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Creating Akindi Bubble Sheets Assessments for Final Exams

November 23, 2022
2:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST
Open To
Faculty, Instructors and Staff

About this event

Akindi is an integrated assessment system that supports online, hybrid, and bubble sheet examinations. It is the Scantron bubble sheet alternative that supports more question types and scoring options. The tool is accessed through a D2L Brightspace course shell and includes an assessment builder, the ability to input test answers, and provides question analytics. Once an assessment is created and ready, instructors can either print and scan the bubble sheets themselves using any printer and scanner, or easily send it off to the printshop.

This session provides the walkthrough of using Akinidi, starting from the creation of the exam/test, printing, distribution to students, scanning, to the reporting and synchronizing with the Brightspace gradebook.


Facilitated by:

Hilary Julien, Instructional Technology Specialist, Digital Media Projects Office

Kira Chong, Instructional Technology Specialist