experienced by First Nations Deaf People in the Justice System. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf (external link) 

Landry, D. (2024). A Mad-positive Children’s Book list (dispatch). Studies in Social Justice, 18(1), 66–75. (external link)  

Balram, R., Doh, D., Georgeou, N., Soldatić, K, & Mogensen, L. (2024). Navigating multiple and complex systems of care and support with ageing family carers from multicultural backgrounds in Australia. Disability & Society, 1–14.

Fitts, M. S., Johnson, Y., & Soldatić, K. (2024). The Emergency Department Response to Indigenous Women Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury from Family Violence: Insights from Interviews with Hospital Staff in Regional Australia. Journal of Family Violence

Van Toorn, G., & Soldatić, K. (2024). Disablism, racism and the spectre of eugenics in digital welfare. Journal of Sociology, 14407833241244828. 

Fitts, M., & Soldatić, K. (2024). Temporalities of emergency: the experiences of Indigenous women with traumatic brain injury from violence waiting for healthcare and service support in Australia. Health Sociology Review, 1–15. 

Fitts, M., & Soldatic, K. (n.d.). Global healthcare systems and violence against women and girls. Health Sociology Review, 0(0), 1–6. 

van Toorn, G., Henman, P., & Soldatić, K. (2024). Introduction to the digital welfare state: Contestations, considerations and entanglements. Journal of Sociology, 14407833241260890. 

Sullivan, C., Tran, D., Spurway, K., Briskman, L., Leha, J., Trewlynn, W., & Soldatić, K. (2024). “Absolutely it was not safe”: Indigenous LGBTIQSB+ experiences of education in Australia. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 53(1).

Istanboulian, L., Smith, K. M., & Soldatić, K. (2024). Patient Communication: Semantics as a Barrier to Humanism in Critical Care. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 39(4), 304. 

Istanboulian, L., Gilding, A. J., Hamilton, L., Master, T., Bingler, S., Soldatić, K., & Smith, K. M. (2024). Reported impact and protective factors of the care partner role during persistent critical illness: a content analysis. BMC Nursing, 23(1), 625. 

Istanboulian, L., Gilding, A., Hamilton, L., Coppinger, S., Smith, K., & Soldatić, K. Barriers to and facilitators for implementing a care partner program for adult patients with persistent critical illness: A short report. Nursing in Critical Care. (Submitted January 2025 – results pending).

Soldatic, K., Sullivan, C.T., Briskman, L. et al. Indigenous LGBTIQSB + People’s Experiences of Family Violence in Australia. Journal of Family Violence 39, 1241–1253 (2024). (external link, opens in new window) 

James, P., Lal, J., Liao, A., Magee, L., & Soldatic, K. (2024). Algorithmic decision-making in social work practice and pedagogy: confronting the competency/critique dilemma. Social Work Education43(6), 1552–1569. (external link, opens in new window) 

Abay, R. A., & Soldatić, K. (2024). The Coloniality of Disability: Analysing Intersectional Colonialities and Subaltern Resistance. In The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Disability Studies (pp. 15–23). Routledge. 

Afeworki Abay, R., & Soldatić, K. (2024). 1 Introduction: The relevance of analysing embodied violence and practices of resistance, contestation, and mobilisation at the axis of disability, race, indigeneity, class, and gender. In Intersectional Colonialities: Embodied colonial violence and practices of resistance at the axis of disability, race, indigeneity, class, and gender (pp. 1–9). Routledge. 

Soldatić, K., Doh, D., Balram, R., Mogensen, L., & Georgeou, N. (2024). The double bind: Ageing and the transition of care for people with disability and their carers from minority migrant communities. In The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health (pp. 686–696). Routledge. 

Nguyen, X. T., Soldatić, K., & Dyer, H. (2024). Conceptual and methodological issues in research with disabled youth in the Global South: towards decolonial futures in pandemic times. In Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth (pp. 186–199). Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Middelmann, T. (2024). 'A playing card in the world', in Selmeczi, A., Oldfield, S. and Barnett, C. (eds.) Knowing the City: Urban Scholarship from Apartheid to Democracy, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Press. 

Fitts, M., & Soldatić, K. (2024). TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AS A RESULT OF VIOLENCE FOR INDIGENOUS WOMEN. The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health


Tyabashe-Phume, B., Ned, L., Soldatić, K., Professor, & Hameed, S. (2024, September 17). Scoping Review Protocol on Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence Against Women with Disabilities in Low- And Middle-Income Countries.

