Research for the Next Generation of Cities
Ryerson University’s new Centre for Urban Innovation (CUI) is a collaborative space where big thinkers come together to tackle the challenges posed by our ever-growing cities. From alternative energy and water management to data analytics and smart urban infrastructure, our researchers are helping to define the cities of the next century.
The CUI is a hub where important areas of research and forward-thinking are being done in an urban space.
Our Space
Centre for Urban Energy (CUE)
An academic-industry partnership that explores and develops sustainable solutions to urban energy challenges.
Urban Water TMU
Develops cost-effective solutions to support a healthy urban water cycle with a multi-disciplinary collective of experts.
Data Analytics
Develops artificial intelligence techniques to analyze data structures and create recommendations and predictive, practical models in telecom, healthcare, finance, social media and software engineering.
Food Research
A lab that investigates innovative ways to improve food quality, texture and health-promoting properties.
Laboratory of Innovation in Transportation (LiTrans)
This lab is working towards creating a cyber-physical future of urban mobility using intelligent technologies & mathematics.
Nutrition Discovery Labs
Focuses on physiological and environmental factors that contribute to appetite and energy imbalances to provide strategies that promote human health.
Visit the Nutrition Discovery Labs website (opens in new window) .
Smart Urban Infrastructure
Combines expertise in engineering, science and management to examine urban infrastructure and transportation logistics.
Clean Energy Zone
An incubator focused on bringing clean, sustainable energy products, services and solutions to market.
Science Discovery Zone
A research, development and incubation space that provides groundbreaking work through rigorous thinking and practical problem solving.
Visit the Science Discovery Zone website (opens in new window) .
Zone Learning
A Ryerson model of experiential learning built to prepare students for the 21st-century workplace. It lets them apply their coursework to develop startups, causes, companies, projects or ventures.