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Featured Publications & Presentations

The Centre for Immigration and Settlement (TMCIS) features publications and presentations from friends and affiliates of the Centre whose work is relevant to migration and settlement. In all cases, TMCIS has obtained permission from the author(s) to post or link to their work. The views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of the TMCIS.

Please direct any questions about TMCIS featured publications and presentations to

George, U. (2020, October 27). Will Canada give its foreign essential workers their rights? Pandemic Borders. Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration. Ryerson University. openDemocracy.

Bauder, H., Ali, M. A., & Shields, J. (2019). Introduction to Putting Family First: Migration and Integration in Canada, MRS No. 57, Migration Research Series; Geneva: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 18.

George, U. (2019, October 3). The Global Governance of Migration: Global Migration Trends and Statistics. [PowerPoint Presentation].

Pourchot, G. (2019, October 3). Global Compact on Migration: What Is and Is Not Working – The Case of Europe. [PowerPoint Presentation].

Triandafyllidou, A. (2019, October 3). The Global Governance of Migration and Asylum: Arguing for a Mess Management Approach. [PowerPoint Presentation].

Hulchanski, D. (2019, February 14). How Segregated is Toronto? Inequality, Polarization, and Segregation: Trends and Processes. [PowerPoint Presentation].