Academic Computing Labs

- Three general-purpose teaching and drop-in computer labs (KHW71A, KHW71C and LIB393).
- Three general-purpose drop-in only labs (KHW71, KHW71F and LIB386L).
- Other general purpose drop-in systems are dispersed throughout the library (near the elevators) on floors five to nine.
- One specialized lab (KHW71B). Access to the B lab is restricted to students taking courses that are booked into the lab or by request from an instructor for a student who needs access to the lab.
***Drop in labs are not bookable***
Note: KHW71G computer lab is under contract to the Faculty of Community Services. This lab (KHW71G) may only be booked for courses from the Faculty of Community Services. Only students and faculty of Schools in the Faculty of Community Services may use this lab; other students will find their accounts are not valid on the workstations in KHW71G.
For all Academic Computer Lab locations refer to (PDF file) campus lab map (opens in new window) .
Rooms with teaching access are available as drop-in labs approximately 50% of the time. Weekly room schedules are posted on the lab doors every Monday morning and online at Lab Schedules. Access to KHW71B is restricted to students who are enrolled in the courses booked into those labs. You also need a valid account on the lab system before you can use the workstations in these labs.
Faculty wishing to book a teaching lab please use our Online Lab Request form (opens in new window) . Students may not book computer labs.
Note: When a room is booked for a class it is not available for drop-in use.
CCS operates three general-purpose facilities containing personal computers, running Windows 10. These labs access central services and applications running on Toronto Metropolitan University's (TMU) servers. For a complete list of all software available in these labs please refer to Software Available in ACS Labs.
All users have to login to use the workstations and must log out before leaving. On startup, Windows 10 machines will prompt you to log in before you can use them. After you log in, the Windows 10 system displays a task bar at the bottom of the screen.
Before leaving a workstation in any of the Academic Computing Labs, students must delete their documents saved to one of the workstation hard drives and then log off. This preserves privacy. Work can be saved to a memory key or burned onto a CD.
You must log out of the Windows 10 system after finishing your workstation session. This prevents others from accessing your lab account.
Advisors are available to assist users in KHW71 and will typically provide:
- help starting and quitting applications;
- assistance obtaining printed output from applications;
- help with problems opening and saving data files;
- troubleshooting of workstation hardware and operating system problems;
- pointers to available documentation including: manuals, on-line help where available, and other printed help materials.
Advisors will not do academic work and are not expected to provide "how-to" assistance with all applications. On occasion, if an advisor knows an application and has time, that advisor may provide some application support. Please do not expect that your application "how-to" questions will regularly be answered. Advisors will not answer questions regarding assignments or projects. Please refer these to your professor, teaching assistant, or department.
Phones are provided in the remote labs to call KHW71 for assistance at extension 556840.
You can bring food and drink in the KHW71, KHW71F, KHW71A, KHW71B and KHW71C labs, but with certain restrictions. Cold, 'finger' food and bagged lunches can be eaten in them, but please consume hot food that emits odours elsewhere. Respect others by disposing of waste and recycling in the appropriate bins. Users may be asked to leave if they do not adhere to these policies.
Note: KHW71B lab is currently available through VApps.
Only authorized users, who are taking courses booked in KHW71B or by request from an instructor can access the lab. The request can be sent to
Please refer to Software Available in ACS Labs for a complete list of all software available in KHW71B.
There are 32 workstations which are Intel(R) Xeon(R) systems, with 2.67 GHz processors, 16 GB of RAM and 23" dual monitors. This lab is dedicated to higher-end computing tasks. It also offers a high-resolution projection system.