Istanboulian, L., Soldatic, K., Professor, Gilding, A., Fraser, I., Honarmand, K., Ohle, R., … Yoon, R. (2024, November 25). Structural and Social Determinants of Health Impacting Outcomes for Adult Patients Discharged from Intensive Care Units: A Scoping Review Protocol.

Tunggal, E., Soldatic, K., Bustillo-Lecompte, C., & Hameed, S. (2025, January 24). Scoping review protocol on the impact of digital literacy on digital research participation for disabled women and gender diverse people in Canada from diverse socioeconomic status backgrounds. (external link) 

Lee, M., Soldatic, K., Professor, Landry, D., Forde, M., & Hodge, L. (2025, January 16). The role of post-secondary education in health and well-being through employment among under-represented youths in Canada. (external link, opens in new window) 

Lee, M. & Soldatic, K. (2025, January 12). Exploring the interplay between financial instability and health among people with disabilities in Canada. (external link, opens in new window) 

Istanboulian, L., Gilding, A., Hamilton, L., Lin, T., Liavas, M.  Quimson-Yeung, K., Master, T., Bingler S., Hill, M., Isani, S., Kazi, S.. Coppinger, S., Soldatić, K. & Smith, K. (Accepted October 15, 2024). Reimagining a Care Partner Program for Persistent Critical Illness Using Community Participatory Methods. CCCF November 17-20, 2024, Toronto, Canada.

Istanboulian, L., Gilding, A., Hamilton, L., Soldatić, K., & Smith, K. Working together to promote patient safety during prolonged critical illness: Family care partners as the missing link. Submitted July 23, 2024 for International [Poster presentation] Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare May 21-23, 2025, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Landry, D. “A fight worth remembering: Supporting the recall of and digitally archiving psychiatric consumer/survivor activism”. Presentation to the Disability Studies biannual conference. University of Leeds (UK): September 5, 2024.

Landry, D. “‘So much small 'a' advocacy’: Accounting for activist knowledge-practices fostered within psychiatric consumer/survivor businesses in southwestern Ontario (1985-2005).” Presentation to the Canadian Association of Work and Labour Studies (CAWLS) annual conference, Emancipated Labour Sustainable Futures. Université du Québec à Montréal: June 19, 2024.

Kernan, L., Fernandes, K., McMahon, R., Landry, D., Morrow, M. & McWade, B. “Sanism and the mad subject”. Roundtable session to the Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Conference (CASCA), Sedimented Histories, Vital Trajectories. UBC Okanagan: May 18, 2024.

Landry. D. “Maddening the Children’s Section: Patchworking a Mad-positive Book List.” Presentation to Crip Kid Lit: Critical Approaches to Disability in Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Media. University of Cambridge, UK: April 20, 2024.

Middelmann, T. 'Towards Inclusive Publics: A Critical Disability lens to ground collaborative homelessness research'. Presentation to the Disability Studies biannual conference. University of Leeds (UK): September 5, 2024. (Conference paper)

CERC HECW Panel at the Disability Studies biannual conference. University of Leeds (UK): September 5, 2024 (Karen Soldatic, Danielle Landry and Temba Middelmann)

Istanboulian, L. (2024, December). Re-imagining an Essential Care Partner Program for Persistent Critical Illness. Wellesley Forum. Toronto Metropolitan University.

Istanboulian, L. (2024, November). Re-imagining an Essential Care Partner Program for Persistent Critical Illness. East Toronto Health Partners. Michael Garron Hospital.

Istanboulian, L. (2024, November). Re-imagining an Essential Care Partner Program for Persistent Critical Illness. Celebrate Research Week. Community Health, Wellbeing and Education Day. William Osler Research Institute.

Istanboulian, L., Gilding A., Soldatic, K., & Smith, K (October 10, 2024). Re-imagining an Essential Care Partner Program for Persistent Critical Illness. Bridging Divides Retreat. Toronto Metropolitan University.

Istanboulian, L. (2024, June). Reported roles for care partners during persistent critical illness. Rapid fire presentation. Daphne Cockwell School of Nursin

Tybashe-Phume, B., Ned, L., Tunggal, E., & Soldatic, K. (2024, December 9). Women with Disabilities Vulnerable to Technology Facilitated GBV

Landry, D. “Accounting for advocacy: Consumer/survivor businesses in southwestern Ontario (1980 – 2005)”. Friendly Spike Theatre Band’s Mad Pride Celebration 2024. Virtual: July 11, 2024.